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Terraform scripts for EXAScaler Cloud on Microsoft Azure

The steps below will show how to create a EXAScaler Cloud environment on Microsoft Azure using Terraform.


Before deploy Terraform code for Microsoft Azure, you will need to authenticate under the Microsoft account you used to log into the Microsoft Azure Portal. You will use a Microsoft account and its credentials to allow Terraform to deploy resources.

DDN EXAScaler Cloud in the Azure Marketplace have additional license and purchase terms that you must accept before you can deploy them programmatically. To deploy an environment from this image, you'll need to accept the image's terms the first time you use it, once per subscription.

Steps to authenticate via Microsoft account

Obtains access credentials for your user account via a web-based authorization flow. When this command completes successfully, it sets the active account in the current configuration to the account specified. Learn more.

$ az login

To view the current Azure subscription ID, please use az account show.

$ az account show
  "environmentName": "AzureCloud",
  "homeTenantId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "isDefault": true,
  "managedByTenants": [],
  "name": "Pay-As-You-Go",
  "state": "Enabled",
  "tenantId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "user": {
    "name": "[email protected]",
    "type": "user"

Please use the value of id property as an Azure subscription ID for Terraform based deployments.

Steps to accept the terms of use for DDN EXAScaler Cloud images

To deploy DDN EXAScaler Cloud, you need to accept the Azure Marketplace image terms so that the image can be used to create a deployment.

  • For EXAScaler Cloud Red Hat Enterprise Linux based image:
$ az vm image terms accept --urn ddn-whamcloud-5345716:exascaler_cloud:exascaler_cloud_523_redhat:5.2.3
  "accepted": true,
  "id": "/subscriptions/9978cd1b-936a-4296-8061-67c9d963dd40/providers/Microsoft.MarketplaceOrdering/offerTypes/Microsoft.MarketplaceOrdering/offertypes/publishers/ddn-whamcloud-5345716/offers/exascaler_cloud/plans/exascaler_cloud_523_redhat/agreements/current",
  "licenseTextLink": "",
  "name": "exascaler_cloud_523_redhat",
  "plan": "exascaler_cloud_523_redhat",
  "privacyPolicyLink": "",
  "product": "exascaler_cloud",
  "publisher": "ddn-whamcloud-5345716",
  "retrieveDatetime": "2021-08-19T17:35:47.7331799Z",
  "type": "Microsoft.MarketplaceOrdering/offertypes"
  • For EXAScaler Cloud CentOS Linux based image:
$ az vm image terms accept --urn ddn-whamcloud-5345716:exascaler_cloud:exascaler_cloud_523_centos:5.2.3
  "accepted": true,
  "id": "/subscriptions/9978cd1b-936a-4296-8061-67c9d963dd40/providers/Microsoft.MarketplaceOrdering/offerTypes/Microsoft.MarketplaceOrdering/offertypes/publishers/ddn-whamcloud-5345716/offers/exascaler_cloud/plans/exascaler_cloud_523_centos/agreements/current",
  "licenseTextLink": "",
  "name": "exascaler_cloud_523_centos",
  "plan": "exascaler_cloud_523_centos",
  "privacyPolicyLink": "",
  "product": "exascaler_cloud",
  "publisher": "ddn-whamcloud-5345716",
  "retrieveDatetime": "2021-08-19T17:36:36.3180347Z",
  "type": "Microsoft.MarketplaceOrdering/offertypes"

Learn more about the image terms

Steps to configure Terraform

Download Terraform scripts and extract the tarball:

$ curl -sL | tar xz

Change Terraform variables according you requirements:

$ cd exascaler-cloud-terraform-scripts-2.0.1/az
$ vi terraform.tfvars

List of available variables

Common options

Variable Default Value Description
profile custom Configuration profile name: small, medium or custom. The configuration profile name will be displayed in the Azure dashboard.
fsname exacloud EXAScaler filesystem name
subscription XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX Subscription ID - please use ID of you active Azure subscription. Learn more
location West US Azure region to manage resources. Learn more

Availability options

Variable Default Value Description
availability.type none Availability type: none - no infrastructure redundancy required, set - to create an availability set and automatically distribute resources across multiple fault domains, zone - to physically separate resources within an Azure region. Learn more 1 Availability zone - unique physical locations within a Azure region. Use 1, 2 or 3 to explicitly specify the availability zone. Learn more

Resource group options

Variable Default Value Description true Create a new resource group, or use an existing one: true or false existing-resource-group Existing resource group name, will be using if new is false

Learn more

Proximity placement group options

Variable Default Value Description true Create a new proximity placement group, or use an existing one: true or false existing-proximity-placement-group Existing proximity placement group name, will be using if new is false

Learn more

Network options

Variable Default Value Description true Create a new network, or use an existing one: true or false existing-network Existing network name, will be using only if new option is false
network.address IP address in CIDR notation for the new virtual network

Learn more

Subnet options

Variable Default Value Description true Create a new subnet, or use an existing one: true or false existing-subnet Existing subnet name, will be using only if new option is false
network.address IP address in CIDR notation for the new subnet

Learn more

Authentication options

Variable Default Value Description
admin.username stack User name for remote SSH access
admin.ssh_public_key ~/.ssh/ Path to the local SSH public key. This file will be added to admin home directory as .ssh/authorized_keys

Learn more

SSH options

Variable Default Value Description
ssh.enable true true or false: enable/disable remote SSH access
ssh.source Source IP address in CIDR notation for remote SSH access

HTTP options

Variable Default Value Description
http.enable true true or false: enable/disable remote HTTP access
http.source Source address in CIDR notation IP for remote HTTP access

Learn more

Boot disk options

Variable Default Value Description
boot.disk_type StandardSSD_LRS Specifies the type of managed disk to create: Standard_LRS, Premium_LRS or StandardSSD_LRS
boot.disk_cache ReadWrite Specifies the caching requirements for the target disk: None, ReadOnly or ReadWrite
boot.auto_delete true Delete the boot disk automatically when deleting the virtual machine: true or false
boot.disk_size 64 Boot disk size in GB

Learn more

Source image options

Variable Default Value Description
image.publisher ddn-whamcloud-5345716 Specifies the publisher of the image used to create the virtual machine
image.offer exascaler_cloud Specifies the offer of the image used to create the virtual machine
image.sku exascaler_cloud_523_centos Specifies the SKU of the image used to create the virtual machine. CentOS based image - exascaler_cloud_523_centos, Red Hat Enterprise Linux based image - exascaler_cloud_523_redhat
image.version 5.2.3 Specifies the version of the image used to create the virtual machine
image.accept false Allows automatically accepting the legal terms for a Marketplace image

Learn more

Storage account options

Variable Default Value Description
storage_account.kind StorageV2 Defines the kind of account. Valid options are BlobStorage, BlockBlobStorage, FileStorage, Storage and StorageV2
storage_account.tier Standard Defines the tier to use for this storage account. Valid options are Standard and Premium
storage_account.replication LRS Defines the type of replication to use for this storage account. Valid options are LRS, GRS, RAGRS, ZRS, GZRS and RAGZRS

Learn more

Virtual machines options

Variable Default Value Description
{mgs,mds,oss,cls}.node_type Standard_D1_v2 The type of virtual machine. Learn more
{mgs,mds,oss,cls}.node_count 1 The number of virtual machines (1 for mgs and mds instances)
{mgs,mds,oss,cls}.public_ip true for mgs, false for mds, oss and cls Assign an external IP address: true or false
accelerated_network false Enable accelerated networking. Learn more

Target disks options

Variable Default Value Description
{mgt,mnt,mdt,ost,clt}.disk_type Standard_LRS Specifies the type of managed disk to create: Standard_LRS, StandardSSD_LRS, Premium_LRS
{mgt,mnt,mdt,ost,clt}.disk_cache None Specifies the caching requirements for the target disk: None, ReadOnly or ReadWrite
{mgt,mnt,mdt,ost,clt}.disk_size 512 Target disk size in GB
{mgt,mnt,mdt,ost,clt}.disk_count 1 Number of target disks: 1-32 (1 for mgt and mnt)
{mdt,ost}.disk_raid false Enable/disable RAID0 striped volume for MDT/OST targets

Learn more

Initialize a working directory containing Terraform configuration files. This is the first command that should be run after writing a new Terraform configuration or cloning an existing one from version control. It is safe to run this command multiple times:

$ terraform init

Validate configuration options:

$ terraform validate

Steps to deploy an EXAScaler Cloud environment

Review an execution plan:

$ terraform plan

Apply the changes required to reach the desired state of the configuration:

$ terraform apply
  Enter a value: yes
Apply complete! Resources: 103 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


azure_dashboard = ""

http_console = ""

mount_command = "mount -t lustre /mnt/exacloud"

private_addresses = {
  "exascaler-cloud-b59f-cls0" = ""
  "exascaler-cloud-b59f-cls1" = ""
  "exascaler-cloud-b59f-cls2" = ""
  "exascaler-cloud-b59f-cls3" = ""
  "exascaler-cloud-b59f-mds0" = ""
  "exascaler-cloud-b59f-mgs0" = ""
  "exascaler-cloud-b59f-oss0" = ""
  "exascaler-cloud-b59f-oss1" = ""
  "exascaler-cloud-b59f-oss2" = ""
  "exascaler-cloud-b59f-oss3" = ""

ssh_console = {
  "exascaler-cloud-b59f-mgs0" = "ssh -A [email protected]"

Steps to access the EXAScaler Cloud environment

Now you can access the EXAScaler Cloud environment:

$ eval $(ssh-agent)
Agent pid 18111
$ ssh-add
Identity added: /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa
$ ssh -A [email protected]
[stack@exascaler-cloud-b59f-mgs0 ~]$ df -h -t lustre
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdd        124G  2.4M  118G   1% /mnt/targets/MGS

[stack@exascaler-cloud-b59f-mgs0 ~]$ loci hosts	exascaler-cloud-b59f-cls0	exascaler-cloud-b59f-cls1	exascaler-cloud-b59f-cls2	exascaler-cloud-b59f-cls3	exascaler-cloud-b59f-mds0	exascaler-cloud-b59f-mgs0	exascaler-cloud-b59f-oss0	exascaler-cloud-b59f-oss1	exascaler-cloud-b59f-oss2	exascaler-cloud-b59f-oss3

[stack@exascaler-cloud-b59f-mgs0 ~]$ ssh exascaler-cloud-b59f-cls0
[stack@exascaler-cloud-b59f-cls0 ~]$ lfs df
UUID                   1K-blocks        Used   Available Use% Mounted on
exacloud-MDT0000_UUID   315302464        6212   309927544   1% /mnt/exacloud[MDT:0]
exacloud-OST0000_UUID   529449792        1252   524063448   1% /mnt/exacloud[OST:0]
exacloud-OST0001_UUID   529449792        1256   524063444   1% /mnt/exacloud[OST:1]
exacloud-OST0002_UUID   529449792        1260   524063440   1% /mnt/exacloud[OST:2]
exacloud-OST0003_UUID   529449792        1264   524063436   1% /mnt/exacloud[OST:3]
exacloud-OST0004_UUID   529449792        1268   524063432   1% /mnt/exacloud[OST:4]
exacloud-OST0005_UUID   529449792        1272   524063428   1% /mnt/exacloud[OST:5]
exacloud-OST0006_UUID   529449792        1256   524063444   1% /mnt/exacloud[OST:6]
exacloud-OST0007_UUID   529449792        1260   524063440   1% /mnt/exacloud[OST:7]
exacloud-OST0008_UUID   529449792        1260   524063440   1% /mnt/exacloud[OST:8]
exacloud-OST0009_UUID   529449792        1264   524063436   1% /mnt/exacloud[OST:9]
exacloud-OST000a_UUID   529449792        1272   524063428   1% /mnt/exacloud[OST:10]
exacloud-OST000b_UUID   529449792        1272   524063428   1% /mnt/exacloud[OST:11]
exacloud-OST000c_UUID   529449792        1256   524063444   1% /mnt/exacloud[OST:12]
exacloud-OST000d_UUID   529449792        1260   524063440   1% /mnt/exacloud[OST:13]
exacloud-OST000e_UUID   529449792        1264   524063436   1% /mnt/exacloud[OST:14]
exacloud-OST000f_UUID   529449792        1268   524063432   1% /mnt/exacloud[OST:15]
exacloud-OST0010_UUID   529449792        1272   524063428   1% /mnt/exacloud[OST:16]
exacloud-OST0011_UUID   529449792        1272   524063428   1% /mnt/exacloud[OST:17]
exacloud-OST0012_UUID   529449792        1260   524063440   1% /mnt/exacloud[OST:18]
exacloud-OST0013_UUID   529449792        1260   524063440   1% /mnt/exacloud[OST:19]
exacloud-OST0014_UUID   529449792        1264   524063436   1% /mnt/exacloud[OST:20]
exacloud-OST0015_UUID   529449792        1268   524063432   1% /mnt/exacloud[OST:21]
exacloud-OST0016_UUID   529449792        1272   524063428   1% /mnt/exacloud[OST:22]
exacloud-OST0017_UUID   529449792        1276   524063424   1% /mnt/exacloud[OST:23]

filesystem_summary:  12706795008       30348 12577522452   1% /mnt/exacloud

Steps to add storage capacity in an existing EXAScaler Cloud environment

The storage capacity can be added by increasing the number of storage servers. To add storage capacity in an existing EXAScaler Cloud environment, just modify the terraform.tfvars file and increase the number of storage servers (the value of the oss.node_count variable) as required:

$ diff -u terraform.tfvars.orig terraform.tfvars
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@
 oss = {
   node_type           = "Standard_D16s_v3"
-  node_count          = 6
+  node_count          = 12
   public_ip           = false
   accelerated_network = true

And then run the terraform apply command to increase the storage capacity. The available storage capacity (in GB) can be calculated by multiplying the three configuration parameters:

capacity = oss.node_count * ost.disk_count * ost.disk_size

Steps to upgrade an existing EXAScaler Cloud environment

A software upgrade for an existing EXAScaler Cloud environment is possible by recreating the running VM instances using a new version of the OS image. And it requires some manual steps.

Create a backup copy for the existing Terraform directory (*.tf, terraform.tfvars and terraform.tfstate files):

$ cd /path/to/exascaler-cloud-terraform-scripts-x.y.z/az
$ tar pcfz backup.tgz *.tf terraform.tfvars terraform.tfstate

Update Terraform scripts using the latest available EXAScaler Cloud Terraform scripts:

$ cd /path/to
$ curl -sL | tar xz
$ cd exascaler-cloud-terraform-scripts-2.0.1/az

Copy the terraform.tfstate file from the existing Terraform directory:

$ cp -iv /path/to/exascaler-cloud-terraform-scripts-x.y.z/az/terraform.tfstate .

Review and update the terraform.tfvars file using configuration options for the existing environment:

$ diff -u  /path/to/exascaler-cloud-terraform-scripts-x.y.z/az/terraform.tfvars terraform.tfvars
$ vi terraform.tfvars

Review the execution plan to make sure all changes are expected:

$ terraform plan

Unmount the existing EXAScaler Cloud filesystem using the provided esc-ctl script. This step is required to ensure data consistency during the upgrade:

$ ./scripts/esc-ctl


List resource groups : ./scripts/esc-ctl list
List deployments     : ./scripts/esc-ctl <resource_group> list
List instances       : ./scripts/esc-ctl <resource_group> <deployment> list
Stop instances       : ./scripts/esc-ctl <resource_group> <deployment> stop
Start instances      : ./scripts/esc-ctl <resource_group> <deployment> start
Unmount filesystem   : ./scripts/esc-ctl <resource_group> <deployment> umount

$ ./scripts/esc-ctl list
Name                                 Location    Status
-----------------------------------  ----------  ---------
exascaler-cloud-f7cd-resource-group  eastus      Succeeded
NetworkWatcherRG                     westus      Succeeded

$ ./scripts/esc-ctl exascaler-cloud-f7cd-resource-group list
Name                            Created                    Status
------------------------------  -------------------------  ---------
exascaler-cloud-f7cd            2021-08-21T01:19:36+00:00  Succeeded

$ ./scripts/esc-ctl exascaler-cloud-f7cd-resource-group exascaler-cloud-f7cd umount
Umount compute client exascaler-cloud-f7cd-cls0
Umount compute client exascaler-cloud-f7cd-cls1
Umount storage server exascaler-cloud-f7cd-oss0
Umount storage server exascaler-cloud-f7cd-oss1
Umount storage server exascaler-cloud-f7cd-oss2
Umount storage server exascaler-cloud-f7cd-oss3
Umount metadata server exascaler-cloud-f7cd-mds0
Umount management server exascaler-cloud-f7cd-mgs0

Apply the changes required to upgrade the existing EXAScaler Cloud environment by recreating all instances using the latest version of EXAScaler Cloud:

$ terraform apply
  Enter a value: yes


Apply complete! Resources: 18 added, 8 changed, 16 destroyed.


azure_dashboard = ""

http_console = ""

mount_command = "mount -t lustre /mnt/exacloud"

private_addresses = {
  "exascaler-cloud-f7cd-cls0" = ""
  "exascaler-cloud-f7cd-cls1" = ""
  "exascaler-cloud-f7cd-mds0" = ""
  "exascaler-cloud-f7cd-mgs0" = ""
  "exascaler-cloud-f7cd-oss0" = ""
  "exascaler-cloud-f7cd-oss1" = ""
  "exascaler-cloud-f7cd-oss2" = ""
  "exascaler-cloud-f7cd-oss3" = ""

ssh_console = {
  "exascaler-cloud-f7cd-mgs0" = "ssh -A [email protected]"

Steps to destroy the EXAScaler Cloud environment

Destroy the EXAScaler Cloud environment:

$ terraform destroy
  Enter a value: yes
Destroy complete! Resources: 103 destroyed.