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Hayanan edited this page Jun 29, 2023 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the e19-co225-Library-Management-System wiki!


Welcome to the library management system wiki page! This wiki serves as a comprehensive documentation resource for a centralized system designed to streamline the operations of a library. The system effectively manages the library's inventory, tracks book borrowings and returns, and facilitates interactions between library staff and members.

Project Overview

The library management system provides a user-friendly interface for both library staff and members. It offers a catalog where members can search for books, view their availability, and reserve copies if necessary. For available books, the system displays detailed information such as the number of copies available and their location within the library. In case all copies are currently lent out.

Registered members of the library can reserve copies and receive email notifications once their reserved books are returned. They are then provided with a fixed number of days to borrow the reserved book before it returns to the shelf.

Library staff members with appropriate administrative privileges can effortlessly update the book inventory, record borrowing and returning transactions, and access member details. The system allows staff members to view personal information of members, lists of books currently lent to them along with their due dates, and a history of their recent borrowings. Additionally, staff members can view comprehensive book details, including availability status, ensuring efficient management of the library's collection.

Throughout this wiki, you will find detailed information on system functionalities, usage guidelines, installation instructions, and other relevant resources. We encourage you to explore the various sections and pages to gain a deeper understanding of the library management system and its capabilities.

Please note that this wiki is a living resource that welcomes contributions from the community. Feel free to provide feedback, suggest improvements, or contribute to the documentation to help make this project even better.

Key Features

Book Catalog and Availability: Users can search for books in the library's catalog and view detailed information about each book, including availability status and the number of copies available for borrowing. The system provides real-time information on the availability of books.

Reservation System: Registered members of the library can reserve copies of books that are currently unavailable. Once the reserved copy is returned, members are notified via email, and they are given a specific period to borrow the reserved book before it returns to the shelf.

Borrowing and Returning: Library staff members can efficiently handle borrowing and returning transactions using the system. They can record the details of each transaction, update the inventory accordingly, and manage the borrowing history of members.

Comprehensive Member and Book Details: Library staff members have access to detailed member information, including personal details, a list of currently borrowed books with due dates, and a history of borrowings. They can also view comprehensive book details, allowing for efficient management of the library's collection.

Collaborative and Living Documentation: The project's GitHub Wiki page serves as a centralized documentation resource. It provides guidelines, instructions, and explanations of system functionalities. The community is encouraged to contribute to the documentation, ensuring that it evolves and improves over time.

Tools Used in the Library Management System Project

The library management system project was developed using a combination of powerful tools and technologies to create an efficient and user-friendly application. The primary tools utilized in this project were Android Studio as the development environment and Firebase as the database platform. Let's explore these tools in detail:

Android Studio

Android Studio, the official Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Android app development, played a crucial role in building the library management system. With its comprehensive set of features and developer-friendly interface, Android Studio provided a robust foundation for the project.

Some key features of Android Studio that benefited the development process include:

Code Editor: Android Studio's code editor offers advanced functionalities such as code completion, code navigation, and syntax highlighting, which facilitated efficient coding and increased productivity.

Layout Editor: The layout editor in Android Studio enabled developers to design the user interface (UI) of the application visually. It provided drag-and-drop functionality and real-time preview, allowing for rapid UI prototyping and development.

Emulator: Android Studio's built-in emulator provided a virtual Android device for testing the application. It allowed developers to run and debug the app on different virtual devices with various configurations, ensuring compatibility and smooth user experience across devices.

Gradle Build System: Android Studio utilized the Gradle build system, which streamlined the build process and managed project dependencies. Gradle made it easier to add external libraries and maintain a modular project structure.


Firebase, a comprehensive mobile and web application development platform, was chosen as the database solution for the library management system. Firebase provided a range of services and tools that simplified the development process and enhanced the system's functionality.

The following Firebase services were utilized in the project:

Firebase Realtime Database: Firebase Realtime Database served as the primary data storage for the library management system. It provided a cloud-hosted NoSQL database that facilitated real-time data synchronization across multiple clients. This enabled seamless updates and ensured consistent data availability for both library staff and members.

Firebase Authentication: Firebase Authentication handled user authentication and authorization in the library management system. It allowed users to sign up, log in, and securely access their personalized accounts, ensuring data privacy and access control.

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