neurobenzene: An improved benzene project for playing and solving Hex with the help of deep neural networks
This reposotory is built upon benzene-vanilla-cmake.
Dependent libraries from vanilla benzene:
boost, berkeley-db.
On Ubuntu, install via
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
sudo apt-get install libdb-dev
On Mac, use brew
As November 25th 2018, this repository supports C API from TensorFlow 1.12,
therefore it is unnecessary to compile TensorFlow
from source anymore!
But, you need to setup C API first, by the following instructions:
GPU Only supported on Linux. Sepcifically, pre-released
Tensorflow C API 1.12
andCUDNN 7.1.4
, make sure you have them in your tensorflow_c_gpu/ source
CPU (Mac or Linux)
cd tensorflow_c_cpu/ source
At tensorflow_c_cpu
or tensorflow_c_gpu
, there is test source code hello_tf.c
, you may try
sh gcc hello_tf.c -o test_hello -ltensorflow -ltensorflow_framework ./test_hello
To verify that your TensorFlow C API
have been correctly set up. If so, it should display
Hello from TensorFlow C library version 1.12.0
After everything is ready, build the project by:
$mkdir build
$cd build
$cmake ../
On Mac, there might be linking error
to db
or boost
, in such case, you may revise your ~/.bash_profile
(Mac OS), e.g.,
# berkeley-db
export CPATH=$CPATH:/usr/local/Cellar/berkeley-db/6.2.23/include
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/Cellar/berkeley-db/6.2.23/lib
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/Cellar/berkeley-db/6.2.23/lib
export CPATH=$CPATH:/usr/local/Cellar/boost/1.64.0_1/include
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/Cellar/boost/1.64.0_1/lib
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/Cellar/boost/1.64.0_1/lib
Try ./build/src/mohex/mohex3HNN
a b c d e f g h i j k
1\. . . . . . . . . . .\1
2\. . . . . . . . . . .\2
3\. . . . . . . . . . .\3
4\. . . . . . . . . . .\4
5\. . . . . . . . . . .\5
6\. . . . . . . . . . .\6
7\. . . . . . . . . . .\7
8\. . . . . . . . . . .\8
9\. . . . . . . . . . .\9
10\. . . . . . . . . . .\10
11\. . . . . . . . . . .\11
a b c d e f g h i j k
= Loaded neural net: /home/chenyang/cg/neurobenzene/share/nn/11x11train4.txt.out-post.ckpt-1.const.pb
Use nn_load nn_model for new model, note nn_model should be a full path or just model name if it is available in share/nn/
List available nn models at share/nn/
play b g3
a b c d e f g h i j k
1\. . . . . . . . . . .\1
2\. . . . . . . . . . .\2
3\. . . . . . B . . . .\3
4\. . . . . . . . . . .\4
5\. . . . . . . . . . .\5
6\. . . . . . . . . . .\6
7\. . . . . . . . . . .\7
8\. . . . . . . . . . .\8
9\. . . . . . . . . . .\9
10\. . . . . . . . . . .\10
11\. . . . . . . . . . .\11
a b c d e f g h i j k
genmove w
63079 info: Best move cannot be determined, must search state.
63079 info: --- MoHexPlayer::Search() ---
63079 info: Color: white
63079 info: MaxGames: 99999999
63079 info: NumberThreads: 1
63079 info: MaxNodes: 10416666 (999999936 bytes)
63079 info: TimeForMove: 10
63079 info: Time for PreSearch: 0.387516s
63079 info:
a b c d e f g h i j k
1\. . . * * * * * * * .\1
2\. . * * * * * * * * .\2
3\. * * * * * B * * * .\3
4\. * * * * * * * * * .\4
5\. * * * * * * * . * .\5
6\. * * * * * * * * * .\6
7\. * . * * * * * * * .\7
8\. * * * * * * * * * .\8
9\. * * * * * * * * * .\9
10\. * * * * * * * * . .\10
11\. * * * * * * * . . .\11
a b c d e f g h i j k
63079 info: no subtree to reuse since old position not exists
63079 info: No subtree to reuse.
63079 info: Creating thread 0
63079 info: StartSearch()[0]
0:05 | 0.424 | 8110 | 3.4 | e7 g6 g5 ^ f6 f5 e6 e5 i4
SgUctSearch: move cannot change anymore
63079 info:
Elapsed Time 9.35722s
Count 14802
GamesPlayed 14802
Nodes 61741
Knowledge 35 (0.2%)
Expansions 656.0
Time 8.80
GameLen 120.0 dev=0.0 min=120.0 max=120.0
InTree 3.6 dev=1.6 min=0.0 max=11.0
KnowDepth 2.0 dev=1.0 min=0.0 max=4.0
Aborted 0%
Games/s 1681.9
Score 0.42
Sequence e7 g6 g5 f6 f5 e6 e5 i4 h5
moveselect dithering threshold: 0 num stones in current state:1
63079 info:
= e7
In subdir simplefeature3
, there is a relatively independent Python project
used to train the neural net.
Newly added commands:
nn_load <path_to_nn_model> # if no parameter followed, display the loaded model
nn_evaluate #evaluate the current board state by a forward pass
param_mohex moveselect_ditherthreshold <int>
# softmax selection according to #count when the number of stones is less than threshold
param_mohex use_playout_const <float, [0,1]> # how to combine playout result
Display default parameters:
[bool] backup_ice_info 1
[bool] extend_unstable_search 1
[bool] lock_free 0
[bool] lazy_delete 1
[bool] perform_pre_search 1
[bool] prior_pruning 1
[bool] ponder 0
[bool] reuse_subtree 1
[bool] search_singleton 0
[bool] use_livegfx 0
[bool] use_parallel_solver 0
[bool] use_rave 1
[bool] use_root_data 1
[bool] use_time_management 0
[bool] weight_rave_updates 0
[bool] virtual_loss 1
[string] bias_term 0
[string] expand_threshold 10
[string] fillin_map_bits 16
[string] first_play_urgency 0.35
[string] playout_global_gamma_cap 0.157
[string] knowledge_threshold "256"
[string] number_playouts_per_visit 1
[string] max_games 99999999
[string] max_memory 1999999872
[string] max_nodes 10416666
[string] max_time 10
[string] move_select count
[string] num_threads 1
[string] progressive_bias 2.47
[string] vcm_gamma 282
[string] randomize_rave_frequency 30
[string] rave_weight_final 830
[string] rave_weight_initial 2.12
[string] time_control_override -1
[string] uct_bias_constant 0.22
[string] moveselect_ditherthreshold 0
[string] use_playout_const 0
new commands
#if no argument given, display loaded nn, otherwise load the nn either using 1) model name in share/nn/ if path is relative
or 2) absolute path to nn model
nn_ls #list available nn models at share/nn/
nn_evaluate # call single nn pass, display p,q,v values.
mohex-self-play n filetosave
#mohex-self-play n games, then save the games to file
param_mohex root_dirichlet_prior 0.06
#arg is a flot number, if 0 means no dirichlet at all;
#if root_dirichlet_prior is non-zero, then
# p(s,a) = 0.75 *p(s,a) + 0.25*nosie, where noise is sampled from Dir(root_dirichlet_prior)
When one mohex-self-play
command is finished, played games are saved offline with format:
- Each line is one game
- A game consists of a sequence of black and white moves, where black starts first
- Each move follows a probability distribution from which the move was drawn
- At the end of each line lies the game value, w.r.t the player to play after the last move
One example game:
B[b3] W[j4][j4:0.37;i5:0.06;h6:0.02;g7:0.05;f8:0.12;e9:0.12;d10:0.22;] B[i5][k4:0.08;i5:0.85;] W[i4][k2:0.01;l2:0.04;j3:0.01;k3:0.02;l3:0.25;i4:0.30;k4:0.10;j5:0.04;k5:0.15;k6:0.05;] B[h5][h5:0.95;] W[h4][h4:0.95;] B[g5][f5:0.02;g5:0.95;] W[g4][g4:0.98;] B[f5][e5:0.09;f5:0.89;] W[f4][f4:0.98;] B[e5][d5:0.35;e5:0.63;] W[e4][e4:0.96;] B[d5][c5:0.17;d5:0.79;] W[d4][d4:0.95;] B[c5][b5:0.19;c5:0.80;] W[c4][c4:0.96;] B[a5][a5:0.97;] W[b5][b5:0.97;] B[a6][a6:0.97;] W[b6][b6:0.97;] B[a7][a7:0.98;] W[b7][b7:0.96;] B[a8][a8:0.98;] W[b8][b8:0.98;] B[a9][a9:0.98;] W[b9][b9:0.97;] B[a10][a10:0.98;] W[b10][b10:0.91;b11:0.04;b12:0.03;] B[a11][a11:0.97;] W[b12][b11:0.02;b12:0.98;] B[b11][c10:0.14;b11:0.83;] W[c11][c11:0.54;d11:0.42;] B[c10][c10:0.95;] W[d10][d10:0.67;e10:0.19;f10:0.05;] B[d8][d8:0.68;d9:0.08;f9:0.03;e10:0.17;] W[d9][c2:0.01;g8:0.02;h8:0.07;d9:0.67;f9:0.03;g9:0.02;h9:0.03;f10:0.06;g10:0.06;] B[c9][c9:0.97;] W[h8][g8:0.04;h8:0.25;i8:0.12;h9:0.21;f10:0.22;g10:0.04;e11:0.01;f11:0.06;] B[i8][j7:0.02;g8:0.02;i8:0.91;f9:0.01;] W[i7][i7:0.73;h9:0.09;i9:0.14;] B[j7][k6:0.16;j7:0.71;g8:0.01;f9:0.08;] W[h9][j6:0.39;h9:0.57;] B[e10][j6:0.26;i9:0.23;j9:0.06;e10:0.42;] W[d12][c2:0.13;e8:0.02;f8:0.30;e11:0.10;d12:0.41;] B[j6][j6:0.91;i9:0.03;f11:0.03;] W[i9][i9:0.66;i10:0.30;] B[j9][k8:0.10;j9:0.85;f11:0.02;] W[j8][j8:0.96;] B[l7][l7:0.98;] W[k7][j5:0.01;k7:0.81;k8:0.04;f11:0.12;] B[l6][k6:0.04;l6:0.92;] W[k6][k2:0.05;l3:0.05;k4:0.05;k6:0.77;k8:0.04;f11:0.01;] B[l5][l5:0.96;] W[k8][j5:0.05;k5:0.06;k8:0.62;f11:0.23;] B[l8][l8:0.96;] W[k9][j5:0.09;k5:0.10;k9:0.75;f11:0.03;] B[l9][l9:0.95;k11:0.01;] W[k11][j5:0.04;k5:0.08;k10:0.13;k11:0.72;] B[k10][k10:0.92;f11:0.05;k12:0.01;] W[j11][j5:0.01;k5:0.10;j11:0.86;] B[j10][j10:0.96;k12:0.01;] W[j5][j5:0.57;k5:0.11;i11:0.29;] B[k5][k5:0.96;] W[i6][i6:0.96;i11:0.01;] B[l3][l3:0.51;f11:0.19;h11:0.21;i11:0.08;] W[i11][l2:0.06;i11:0.93;] B[k12][f8:0.10;m10:0.20;e11:0.15;f11:0.11;g11:0.09;h11:0.11;k12:0.22;] W[l10][l10:1.00;] B[h11][f8:0.04;g10:0.03;e11:0.15;f11:0.27;g11:0.19;h11:0.31;] W[g12][c2:0.02;d2:0.03;g12:0.95;] B[e12][f8:0.08;g10:0.01;g11:0.05;e12:0.56;f12:0.02;h12:0.25;] W[f11][f11:0.98;g11:0.01;] B[g10][f8:0.07;g10:0.54;h12:0.39;] W[e11][e11:1.00;] -1.000000
A closed loop shell which does
- call mohex-self-play produce a set of games
- refine neural net on those games by running ../simplefeature3/neuralnet/
- freeze trained neural net via ../simplefeature3/freeze_graph/
- use nn_load to load new nn model
- Go back to step 1
Since step 1) is rather time and computation consuming,
e.g., 20-block version AlphaGo Zero generated over 4 million games.
How fast is mohex-self-play on a single GPU GTX1080 computer?
If 1000 simulations per move, a move consumes about 1s (would be slower if using expand_threshold 0
So if a game has 60 moves, then it takes 10^6 minutes for 1 million game
1 million minutes is 10**6/60.0 ~= 700 days
Closed loop scripts are at closedloop/
In-tree formula
If use_rave
is false, then
Use param_mohex use_playout_const
to control the weight of random playout result backed up, default is 0.
Setting it to 1
disables value net.
- Chao Gao, Siqi Yan, Ryan Hayward, Martin Mueller. A transferable neural network for Hex CG 2018.
- Chao Gao, Kei TakaDa, Ryan Hayward. Hex 2018: MoHex3HNN over DeepEzo. 21st Computer Olympiad Report: program MoHex3HNN based on three-head net and transfer learning (128 filters per layer, 10 residual blocks, iteratively trained on ~0.4 million self-play generated games) won 11x11 and 13x13 Hex tournaments. The challenger DeepEzo uses minimax search based RL for training. Previous champion MoHex2.0 is now a weak baseline compared to MoHex3HNN and DeepEzo
- Chao Gao, Martin Mueller, Ryan Hayward. Three-Head Neural Network Architecture for Monte Carlo Tree Search. IJCAI-ECAI 2018.
- Chao Gao, Martin Mueller, Ryan Hayward. Adversarial Policy Gradient for Alterating Markov Games. Sixth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2018), Workshop track, 2018.
- Chao Gao, Ryan Hayward, Martin Mueller. Move Prediction using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks in Hex. IEEE Transaction on Games, 2017. This paper investigates the move prediction problem in Hex. By learning on MoHex 2.0 self-play generated data, MoHex-CNN achieves 70% winrate against MoHex 2.0 on 13x13 board size after using the learned knowledge as its in-tree prior probability.
- Chao Gao, Ryan Hayward, Martin Mueller. Focused depth-first proof number search using convolutional neural networks for the game of Hex. Proceedings of the 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-2017). AAAI Press, 2017.
This project is developed by:
- Chao Gao - main developer
- Jakub Pawlewicz
This project is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation - version 3.