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Documentation for developers


# get a copy of the cff-converter-python software
git clone
# change directory into cff-converter-python
cd cff-converter-python
# make a virtual environment named env
python3 -m venv env
# activate the virtual environment
source env/bin/activate
# upgrade pip, wheel, setuptools
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel setuptools
# install cffconvert and the 'dev' set of additional dependencies
python3 -m pip install --editable .[dev]

Running tests

Running the tests requires an activated virtual environment with the development tools installed.

# (from the project root)

# run all tests
python3 -m pytest test/

# tests for consistent file naming
bash test/ dir=test/
bash test/ dir=livetest/

# tests for consistent versioning
python3 -m pytest test/

Running linters locally

For linting we use prospector and to sort imports we will use isort. Running the linters requires an activated virtual environment with the development tools installed.

# linter

# recursively check import style for the cffconvert module only
isort --check-only cffconvert

# recursively check import style for the cffconvert module only and show
# any proposed changes as a diff
isort --check-only --diff cffconvert

# recursively fix import style for the cffconvert module only
isort cffconvert

Developers should consider enabling automatic linting with prospector and isort on commit by enabling the git hook from .githooks/pre-commit, like so:

git config --local core.hooksPath .githooks

For maintainers

Making a release

  1. make sure the release notes are up to date

  2. preparation

    # remove old cffconvert from your system if you have it
    python3 -m pip uninstall cffconvert
    # this next command should now return empty
    which cffconvert
    # install the package to user space, using no caching (can bring to light dependency problems)
    python3 -m pip install --user --no-cache-dir .
    # check if cffconvert works, e.g.
    cffconvert --version
    # run the tests, make sure they pass
    python3 -m pip pytest test
    # git push everything, merge into main as appropriate
  3. publishing on test instance of PyPI

    # verify that everything has been pushed and merged by testing as follows
    cd $(mktemp -d --tmpdir cffconvert-release.XXXXXX)
    git clone .
    python3 -m venv env
    source env/bin/activate
    python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel setuptools
    python3 -m pip install --no-cache-dir .
    # register with PyPI test instance
    # remove these directories if you have them
    rm -rf dist
    rm -rf
    # make a source distribution:
    python sdist
    # make a wheel
    python bdist_wheel 
    # install the 'upload to pypi/testpypi tool' aka twine
    pip install .[publishing]
    # upload the contents of the source distribution we just made (requires credentials for
    twine upload --repository-url dist/*
  4. Checking the package

    Open another shell but keep the other one. We'll return to the first shell momentarily.

    Verify that there is a new version of the package on Test PyPI

    python3 -m pip -v install --user --no-cache-dir \
    --index-url \
    --extra-index-url cffconvert
    # check that the package works as it should when installed from pypitest
  5. FINAL STEP: upload to PyPI

    Go back to the first shell, then (requires credentials for

    twine upload dist/*
  6. Make the release on GitHub

  7. Go to Zenodo, log in to inspect the draft. Then click Publish to finalize it.

Building the docker image

# (requires 2.0.0 to be downloadable from PyPI)
docker build --tag cffconvert:2.0.0 .
docker build --tag cffconvert:latest .

See if the Docker image works as expected:

docker run --rm -v $PWD:/app cffconvert --validate
docker run --rm -v $PWD:/app cffconvert --version
docker run --rm -v $PWD:/app cffconvert
# etc

Publishing on DockerHub

See for more information on publishing.

# log out of any dockerhub credentials
docker logout

# log back in with username 'citationcff' credentials
docker login

# re-tag existing images
docker tag cffconvert:2.0.0 citationcff/cffconvert:2.0.0
docker tag cffconvert:latest citationcff/cffconvert:latest

# publish
docker push citationcff/cffconvert:2.0.0
docker push citationcff/cffconvert:latest