The "wcfish" R package can be installed from GitHub with:
# Run if you don't already have devtools installed
# Run once devtools is successfully installed
devtools::install_github("cfree14/wcfish", force=T)
Alternatively, you can download the datasets included in this package as Excel files from the Dryad open-access data repository here:
The package includes the following West Coast fisheries datasets (listed below):
Coastwide datasets
- West Coast commercial fisheries species:
- West Coast commercial fishing ports:
- West Coast commercial fishing blocks shapefile:
California (CDFW) spatial datasets
- California marine protected areas (MPAs) shapefile:
California (CDFW) fisheries datasets
- Annual commercial landings by source and species:
- Annual commercial landings by port and species:
- Annual number of licensed commercial fishers by area of residence:
- Annual number of registered commercial fishing vessels by length class:
- Annual number of registered commercial fishing vessels by port complex:
- Annual number of registered commercial fishing vessels:
- Annual CPFV landings by species:
- Annual CPFV landings by port complex and species:
- Annual CPFV participation and effort by port complex and species:
- Annual kelp harvest by bed type:
- Annual kelp harvest overall:
PACFIN datasets
- Species meta-data:
- Ports and port complexes meta-data:
- Annual commercial landings by state (CA/OR/WA) and species:
- Annual commercial landings by state (CA/OR/WA), gear, and species:
- Annual commercial landings by state (CA/OR/WA), port complex, and species:
- Monthly commercial landings by state (CA/OR/WA) and species:
- Monthly commercial Dungeness crab landings by state (CA/OR/WA) and port complex:
RECFIN datasets
- Annual recreational mortality by state, water area, mode, trip type, and species:
- Annual recreational mortality by state, mode, and species:
- Weekly salmon mortality in OR and WA by sub-areas, trip type, and species:
- Monthly salmon landings in CA by water area, mode, and species:
Other West Coast fisheries datasets
- Monthly commercial landings in CA by port complex and species from the SWFCC:
- Annual commercial landings in CA by port complex, gear type, and species from the CALCOM:
A dataset can be accessed and inspected as in the following example:
# See dataset metadata by typing a question mark and the dataset name
# Store the dataset in an object of your own choosing as follows:
blocks_sf <- wcfish::blocks
The package implements miscellaneous functions including functions to:
- Check spelling of common names:
- Reverse the format of common names (e.g., "Crab, Dungeness" to "Dungeness crab"):
- Convert common names to a common format (i.e., all to "regular" or "reverse" formats):
- Harmonize common names and scientific names:
- Extract the CDFW block id associated with a list of GPS coordinates:
A vignette illustrating the use of the wcfish R package is available here:
Free CM, Vargas Poulsen C, Bellquist LF, Wassermann SN, Oken KL (2022) The CALFISH database: a century of California’s non-confidential fisheries landings and participation data. Ecological Informatics 69: 101599.