play game with AI ;)
Let's break down the code one line at a time:
import random
- Imports the
module for generating random numbers.
com_wins = 0
user_wins = 0
- Initializes variables to track computer and user wins.
options = ["rock", "paper", "scissors"]
- Defines a list of possible choices in the game.
while True:
- Starts an infinite loop for the game.
user_input = input("Please enter rock/paper/scissors, or q to quit: ").lower()
- Prompts the user for input and converts it to lowercase for case-insensitive comparison.
if user_input == "q":
- Breaks out of the loop if the user enters "q."
if user_input not in options:
print("Entered an invalid option")
- Prints a message and continues to the next iteration if the user enters an invalid option.
random_number = random.randint(0, 2)
comp_pick = options[random_number]
- Generates a random number to represent the computer's choice.
print("Computer picked", comp_pick + ".")
- Prints the computer's choice.
if user_input == "rock" and comp_pick == "scissors":
print("You Won!")
user_wins += 1
- Checks and prints the result if the user wins.
elif user_input == "scissors" and comp_pick == "paper":
print("You Won!")
user_wins += 1
- Checks and prints the result if the user wins.
elif user_input == "paper" and comp_pick == "rock":
print("You Won!")
user_wins += 1
- Checks and prints the result if the user wins.
print("You lost!")
com_wins += 1
- Prints the result if the user loses and updates the computer's win count.
print("You won:", user_wins, "times.")
print("Computer won:", com_wins, "times.")
Prints the final results and a farewell message after the user decides to quit.