Please go to the root path of FEW-SHOT_NASBENCH201 to run these scripts.
bash ./search_algos/BOHB/one-shot/ cifar10 -1 NASBENCH201_PATH
The output will place on ./output/one-shot-NAS
bash ./search_algos/BOHB/few-shot/ cifar10 -1 NASBENCH201_PATH
The output will place on ./output/few-shot-NAS.
bash ./search_algos/BOHB/vanilla-NAS/ cifar10 -1 NASBENCH201_PATH
The output will place on ./output/vanilla-NAS
For the details of the scripts, 'cifar10' means searched dataset; '-1' is the seed value(negative value means random seed); 'NASBENCH201_PATH' is the path that contains NasBench201 dataset.
The search algorithm will run 50 times.