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i3 dotfiles

A repo containing dotfiles for my custom Arch Linux i3-gaps workspace

Image Showcase





Modules / Packages Used:

Name Details
i3-gaps Window manager w/ gaps
Polybar Creates the bars at the top & bottom
Pywal Generates the custom color scheme from wallpaper
URxvt Terminal emulator used
Termite Another terminal emulator
Zsh Terminal shell used
Oh-My-Zsh! Script / Tool used for customizing zsh
Neovim A better vim
Rofi Custom Dmenu replacement
Compton Window compositor - Adds shadows, blurs, & transitions
Thunar GUI file manager
Font Awesome 5 Font that provides the icons

What's Included:

  • i3-gaps config (with the gaps)
  • Polybar bars & configs
  • URxvt AND Termite configs
  • Optimized compton configs
  • Oh-My-Zsh! configs
  • Neovim configs
  • Wallpaper


Wallpaper is from the movie, "Kimi No Na Wa (Your Name)," and was scaled up to 3920 x 2160 using Waifu2x

Why both URxvt AND Termite?

URxvt was being weird, and not displaying UTF-8 chars correctly for me, which prompted me to switch over to Termite for the time being. If you're having better luck with it, that's great, just know that I'll probably still be in termite-land.

Packages installable from Pacman / AUR

  • git
  • i3 (Group)
  • i3-gaps
  • xorg (Group)
  • polybar
  • feh
  • python-pywal
  • rofi
  • zsh
  • oh-my-zsh-git
  • rxvt-unicode / termite
  • neovim
  • thunar
  • compton
  • xcwd-git
  • betterlockscreen
  • playerctl
  • pulseaudio
  • arc-gtk-theme
  • arc-icon-theme
  • ttf-font-awesome
  • powerline-fonts-git
  • noto-fonts
  • ttf-ms-fonts
  • jsoncpp
  • light

GitHub Links (In case you need them)

Example install cmd (Using the yay package manager):

yay -Sy git i3 i3-gaps xorg polybar feh python-pywal rofi zsh oh-my-zsh-git rxvt-unicode termite neovim thunar compton xcwd-git betterlockscreen playerctl pulseaudio arc-gtk-theme arc-icon-theme ttf-font-awesome powerline-fonts-git noto-fonts ttf-ms-fonts jsoncpp light python-setuptools


Set default shell to zsh

chsh -s /bin/zsh

Set + Cache color palettes

In order to apply the color scheme for zsh and betterlockscreen, you need to set the wallpaper w/ pywal, which will also generate & cache the color palettes for zsh and betterlockscreen. (Note that if you wish to change the wallpaper and regenerate the color scheme, you will have to run this command again.)

wal -i ~/wallpaper.png

Update betterlockscreen

Betterlockscreen needs to be ran every time you update the wallpaper / monitor configuration, in order to generate accurate images for the lockscreen.

betterlockscreen ~/wallpaper.png

Install Oh-My-Zsh

Instead of directly installing oh-my-zsh from the Arch AUR, I installed it through their install scripts from the GitHub repo.


sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"


sh -c "$(wget -O -)"

Install + Setup vim plug

Install vim plug via the following command:

curl -fLo ~/.local/share/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs

Then, launch nvim using nvim, and run the command :PlugInstall

Known Issues

No module named pkg_resources (While running wal)

Stack Overflow Link

Reinstall setuptools:

yay -Sy python-setuptools