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Terraform scripts for EXAScaler Cloud on Google Cloud Platform

The steps below will show how to create a EXAScaler Cloud environment on Google Cloud Platform using Terraform.



Before deploy Terraform code for Google Cloud Platform, you need to authenticate using Google Cloud SDK.

If you are running Terraform on your workstation, you can authenticate using User Application Default Credentials:

gcloud auth application-default login


Your browser has been opened to visit:

Credentials saved to file: [/Users/user/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json]

And Terraform will be able to automatically use the saved User Application Default Credentials to call Google Cloud APIs.

If you are running Terraform on Google Cloud, you can configure that instance or cluster to use a Google Service Account. This will allow Terraform to authenticate to Google Cloud without having to store a separate credential file. Learn more.

And if you are running Terraform outside of Google Cloud, you can generate an external credential configuration file or a service account key file and set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable to the path of the JSON file. Terraform will use that file for authentication. In general Terraform supports the full range of authentication options documented for Google Cloud.

IAM permissions required to deploy EXAScaler Cloud

The Basic Editor role is required to deploy EXAScaler Cloud environment on Google Cloud Platform. If you want to use the minimum permissions, create a custom role and assign only the required permissions.

Enable Google Cloud API Services

Any actions that Terraform performs require that the API be enabled to do so. Terraform requires the following Google Cloud API Services:

gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable

For a list of services available, visit the API library page or run gcloud services list --available. Learn more.

Configure Terraform

Download Terraform scripts and extract tarball:

curl -sL | tar xz

Change Terraform variables according you requirements:

cd exascaler-cloud-terraform-scripts-2.0.4/gcp
vi terraform.tfvars

List of available variables

Common options

Variable Default Value Description
fsname exacloud EXAScaler Cloud filesystem name.
zone us-central1-f Zone name to manage resources. Learn more.
project ecd85a78 Project ID to manage resources. Learn more.

Service account

A service account is a special account that can be used by services and applications running on Google Compute Engine instances to interact with other Google Cloud Platform APIs. Learn more. EXAScaler Cloud deployments use service account credentials to authorize themselves to a set of APIs and perform actions within the permissions granted to the service account and virtual machine instances. All projects are created with the Compute Engine default service account and this account is assigned the editor role. Google recommends that each instance that needs to call a Google API should run as a service account with the minimum required permissions. Three options are available for EXAScaler Cloud deployment:

  • Use the Compute Engine default service account
  • Use an existing custom service account (consider the list of required permissions)
  • Create a new custom service account and assign it the minimum required privileges
Variable Default Value Description false Create a new custom service account, or use an existing one: true or false. default Existing service account name, will be using if is false.

Waiter to check progress and result for deployment

Variable Default Value Description
waiter deploymentmanager Waiter to check progress and result for deployment. To use Google Deployment Manager set waiter = "deploymentmanager". To use generic Google Cloud SDK command line set waiter = "sdk". If you don’t want to wait until the deployment is complete, set waiter = null. Learn more.

Authentication options

Variable Default Value Description
admin.username stack User name for remote SSH access.
admin.ssh_public_key ~/.ssh/ Path to the local SSH public key. This file will be added to admin home directory as .ssh/authorized_keys.

Security options

Variable Default Value Description
security.enable_local true true or false: enable or disable firewall rules to allow local traffic (TCP/988, TCP/80).
security.enable_ssh true true or false: enable/disable remote SSH access.
security.ssh_source_range Source IP for remote SSH access.
security.enable_http true true or false: enable/disable remote HTTP console.
security.http_source_range Source IP for remote HTTP access.

Network options

Variable Default Value Description
network.routing REGIONAL Network-wide routing mode: REGIONAL or GLOBAL. Learn more.
network.tier STANDARD Networking tier for network interfaces: STANDARD or PREMIUM. Learn more. default Existing network name, will be using only if new option is false. false Create subnets in each region automatically: true or false.
network.mtu 1500 Maximum transmission unit in bytes: 1460 - 1500. true Create a new network, or use an existing one: true or false.
network.nat true Allow instances without external IP to communicate with the outside world: true or false.
subnetwork.address IP address range in CIDR notation of internal addresses for a new or existing subnetwork.
subnetwork.private true When enabled VMs in this subnetwork without external IP addresses can access Google APIs and services by using Private Google Access: true or false. Learn more. default Existing subnetwork name, will be using only if new option is false. true Create a new subnetwork, or use an existing one: true or false.

Boot disk options

Variable Default Value Description
boot.disk_type pd-standard Boot disk type: pd-standard, pd-ssd or pd-balanced. Learn more.
boot.auto_delete true When auto-delete is true, the boot disk is deleted when the instance it is attached to is deleted.

Boot image options

Variable Default Value Description
image.project ddn-public Source project name exascaler-cloud-v522-centos7 Source image name

Virtual machines options

Variable Default Value Description
{mgs,mds,oss,cls}.node_type n2-standard-2 Virtual machine type. Learn more.
{mgs,mds,oss,cls}.node_cpu Intel Cascade Lake CPU platform Learn more.
{mgs,mds,oss,cls}.nic_type GVNIC Type of network interfac: GVNIC or VIRTIO_NET. Learn more.
{mgs,mds,oss,cls}.public_ip true (mgs), false (mds, oss, cls) Assign an external IP address: true or false
{mgs,mds,oss,cls}.node_count 1 Number of instances (1 for mgs and mds instances)

Target disks options

Variable Default Value Description
{mgt,mnt,mdt,ost,clt}.disk_bus SCSI SCSI or NVME (NVME can be used for scratch disks only)
{mgt,mnt,mdt,ost,clt}.disk_type pd-standard pd-standard, pd-ssd, pd-balanced or scratchLearn more.
{mgt,mnt,mdt,ost,clt}.disk_size 512 Disk size in GB (ignored for scratch disks: local SSD size is 375GB)
{mgt,mnt,mdt,ost,clt}.disk_count 1 Number of target disks: 1-128 (1 for mgt and mnt). Learn more.

Initialize a working directory containing Terraform configuration files. This is the first command that should be run after writing a new Terraform configuration or cloning an existing one from version control. It is safe to run this command multiple times:

terraform init

Validate configuration options:

terraform validate

Create an execution plan:

terraform plan

Apply the changes required to reach the desired state of the configuration:

terraform apply


  Enter a value: yes
Apply complete! Resources: 22 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


mount_command = "mount -t lustre /mnt/exacloud"

private_addresses = {
  "exascaler-cloud-7e04-cls0" = ""
  "exascaler-cloud-7e04-mds0" = ""
  "exascaler-cloud-7e04-mgs0" = ""
  "exascaler-cloud-7e04-oss0" = ""

ssh_console = {
  "exascaler-cloud-7e04-mgs0" = "ssh -A [email protected]"

web_console = ""

Now you can access the EXAScaler Cloud environment:

$ eval $(ssh-agent)
Agent pid 18111
$ ssh-add
Identity added: /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa
$ ssh -A [email protected]
[stack@exascaler-cloud-5fb1-mgs0 ~]$ df -h -t lustre
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdb        499G  2.1M  474G   1% /mnt/targets/MGS
[stack@exascaler-cloud-5fb1-mgs0 ~]$ ssh

[stack@exascaler-cloud-5fb1-oss0 ~]$ df -h -t lustre
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdb        504G  1.3M  479G   1% /mnt/targets/exacloud-OST0000

Destroy the EXAScaler Cloud environment:

$ terraform destroy
  Enter a value: yes
Destroy complete! Resources: 22 destroyed.