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Releases: carvel-dev/kapp


26 Feb 22:54
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  • Print correct number of nodes in targeted cluster description (first line in output)
  • Ignore transient resources when finding existing versioned resources
f4f259d3b0a226f8ea7ccbf7347de3e40529d698fb0bc2ef1f0dcf7aea25c72a  ./kapp-darwin-amd64
3287514b8ca14fb0378af701fce94cec09e613bff473a2ee969335edf86da5b5  ./kapp-linux-amd64
c98bc53c2b6fc4fdcf09dba62536c15bd96a425db2e10f047c92d6e06d33b747  ./kapp-windows-amd64.exe

(Installation instructions:


29 Jan 01:04
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  • Bring back retries for local APIServices
    • apparently Kubernetes does not set Available condition immediately even for Local ones
8817b3afea01173d53d1a76c266cb1897eb94c5d3d2df496cfa54c464c064ee7  ./kapp-darwin-amd64
99a2597d29ab9cf75d636a8220cb7e5ee315ac85b7adeb48b6c1ccb56a5cf477  ./kapp-linux-amd64
7a1b49c5c261c38b7d26b131196e490f850bfb8359d6d25f441079266985d7b8  ./kapp-windows-amd64.exe

(Installation instructions:


24 Jan 23:52
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  • Print short cluster info to make it obvious which cluster being used
  • Mask sensitive fields (by default v1/Secret data) via diffMaskRules configuration
  • Ignore failing API services that do not directly relate to app being deployed
  • Add default rebase rules for caBundle for *WebhookConfiguration/APIService resources
  • Check only Established and NamesAccepted conditions on CRDs (instead of all of them)
  • Wait for v1beta1.APIService in addition to v1
  • Add --kubeconfig-yaml/$KAPP_KUBECONFIG_YAML for easier interop with other tools
e46aa8b334832275ddf9b982c0b88633bc891a8ffff1e0204ee36cf2fb2f20fb  ./kapp-darwin-amd64
4f08b5e3639c2d126903efa81cbc1af2ff342464cc24815442c190e4b220d52f  ./kapp-linux-amd64
9140f8ef0572e2eeb207a639fc3a40ec1d4bd0faa81583cf8bc5ae4e9cb3e139  ./kapp-windows-amd64.exe

(Installation instructions:


03 Jan 22:00
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  • Added --diff-exit-status to control exit status for --diff-run
  • Added --filter-kind-name resource filter for convenience
  • Disable CGO and build binaries in a reproducible way
  • Wait for APIServices to become available
  • Added annotation
  • Added versioning of Secrets and ConfigMaps for initContainers to the default config
  • Started requiring non-empty group name for app-group commands
  • Improved empty list of resource caution error message
49dbf96dbed4c72774e13dadd2211f77bbad91c2044fa0eae5401ccd0082887f  ./kapp-darwin-amd64
696abb7e53d047d9d606da8df5965141ab5ee1a97fc06ceeddcca9fc9531520a  ./kapp-linux-amd64
a833a23955a818413f1063003a16b890d272df6c51098afbb3099183a64bc9e4  ./kapp-windows-amd64.exe

(Installation instructions:


27 Nov 16:59
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  • Be more strict when capturing changes against last applied resource
    • This change may require you to add additional rebase rules, as kapp now makes sure that even immediate change after resource update/create is flagged. Only changes made by webhooks are now tolerated.
      • Examples that will need rebase rules to signify that cluster is the source of truth:
        • if HPA is modifying your Deployment's spec.replicas key
        • if RBAC aggregator is aggregating rules and updating ClusterRole's rules key
  • Support custom name key for versioned resources
    • Useful for volumes backed by secrets -- configured via secretName instead of standard name
  • Fix kapp group commands error message
6c89df67562301aff4bf76c700ccbd04a60bccd34adac332e67c518791b2333c  ./kapp-darwin-amd64
d9d03c83a5d0b6463e1b249e14c38aceb121e46094af6040c4596fe932caf181  ./kapp-linux-amd64
987484cc08de527186f93f4959e4da8d6b5284c1d46c0687634459f0560e5b19  ./kapp-windows-amd64.exe

(Installation instructions:


21 Nov 16:38
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  • Retry applying same update on top of new resource if diff hasnt changed
    • If resulting diff has not changed, it's guranteed that we are still applying "same" change
  • Use JSON instead of YAML for last applied configuration to fit better in max annotation val size
    • It was reported (#48) that some CRDs are very large, hence violate above max val size when serialized as YAML
  • Add --dangerous-ignore-failing-api-services flag as a failsafe hatch for deploy/delete/inspect operations
    • This may be helpful when some cluster APIs are misconfigured
  • Prevent users from accidently overwriting kapp state records with kapp
  • Garbage collect older app changes at the end of kapp deploy
    • setting can be controller via --app-changes-max-to-keep flag
  • Add waiter to integrated with


  • Fix deploy cmd help to correctly show -a label:name=key usage
  • Shrink last change column headers in kapp ls command
  • Improved error message when app record (backed by ConfigMap) cannot be parsed
  • Use (cluster) instead of <cluster> in UI


8d3744e9b01c0c2ec4526f5c86ed838854b56806c656b83fc0eff78229ac68f2  ./kapp-darwin-amd64
70bee927591f848f79bdf0888034cb55ed4f6b0e8389aea1f23264effc59160b  ./kapp-linux-amd64
995cb5c9021fa64ba905bcdb09ebbbaa470b78283cfbd7091c99859b5c5a1e34  ./kapp-windows-amd64.exe

(Installation instructions:


03 Oct 19:30
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  • Show (cluster) in namespace column when resource is cluster wide (previously was -)
  • Use ^ as duplicate content marker in table rows (previously was ~)
  • Added --debug flag to show debug logs (shuold be useful to understand where time is spent)
  • Show originating file for resource when resource fails validation
  • Support ignoring certain fields when diffing against last applied copy (may be useful in situations when cluster controllers modify resource at a later time)
7d41af44fc3290c8b783b75672d2dc55dfab751252db0717a26fceb2585daa2d  ./kapp-darwin-amd64
48aff53131654d8ad9adf26febee6104ecc55d89776624e8e57c6dbb33a7edd9  ./kapp-linux-amd64
8a2880e04efa84bc4bf1b23f3cb78839f039533c4973049f663494e28735e136  ./kapp-windows-amd64.exe

(Installation instructions:


20 Sep 19:42
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  • Group commands in help output (seen via kapp -h)
  • Group deploy flags in help output (seen via kapp deploy -h)
  • Support CRDs that define multiple versions (related issue: #37)
    • kapp checks if resources need to be namespaced based on associated CRDs; if CRD is not installed yet, kapp will fetch that information from given files and hence needed to interpret versions field (previously it only looked at version field)
92edcf9de16ce17b95bcb85b83ed36cc11290efc02252d1029da7ce949aef730  ./kapp-darwin-amd64
47c59a7a9927e33fab87b1db0ab57fd316de8c2a42c491e215daa7ea6454d4c1  ./kapp-linux-amd64
b0b6021c323706605baf012aeb394bd5473dfce67a2ce576058d7f064c84ac13  ./kapp-windows-amd64.exe

(Installation instructions:


16 Sep 21:34
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  • Add annotation (doc)
  • Add --filter-* flags to delete command`
  • Add kapp app-change gc command (doc)
    • Run it manually to remove old app change records
  • Support +- prefix in --filter-age flag to support filtering older or younger resources
  • Add --status flag to inspect command
  • Switch conditions field (Conds.) to use t (true) instead ok
  • Show reconcile info in diff summary
  • Throttle apply changes to avoid k8s grpc errors
    • default concurrency is set to 4 and can be changed via --apply-concurrency flag
2e9aec868607019d46fe2b8b1a9962d5fd347f7876fbe988df98c11a32d7efa7  ./kapp-darwin-amd64
75eb211d596ffe01852f04c8c0bb3a2792e53a737e036fe0409132e0e2917076  ./kapp-linux-amd64
da6f531f352dcd695185f48a84ef1109184fabd7fa4e0971a35b8cbecce17c9e  ./kapp-windows-amd64.exe

(Installation instructions:


16 Aug 23:54
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  • Suppress repetitive waiting output (#14)
    • Prints at least one repeating copy within 1 min
  • Check for FailedDelete condition for Deployments
  • Fallback on state namespace for finding resources if cluster level listing of namespaces is forbidden (doc)
  • Added cheatsheet doc page
  • Added rename command to rename apps (implemented by recreating ConfigMap record)
b333e3c1ef879dba47fee3b81469546da8d4e7fd594f8c065f1ef9930a5a4096  ./kapp-darwin-amd64
1d461864afeef5b78ac9eaed7be5acdd699be82f907e7c7efecbbe00b041fbb5  ./kapp-linux-amd64
c00c6441dbeb6e12ecd9d5901bcb23704027c40920011dacba5d8d02ee0186e5  ./kapp-windows-amd64.exe

(Installation instructions: