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Examples Overview

Example Nextion name Supported
Button NexButton ✔️
Checkbox NexCheckbox ✔️
Crop NexCrop
DualButton NexDual ✔️
Gauge NexGauge ✔️
Gpio NexGpio ✔️
Hardware NexHardware ✔️
Hotspot NexHotspot
Number NexNumber ✔️
Page NexPage ✔️
Picture NexPicture
Progress NexProgress ✔️
Radio NexRadio ✔️
Rtc NexRtc ✔️
Scrolltext NexScrolltext
Slider NexSlider ✔️
Text NexText ✔️
Timer NexTimer
Touch NexTouch
Upload NexUpload ✔️
Variable NexVariable ✔️
waveform NexWaveform ✔️

Basic example

The basic example shows the usage of all supported Nextion elements by simple UART command calls.

The provided examples are designed for an ESP32.

Check MicroPython UART documentation and the device/port specific setup for further details.

On a RP2 the RX and TX pin needs to be defined as e.g. tx_pin = Pin(4), rx_pin = Pin(5) and uart_id = 1 whereas an ESP32 can use any pin with e.g. tx_pin = 21 and rx_pin = 22 and uart_id = 1.

The following example code provides a universal RX/TX pin and UART ID setup.

tx_pin = 21
rx_pin = 22
uart_id = 1

    from machine import Pin
    import os
    from umodbus import version

    os_info = os.uname()
    print('MicroPython infos: {}'.format(os_info))
    print('Used micropthon-modbus version: {}'.format(version.__version__))

    if 'pyboard' in os_info:
        # NOT YET TESTED !
        # (TX, RX) = (X9, X10) = (PB6, PB7)
        tx_pin = Pin(PB6)
        rx_pin = Pin(PB7)
        uart_id = 1
    elif 'esp8266' in os_info:
        # NOT YET TESTED !
        raise Exception(
            'UART0 of ESP8266 is used by REPL, UART1 can only be used for TX'
    elif 'esp32' in os_info:
        tx_pin = 21
        rx_pin = 22
        uart_id = 1
    elif 'rp2' in os_info:
        uart_id = 1
        tx_pin = Pin(4)
        rx_pin = Pin(5)
except AttributeError:
except Exception as e:
    raise e

nh = NexHardware(rx_pin=rx_pin, tx_pin=tx_pin, uart_id=uart_id)

Hardware example

The hardware example shows the usage of the hardware functions sleep, brightness and reset.

Upload example

The upload example shows how to update a Nextion display with a new TFT file.

Copy the example TFT file to the MicroPython board with e.g. rshell

rshell --port /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART --editor nano

Copy the file to the device, this might take several minutes!

cp everything.tft /pyboard