- Mapping
and command:SwiftPMGenerateXcodeProject
to generate a Swift package's Xcode project. - Mapping
and command:SwiftPMTestGenerateLinuxMain
to generate the LinuxMain test code. - When using the autosave options, the errors can be sent to the same list
by setting
let g:swift_list_type_commands = { 'Autosave': 'quickfix' }
. You can use eitherquickfix
- Modify list cleaning and closing behavior. Add option to not clean lists during
manual command/mapping invocations by setting
let g:swift_list_clean = 0
. Add option to not clean lists during autosave operations by settinglet g:swift_list_clean_on_autosave = 0
. Default is to always clean lists.
- Initial implementation.