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Amphora Service - An Object Store for Secret Shared Data

The Amphora service (hereinafter referred to as Amphora for short) is an object store for secret shared data as used for MPC-based distributed computation on encrypted data in the Carbyne Stack platform.

Envisioned to be a full-fledged bucket/object store like AWS S3, the current implementation does not provide any advanced features other than object tagging. Tags can be used to filter secrets based on the assigned values.

Authentication and Authorization

Currently, all secrets can be accessed by every user that has access to the respective service endpoints. No access control has been implemented so far.

The Amphora Client has built in support for OAuth2-based bearer token authorization. On the service side, the access tokens can be checked by the respective mechanisms provided by the Istio service mesh.


Amphora provides three interfaces:

  • User facing: Used by clients for secret sharing, accessing, and managing secret shares and their tags (/input-masks, /masked-input, /secret-shares).
  • Intra VCP: Used by services running in the same Virtual Cloud Provider to access locally stored secret shares, e.g. for ingesting into a computation (/intra-vcp).
  • Inter VCP: Used for communication with other Virtual Cloud Providers in the same Virtual Cloud (/inter-vcp).

⚠️ When setting up the system, it is necessary to limit access to non-public endpoints (/intra-vcp and /inter-vcp) to local services or the services provided by remote Virtual Cloud Providers.

Getting Started

Amphora is part of Carbyne Stack and only one of multiple services each provider needs to run in order to participate in a Virtual Cloud. The recommended way to start a Virtual Cloud locally for development is using the Carbyne Stack SDK. Nevertheless, Amphora can also be run in isolation e.g. using helm (see charts/amphora/ for further details), or using docker directly (see below).

Docker Image

A docker image is available in the GitHub Container Repository. The latest image can be pulled using:

docker pull

Build from source

Amphora uses Maven for build automation and dependency management.

To build a custom Amphora docker image, run:

../mvnw clean package docker:build

Deploy locally

In order to deploy Amphora locally, the following additional services are required:

  • Minio: To persist the secret share's data.
  • PostgreSQL: To store the metadata (e.g. tags) of a secret share.
  • Redis: To cache Tuples which are required for secret sharing, or interim values for cluster internal communication.
  • Castor Service: To provide the cryptographic material (Tuples), which are required for the given SPDZ related operations.


Amphora requires a set of configuration parameters in order to run successful. Please see charts/amphora/ for a complete set of configuration parameters.

The following example shows how to start an Amphora docker container with the required set of environment variables:

cat << 'EOF' > amphora.conf
docker run --env-file amphora.conf iotspecs/amphora-service