This document lists and describes all available distributions.
This delivers the basic BPMN modeling experience of the Camunda Modeler, without any process engine specific behaviors.
This includes a set of extension modules, as follows
- diagram-js-minimap - A minimap for diagram-js
- diagram-js-origin - A point of origin cross and contour for diagram-js (disabled as default)
- @bpmn-io/align-to-origin - Nicely align your diagrams to the coordinate origin (enabled as default)
- bpmn-js-executable-fix - bpmn-js extension which makes sure that
is set onbpmn:Process
- bpmn-js-properties-panel - A properties panel extension for bpmn-js that adds the ability to edit technical properties
- a generic BPMN properties provider
Install and import the Modeler via npm to include it in your application.
import BpmnModeler from 'camunda-bpmn-js/lib/base/Modeler';
import 'camunda-bpmn-js/dist/assets/base-modeler.css';
var bpmnModeler = new BpmnModeler({
container: '#canvas',
propertiesPanel: {
parent: '#properties'
This delivers a distribution to mirror the modeling experience of the Camunda Modeler to work on the Camunda Platform.
The Modeler includes all extensions provided by the base distribution. To provide the Camunda Platform specific properties, it includes additionally:
- camunda-bpmn-moddle - Camunda moddle extensions for BPMN 2.0
- a Camunda specific BPMN properties provider
import BpmnModeler from 'camunda-bpmn-js/lib/camunda-platform/Modeler';
import 'camunda-bpmn-js/dist/assets/camunda-platform-modeler.css';
var bpmnModeler = new BpmnModeler({
container: '#canvas',
propertiesPanel: {
parent: '#properties'
This delivers a distribution to mirror the modeling experience of the Camunda Modeler to work on Camunda Cloud. It provides all modeling extensions that were previously part of the Zeebe Modeler application.
The Modeler includes all extensions provided by the base distribution. To provide the Camunda Cloud specific properties, it includes additionally:
- zeebe-bpmn-moddle - Zeebe moddle extensions for BPMN 2.0
- a Zeebe specific BPMN properties provider
- several Zeebe specific modeling controls and behaviors
import BpmnModeler from 'camunda-bpmn-js/lib/camunda-cloud/Modeler';
import 'camunda-bpmn-js/dist/assets/camunda-cloud-modeler.css';
var bpmnModeler = new BpmnModeler({
container: '#canvas',
propertiesPanel: {
parent: '#properties'
By design, bpmn-js applications are easy to extend. Therefore it's possible to build your own Modeler out of the provided packages.
Refer to the bpmn-js-examples directory to get some inspiration.