This is my collection of algorithms. Migrate from CodePlex
contains several extensions for array, list, date, int, string and more.
You can use the extensions to make you code easier.
var matchQuery = new {
BirthDate = 1.January(2000), //Create date easily
Iam = Sex.Man,
LookingFor = Array.Enum<Sex>(), //Looking for Man, and Woman! (Expand enum)
AgeRange = 18.To(25) //Create number range
You will also be able to write Functional Programming and Dynamic Programming.
Func<int, int> fibo = null;
fibo = x => fibo(x - 1) + fibo(x - 2);
fibo = fibo.When(x => x <= 1, x => x); //Able to do pattern matching
fibo = fibo.Memoize(); //Allow you to do memoization
var result = fibo(38);
With Chaow.Numeric
, you will get several new based classes for using in your code.
var prime = new Prime();
var isPrime = prime.Contains(142857); //Test for prime number
var primeList = prime.Take(10000); //Generate prime numbers
You can easily analyze your math functions with Chaow.Numeric2
ie. Solve integer of X, Y in {"3XX + 14XY + 6YY - 17X - 23Y - 505 = 0"}
var solutions = Diophantine.Parse((x, y) => 3 * x * x + 14 * x * y + 6 * y * y - 17 * x - 23 * y - 505).Solutions;
var x = solutions[0].X0;
var y = solutions[0].Y0;
ie2. Find formula from sequence of numbers
var formula = MathExt2.PolynomialInterpolation(new Rational[] { 1, 8, 27, 64 });
//Output is x => x.Power(3)
will allow you to backtrack with any types of problem.
ie. Solve 8 Queens easily, with few lines of code.
var solutions = "ABCDEFGH".Backtrack(8);
solutions.BacktrackingModel = BacktrackingModel.Permutation;
solutions.AppendConstraint(set => q =>
set.All((x, i) => (set.Length - i != (x - q).Abs()))
var answer = solutions.First();
Finally, may I introduce new language LINCON (Language INtegrated CONstraint programming). LINCON is strong type constraint programming, which fast, declarative style and fun!
ie3. Solving Einstein's puzzle with LINCON!
var solutions = from n in ArrayExt.Enum<Nationality>().ToConstraintList(5)
from c in ArrayExt.Enum<HouseColor>().ToConstraintList(5)
from s in ArrayExt.Enum<Smoke>().ToConstraintList(5)
from d in ArrayExt.Enum<Drink>().ToConstraintList(5)
from p in ArrayExt.Enum<Pet>().ToConstraintList(5)
from i in 0.To(4).ToConstraintIndex()
where Constraint.AllDifferent(n)
where Constraint.AllDifferent(c)
where Constraint.AllDifferent(s)
where Constraint.AllDifferent(d)
where Constraint.AllDifferent(p)
where n[0] == Nationality.Norwegian
where d[2] == Drink.Milk
where (n[i] == Nationality.British) == (c[i] == HouseColor.Red)
where (n[i] == Nationality.German) == (s[i] == Smoke.Prince)
where (c[i] == HouseColor.Yellow) == (s[i] == Smoke.DunHill)
where (n[i] == Nationality.Danish) == (d[i] == Drink.Tea)
where (c[i] == HouseColor.Green) == (d[i] == Drink.Coffee)
where (s[i] == Smoke.BlueMaster) == (d[i] == Drink.Beer)
where (n[i] == Nationality.Swedish) == (p[i] == Pet.Dog)
where (s[i] == Smoke.PallMall) == (p[i] == Pet.Bird)
where (c[i] == HouseColor.Green) == (c[i + 1] == HouseColor.White)
where (p[i] == Pet.Cat) ? (s[i - 1] == Smoke.Blend || s[i + 1] == Smoke.Blend) : true
where ((p[i] == Pet.Horse) ? (s[i - 1] == Smoke.DunHill || s[i + 1] == Smoke.DunHill) : true)
where ((n[i] == Nationality.Norwegian) ? (c[i - 1] == HouseColor.Blue || c[i + 1] == HouseColor.Blue) : true)
where ((s[i] == Smoke.Blend) ? (d[i - 1] == Drink.Water || d[i + 1] == Drink.Water) : true)
select 0.To(4).Select(x =>
new {
Nationality = n[x],
HouseColor = c[x],
Smoke = s[x],
Drink = d[x],
Pet = p[x]
var answer = solutions.First();
module | description |
Chaow.Algorithms | provides data type to solve specific problems ie. binary indexed tree disjoint set, hungarian algorithm |
Chaow.Combinatorics | enables you to do combinatoric search easier ie. combination, permutation, partition |
Chaow.Expression | enhances the power of expression ie. exp matcher, exp replacer, exp rewriter |
Chaow.Extensions | extends .NET framework types ie. int, string, ienumerable, func |
Chaow.LINCON | language integrated constraint programming, allows you to write cp with linq |
Chaow.Numeric | provides various high performance numeric types ie. prime, biginteger, rational |
Chaow.Numeric 2 | allows you to do mathematical analysis ie. diophantine solver, polynomial rewriter |
- My blog (Thai language)