The following code snippet emulates the situation where the code is in version 3.0.x while the data is in version 2.0.2.
# update the references
git fetch --tags
# give me the code state for 3.0.0 ...
git checkout 3.0.0
If you don't have a database filled with 2.x version data, it can be filled with sample data from version 2.0.2 using
git checkout 2.0.2 -- database/db-init
but for the 2.0.2 sample data to get used, you'll need to remove the current database files from docker-volumes/db
well, see instructions here. Note this has the potential for THE LOSS OF
It should now be possible to upgrade the sample data as follows:
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose log --follow
If you opted to fill the database with 2.0.2 sample data by doing the git checkout 2.0.2 -- database/db-init
you can roll back those changes once the Research Software Directory is up (and has had time to restore the database
files from db-init
) using:
git reset HEAD database/db-init
git checkout -- database/db-init
Verify that the API is serving v2.0.2 data by visiting http://localhost/api/project/764.
Then, in a new terminal,
# copy the migrate script to inside the running database service
docker cp data-migration/2.0-to-3.0/migrate.js $(docker-compose ps -q database):/tmp
# run the migrate script
docker-compose exec database mongo rsd /tmp/migrate.js
# update the cache
docker-compose exec harvesting python resolve all
The data you get from the API should now be according to the 3.0.x schema, e.g. http://localhost/api/project/764, and all aspects of the site should now work. You should verify if everything works by doing the checks mentioned in section Verifying the local installation.
Optionally update the project data from corporate website by doing following (continue in the terminal from the previous section):
python3 -m virtualenv -p python3 venv3
source venv3/bin/activate
pip install -r ./data-migration/2.0-to-3.0/requirements.txt
source .env
export PYTHONWARNINGS="ignore:Unverified HTTPS request"
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:`pwd`/harvesting
python3 data-migration/2.0-to-3.0/
# again, update the cache
docker-compose exec harvesting python resolve all
The data you get from the API should now include richer data for the projects, e.g. http://localhost/api/project/764, which means that the corresponding project pages are also richer, e.g. http://localhost/projects/764. All aspects of the site should now work. You should verify if everything works by doing the checks mentioned in section Verifying the local installation.
# copy the script to inside the running database service
docker cp data-migration/2.0-to-3.0/add-project-dates.js $(docker-compose ps -q database):/tmp
# run the migrate script
docker-compose exec database mongo rsd /tmp/add-project-dates.js
# update the cache
docker-compose exec harvesting python resolve all