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File metadata and controls

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Extensions for Azure Storage Client library


Get it

PM> Install-Package AzureStorageExtensions

Basic usage

1. Context

Create Context is easy, just inherit from BaseCloudContext and declear property any types of CloudQueue, CloudBlobContainer, CloudTable, and new generic CloudTable<T>

public class MyContext : BaseCloudContext
    public MyContext(string connectionString) : base(connectionString) { }

    public CloudQueue MyQueue { get; set; }
    public CloudBlobContainer MyBlob { get; set; }
    public CloudTable<MyClass> MyTable { get; set; }

2. CloudTable

The new generic CloudTable allow you to create, retrieve, update, replace, merge, delete, query, and bulk opertations much easier.

var person = await context.Person.RetrieveAsync(partitionKey, rowKey);
await context.Persons.InsertAsync(newPerson);
await context.Persons.InsertOrReplaceAsync(newPerson);
await context.Persons.InsertOrMergeAsync(partialPerson);
await context.Persons.UpdateAsync(person);
await context.Persons.ReplaceAsync(person);
await context.Persons.MergeAsync(partialPerson);
await context.Persons.DeleteAsync(person);

//bulk also support for all operations
await context.Persons.BulkInsertAsync(persons);

//async query also support (required System.Linq.Async)
var children = await (from p in context.Persons.Query()
                      where p.Age <= 18
                      select p)

3. Archive Table

Table (also blob container and queue) can be parition by time. This is suitable for log or temporary data. Just add setting attribute to property in context.

public class MyContext : BaseCloudContext
    public CloudTable<Log> Logs { get; set; }

When new logs insert to table it will be kept based on time.

4. Expandable Table Entity

Azure table limits each property to 64k, but ExpandableTableEntity allows you to keep data up to 1M limit.

public class Log : ExpandableTableEntity 
    public string Message { get; set; } //this message can be up to 1M

Migrate from 1.x

AzureStorageExtensions is no more depending on Web.Config. You can add constructor and read connection string.

public class MyContext : BaseCloudContext
    public MyContext() 
    : base(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[nameof(MyContext)].ConnectionString) { }