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DaCH (dataflow cache for high-level synthesis) is a library compatible with Xilinx Vitis HLS for automating the memory management of field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) in HLS kernels through caches.

DaCH provides the cache class, that allows associating a dedicated cache to each DRAM-mapped array, that automatically buffers the data in block-RAMs and registers.

A cache object consists in a level 2 (L2) cache that exposes one or more (in case of read-only arrays) ports. Each L2 port can be associated with a private level 1 (L1) cache. The L2 cache is implemented as a dataflow task that consumes a stream of requests (read or write) from the function accessing the array, and produces a stream of responses (read) in the opposite direction.

DaCH fits well within the Xilinx guidelines for creating efficient HLS designs, since it automates multiple suggested techniques:

  • the kernel decomposition in producer-consumer tasks, since the L2 cache is a dataflow task that consumes a stream of requests (read or write) and produces a stream of responses (read)
  • Decompose the kernel algorithm by building a pipeline of producer-consumer tasks, modeled using a Load, Compute, Store (LCS) coding pattern
  • the creation of internal caching structures
  • In many cases, the sequential order of data in and out of the Compute tasks is different from the arrangement order of data in global memory.
    • In this situation, optimizing the interface functions requires creating internal caching structures that gather enough data and organize it appropriately to minimize the overhead of global memory accesses while being able to satisfy the sequential order expected by the streaming interface
  • the access to large contiguous blocks of data, since cache accesses the DRAM in lines (i.e., blocks of words)
  • Global memories have long access times (DRAM, HBM) and their bandwidth is limited (DRAM). To reduce the overhead of accessing global memory, the interface function needs to
    • Access sufficiently large contiguous blocks of data (to benefit from bursting)
  • Maximize the port width of the interface, i.e., the bit-width of each AXI port by setting it to 512 bits (64 bytes).
    • Accessing the global memory is expensive and so accessing larger word sizes is more efficient.
    • Transfer large blocks of data from the global device memory. One large transfer is more efficient than several smaller transfers.
  • the avoidance of redundant DRAM accesses, since cache accesses DRAM in case of miss only
  • Accessing data sequentially leads to larger bursts (and higher data throughput efficiency) as compared to accessing random and/or out-of-order data (where burst analysis will fail)
    • Avoid redundant accesses (to preserve bandwidth)

Further details can be found in the paper: Array-specific dataflow caches for high-level synthesis of memory-intensive algorithms on FPGAs.

Cache parameters

The cache specifications are configurable through template parameters:

  • typename T: the data type of the word.
  • bool RD_ENABLED: whether the original array is accessed in read mode.
  • bool WR_ENABLED: whether the original array is accessed in write mode.
  • size_t PORTS: the number of ports (1 if WR_ENABLED is true).
  • size_t MAIN_SIZE: the size of the original array.
  • size_t N_SETS: the number of L2 sets (1 for fully-associative cache).
  • size_t N_WAYS: the number of L2 ways (1 for direct-mapped cache).
  • size_t N_WORDS_PER_LINE: the size of the cache line, in words.
  • bool LRU: the replacement policy least-recently used if true, last-in first-out otherwise.
  • size_t N_L1_SETS: the number of L1 sets.
  • size_t N_L1_WAYS: the number of L1 ways.
  • bool SWAP_TAG_SET: the address bits mapping (Sections III and VI-B for more details).
  • size_t LATENCY: the request-response distance of the L2 cache (Section III-B3 for more details).

LATENCY parameter

The LATENCY parameter can have an impact on the L2 cache performance (Section III-A1 for more details).

The recommended LATENCY value is:

  • No L1 cache included (N_L1_SETS or N_L1_WAYS set to 0):
    • Read-only accesses (RD_ENABLED = true and WR_ENABLED = false): LATENCY = 7
    • Read-write accesses (RD_ENABLED = true and WR_ENABLED = true): LATENCY = 2
    • Write-only accesses (RD_ENABLED = false and WR_ENABLED = true): LATENCY = 3
  • L1 cache included:
    • Read-only accesses (RD_ENABLED = true and WR_ENABLED = false): LATENCY = 3
    • Read-write accesses (RD_ENABLED = true and WR_ENABLED = true): LATENCY = 2
    • Write-only accesses (RD_ENABLED = false and WR_ENABLED = true): not meaningful, since L1 cache is write-through


cache exposes a set of profiling functions, useful for tuning the cache parameters:

  • int get_n_reqs(const unsigned int port): returns the number of requests (reads and writes) to the L2 cache, on the port port.
  • int get_n_hits(const unsigned int port): returns the number of hits to the L1 cache, on the port port.
  • int get_n_l1_reqs(const unsigned int port): returns the number of requests (reads and writes) to the L2 cache, on the port port.
  • int get_n_l1_hits(const unsigned int port): returns the number of hits to the L1 cache, on the port port.
  • double get_hit_ratio(const unsigned int port): returns the hit ratio to the L2 and L1 caches, on the port port.


A cache object is associated to an array by:

  1. adding the DaCH src directory to the include path, and including the cache.h header file
  2. setting the cache parameters, possibly taking advantage of the profiling functions for their fine-tuning
  3. instantiating the cache and calling the function to be accelerated through the cache_wrapper function, in a dataflow region

As an example, the changes required for accelerating the vecinit kernel consist in:

+#include "cache.h"
+typedef cache<int, RD_ENABLED, WR_ENABLED,
+   SWAP_TAG_SET, LATENCY> cache_type;

template <typename T>
  void vecinit(T &a) {
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
#pragma HLS pipeline
      a[i] = i;

extern "C" void top(int *a) {
#pragma HLS interface m_axi port=a bundle=gmem0
+#pragma HLS dataflow
+ cache_type a_cache(a);
- vecinit(a);
+ cache_wrapper(vecinit<cache_type>, a_cache);

Note that the algorithm original code (i.e., the vecinit function) is unchanged: it is enough to change the input data type from int * to cache &.


The examples directory contains a set of applications using DaCH.

Each examples sub-directory is related to a different application, and contains:

  • {app_name}.cpp: source code for the kernel and the testbench.
  • {app_name}.tcl: script for synthesizing, simulating and exporting the kernel.
  • (optional) {app_name}.csv: results collected from the implementation of the kernel on a Avnet Ultra96v1 board (more details in the paper, at Section VI, Evaluation).

Users can test an application {app_name} by:

  1. entering the examples/{app_name} directory: cd examples/{app_name}
  2. running the {app_name}.tcl script: vitis_hls -f {app_name}.tcl



	author={Brignone, Giovanni and Usman Jamal, M. and Lazarescu, Mihai T. and Lavagno, Luciano},
	journal={IEEE Access},
	title={Array-specific dataflow caches for high-level synthesis of memory-intensive algorithms on FPGAs},

Plain text:

G. Brignone, M. Usman Jamal, M. T. Lazarescu and L. Lavagno, "Array-specific dataflow caches for high-level synthesis of memory-intensive algorithms on FPGAs," in IEEE Access, 2022, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3219868.