This is a KiCad data and Gerber data and Fritzing illustration for making a neopixel_i2c board only with through hole parts.
neopixel_i2c is I2C neopixel LED controller designed by Brian Starkey (gitHub ID : usedbytes).
neopixel_i2c is a intelligent driver for easy controlling Nopixel LEDs by Raspberry Pi etc via I2C. Of course by CHIRIMEN webI2C!
- Original board design (picopixel) with surface mount parts:
- Original firmware :
- Issue fixed firmware:
- 2N7000 x 2
- R 2.2K Ohm x 2
- R 10K Ohm
- C 0.1 uF
- Pin headers
- IC Socket DIP 8P
- This PCB ( size: 37mm x 18mm )
- See I2C-NOEPIXEL_I2C section of
CC BY-SA 3.0 based on picopixel license