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1529 lines (1023 loc) · 71.3 KB

File metadata and controls

1529 lines (1023 loc) · 71.3 KB


All notable changes to this project are documented in this file.

This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

⚠️ Be Advised ⚠️

We have begun rewriting the iOS SDK in Swift in order to modernize the code base.

Please monitor the changelog for updates to existing interfaces but keep in mind that some interfaces will be unstable during this process. As such, updating to a minor version may introduce compilation issues related to language interoperability.

Please bear with us as we work towards providing an improved experience for integrating with the Facebook platform.


Full Changelog


2024-02-16 | Full Changelog



  • More support on integrity

2024-01-31 | Full Changelog


2023-12-07 | Full Changelog


2023-10-12 | Full Changelog



  • Update the implementation for SKAdNetwork to use the latest Apple API

2023-09-21 | Full Changelog


2023-07-10 | Full Changelog


2023-06-23 | Full Changelog



  • Fix App AEM AutoSetup
  • Fix ATE status publishing issue

2023-06-13 | Full Changelog



  • Fix CAPI-G module

2023-04-21 | Full Changelog



  • Flushed events if AEM Campaign ID is found

2023-03-22 | Full Changelog



  • Added AEM Auto Setup

2023-02-02 | Full Changelog



  • The enum AppLinkNavigation.Type type has been renamed tp AppLinkNavigationType.
  • The initializer init(appLink:extras:appLinkData:settings:) in AppLinkNavigation ignores the settings argument if one is passed.
  • The method navigation(with:extras:appLinkData:settings:) in AppLinkNavigation ignores the settings argument if one is passed.


  • The navigation(with:extras:appLinkData:settings:) method in AppLinkNavigation is deprecated in favor of the init(appLink:extras:appLinkData:) designated init.
  • The init(appLink:extras:appLinkData:settings:) initializer in AppLinkNavigation is deprecated in favor of the init(appLink:extras:appLinkData:) designated init.
  • The Profile.enableUpdatesOnAccessTokenChange(_:) method is deprecated in favor of the Profile.isUpdatedWithAccessTokenChange property.
  • SettingsProtocol.codelessDebugLogEnabled is deprecated in favor of SettingsProtocol.isCodelessDebugLogEnabled.
  • SettingsProtocol.advertiserIDCollectionEnabled is deprecated in favor of SettingsProtocol.isAdvertiserIDCollectionEnabled.
  • SettingsProtocol.advertiserTrackingEnabled is deprecated in favor of SettingsProtocol.isAdvertiserTrackingEnabled.
  • SettingsProtocol.graphAPIDebugParamValue is deprecated in favor of its new name SettingsProtocol.graphAPIDebugParameterValue
  • Settings.autoLogAppEventsEnabled is deprecated in favor of Settings.isAutoLogAppEventsEnabled.


  • SettingsProtocol.graphAPIDebugParamValue has been renamed to SettingsProtocol.graphAPIDebugParameterValue


  • Profile conformance to NSCopying has been removed as well as custom hashability and equatability.


  • The documentation for the property list-backed value Settings.isCodelessDebugLogEnabled has been corrected to indicate that the default value is false.

2022-10-24 | Full Changelog



  • The minimum supported version of iOS and tvOS is now 12.0.


  • Support for tvOS is now deprecated and will be removed in Version 16.



  • Binary artifact sizes are now smaller.

2022-09-19 | Full Changelog



  • Fixed GitHub Issue #2082.


  • Added server-side AEM rule matching

2022-06-28 | Full Changelog



  • Removed deprecated AEMReporter.configure(networker:appID:) method.
  • Removed deprecated ContextDialogPresenter.showCreateContextDialog(withContent:delegate:) method.
  • Removed deprecated ContextDialogPresenter.showSwitchContextDialog(withContent:delegate:) method.
  • Removed deprecated ContextDialogPresenter.showChooseContextDialog(withContent:delegate:) method.
  • Removed deprecated ContextDialogPresenter.showChooseContextDialog(with:delegate:) method.
  • Removed deprecated ContextDialogPresenter.createContextDialog(withContent:delegate:) method.
  • Removed deprecated ContextDialogPresenter.switchContextDialog(withContent:delegate:) method.
  • Removed deprecated SwitchContextDialog.dialog(content:windowFinder:delegate:) method.
  • Removed deprecated LoginConfiguration.authType(for:) method.
  • Removed internal AuthenticationTokenSettings protocol.


  • Made LoginManagerLoginResult.token immutable.
  • Made LoginManagerLoginResult.authenticationToken immutable.
  • Made LoginManagerLoginResult.isCancelled immutable.
  • Made LoginManagerLoginResult.grantedPermissions immutable.
  • Made LoginManagerLoginResult.declinedPermissions immutable.
  • Made AccessToken.currentAccessToken use a Swift name of current.
  • Made AuthenticationToken.currentAuthenticationToken use a Swift name of current.
  • Renamed SharingValidation protocol to SharingValidatable.
  • Corrected type definition for FBSDKUserIdentifier to be NSString * instead of NSString for Swift compatibility.

2022-06-03 | Full Changelog



  • Fixed an issue in native sharing where hashtags are not automatically added to a post.

2022-04-15 | Full Changelog


2022-03-14 | Full Changelog


Notable Changes

Supported platform versions have been updated

The minimum supported version of iOS is now 11.0 for all frameworks. The minimum supported version of tvOS is now 11.0 for all frameworks. The XCFramework binaries are now built with Xcode 13 so Xcode 12 is no longer supported.

Client Tokens are now required

Starting with the v13.0 release, client tokens must be included in apps for Graph API calls. An exception is now raised when running apps without a client token. See the instructions for more information.

Swift conversions

A number of types have been converted from Objective-C to Swift. As a consequence, developers may need to use modular import statements when using GamingServicesKit and a majority of ShareKit in order to avoid encountering compilation errors in Objective-C.

// When importing a framework in this form:
#import <FBSDKShareKit/FBSDKShareKit.h>

// You may be need to update to this form when unknown symbol warnings appear:
@import FBSDKShareKit;

Reduced use of Objective-C value-type practices

We have further reduced the use of Objective-C value-type practices in ShareKit. ShareKit content types will no longer implement the following behaviors:

  • conformance to the NSCopying protocol
  • custom hashability and equatability
  • conformance to NSSecureCoding

Additional strong typing of app event reporting methods

More app event reporting interfaces now use formal app event names and parameter names. Developers working in Swift code are required to use AppEvents.Name and AppEvents.ParameterName instances to represent app event names and app event parameter names, respectively.

The example below works without changes in Objective-C:

NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *parameters = @{
  FBSDKAppEventParameterNameNumItems: @5,
  @"custom_parameter": @"special info"

[FBSDKAppEvents logEvent:FBSDKAppEventNamePurchased

This next example is how it would look in Swift for an updated API:

let parameters: [AppEvents.ParameterName: Any] = [
  .numItems: 5,
  .init("custom_parameter"): "special info"

AppEvents.logEvent(.purchased, parameters: parameters)


  • Renamed frictionlessRequestsEnabled property on GameRequestDialog in Objective-C; use isFrictionlessRequestsEnabled and setIsFrictionlessRequestsEnabled: instead.
  • Corrected nullability of contentURL in protocol SharingContent
  • Renamed AppInviteDestination to AppInviteContent.Destination
  • Renamed userGenerated property on SharePhoto in Objective-C; use isUserGenerated and setIsUserGenerated: instead.


  • Deprecated the FacebookGamingServices CocoaPod; please use the FBSDKGamingServicesKit pod instead. SPM users should continue to use FacebookGamingServices.


A few types have been moved from FBSDKShareKit to FBSDKGamingServicesKit. If you were using any of these you will have to add @import FBSDKGamingServicesKit in order to access these:

  • GameRequestActionType
  • GameRequestContent
  • GameRequestDialog
  • GameRequestDialogDelegate
  • GameRequestFilter
  • GameRequestFrictionlessRecipientCache
  • GameRequestURLProvider


  • Removed NSObjectProtocol conformance/inheritance from multiple types in ShareKit.
  • Removed deprecated SDKError type; ErrorFactory and/or NetworkErrorChecker should be used instead.
  • Removed deprecated ReferralCode, ReferralManager, ReferralManagerResult and related classes.
  • Removed unused AppGroupContent class, AppGroupPrivacy enum and NSStringFromFBSDKAppGroupPrivacy function.
  • Removed SharingScheme protocol from ShareKit
  • Removed deprecated logInWithURL:handler from LoginManager
  • Removed deprecated init and new methods from AppInviteContent
  • Removed deprecated AppLinkResolverRequestBuilder
  • Removed deprecated URL schemes .facebookApp, .facebookShareExtension and .masqueradePlayer; use .facebookAPI instead.
  • Removed deprecated init and new methods from CrashHandler
  • Removed init and new methods from MessageDialog; use init(content:delegate:) instead.
  • Removed deprecated init and new methods from Logger
  • Removed deprecated init and new methods from FBSDKURLSession
  • Removed init and new methods from ShareDialog; use init(viewController:content:delegate:) instead.
  • Removed init and new from ShareCameraEffectContent; use init(effectID:contentURL:) instead.
  • Removed deprecated init(appLink:extras:appLinkData:) from AppLinkNavigation; use init(appLink:extras:appLinkData:settings:) instead".
  • Removed class-based factory methods for SharePhoto: +photoWithImage:userGenerated:, +photoWithImageURL:userGenerated:, +photoWithPhotoAsset:userGenerated:. Also removed init and new; use the new convenience initializers instead.
  • Removed class-based factory methods for ShareVideo: +videoWithData:, +videoWithData:previewPhoto:, +videoWithVideoAsset:, +videoWithVideoAsset:previewPhoto:, +videoWithVideoURL:, +videoWithVideoURL:previewPhoto:. Also removed init and new; use the new convenience initializers instead.
  • Removed videoURL property from PHAsset.
  • Removed isEqualToHashtag: and hashtagWithString: methods from Hashtag. Use isEqual: and initWithString: instead.

AppEvents deprecations

Use AppEvents.shared in places where AppEvents was used before. (Many class methods and properties in AppEvents have been deprecated in favor of their instance-based equivalents.)

  • Removed deprecated AppEvents.flushBehavior (use AppEvents.shared.flushBehavior instead)
  • Removed deprecated AppEvents.loggingOverrideAppID (use AppEvents.shared.loggingOverrideAppID instead)
  • Removed deprecated AppEvents.userID (use AppEvents.shared.userID instead)
  • Removed deprecated AppEvents.anonymousID (use AppEvents.shared.anonymousID instead)
  • Removed deprecated AppEvents.logEvent(_:) (use AppEvents.shared.logEvent(_:) instead)
  • Removed deprecated AppEvents.logEvent(_:valueToSum:) (use AppEvents.shared.logEvent(_:valueToSum:) instead)
  • Removed deprecated AppEvents.logEvent(_:parameters:) (use AppEvents.shared.logEvent(_:parameters:) instead)
  • Removed deprecated AppEvents.logEvent(_:valueToSum:parameters:) (use AppEvents.shared.logEvent(_:valueToSum:parameters:) instead)
  • Removed deprecated AppEvents.logEvent(_:valueToSum:parameters:accessToken:) (use AppEvents.shared.logEvent(_:valueToSum:parameters:accessToken:) instead)
  • Removed deprecated AppEvents.logPurchase(_:currency:) (use AppEvents.shared.logPurchase(amount:currency:) instead)
  • Removed deprecated AppEvents.logPurchase(_:currency:parameters:) (use AppEvents.shared.logPurchase(amount:currency:parameters:) instead)
  • Removed deprecated AppEvents.logPurchase(_:currency:parameters:accessToken:) (use AppEvents.shared.logPurchase(amount:currency:parameters:accessToken:) instead)
  • Removed deprecated AppEvents.logPushNotificationOpen(_:) (use AppEvents.shared.logPushNotificationOpen(payload:) instead)
  • Removed deprecated AppEvents.logPushNotificationOpen(_:action:) (use AppEvents.shared.logPushNotificationOpen(payload:action:) instead)
  • Removed deprecated AppEvents.logProductItem(_:availability:condition:description:imageLink:link:title:priceAmount:currency:gtin:mpn:brand:parameters:) (use AppEvents.shared.logProductItem(id:availability:condition:description:imageLink:link:title:priceAmount:currency:gtin:mpn:brand:parameters:) instead)
  • Removed deprecated AppEvents.setPushNotificationsDeviceToken(_:) (use AppEvents.shared.setPushNotificationsDeviceToken(_:) instead)
  • Removed deprecated AppEvents.setPushNotificationsDeviceToken(_:) (use AppEvents.shared.setPushNotificationsDeviceToken(_:) instead)
  • Removed deprecated AppEvents.flush() (use AppEvents.shared.flush() instead)
  • Removed deprecated AppEvents.requestForCustomAudienceThirdPartyID(with:) (use AppEvents.shared.requestForCustomAudienceThirdPartyID(accessToken:) instead)
  • Removed deprecated AppEvents.clearUserID is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release, please set AppEvents.shared.userID to nil instead)
  • Removed deprecated AppEvents.augmentHybridWKWebView(_:) (use AppEvents.shared.augmentHybridWebView(_:) instead)
  • Removed deprecated AppEvents.setIsUnityInit(_:) (use AppEvents.shared.setIsUnityInitialized(_:) instead)
  • Removed deprecated AppEvents.sendEventBindingsToUnity() (use AppEvents.shared.sendEventBindingsToUnity() instead)
  • Removed deprecated AppEvents.setUser(email:firstName:lastName:phone:dateOfBirth:gender:city:state:zip:country:) (use AppEvents.shared.setUser(email:firstName:lastName:phone:dateOfBirth:gender:city:state:zip:country:) instead)
  • Removed deprecated AppEvents.clearUserData() (use AppEvents.shared.clearUserData() instead)
  • Removed deprecated AppEvents.getUserData() (use AppEvents.shared.getUserData() instead)
  • Removed deprecated AppEvents.setUserData(_:forType:) (use AppEvents.shared.setUserData(_:forType:) instead)
  • Removed deprecated AppEvents.clearUserDataForType(_:) (use AppEvents.shared.clearUserDataForType(_:) instead)

Settings deprecations

Use Settings.shared in places where Settings was used before. (Many class methods and properties in FBSDKSettings have been deprecated in favor of their instance-based equivalents.)

  • Removed deprecated Settings.sdkVersion (use Settings.shared.sdkVersion instead")
  • Removed deprecated Settings.defaultGraphAPIVersion (use Settings.shared.defaultGraphAPIVersion instead")
  • Removed deprecated Settings.JPEGCompressionQuality (use Settings.shared.JPEGCompressionQuality instead")
  • Removed deprecated Settings.isAutoLogAppEventsEnabled (use Settings.shared.isAutoLogAppEventsEnabled instead")
  • Removed deprecated Settings.isCodelessDebugLogEnabled (use Settings.shared.isCodelessDebugLogEnabled instead")
  • Removed deprecated Settings.isAdvertiserIDCollectionEnabled (use Settings.shared.isAdvertiserIDCollectionEnabled instead")
  • Removed deprecated Settings.isSKAdNetworkReportEnabled (use Settings.shared.isSKAdNetworkReportEnabled instead")
  • Removed deprecated Settings.shouldLimitEventAndDataUsage (use Settings.shared.isEventDataUsageLimited instead")
  • Removed deprecated Settings.shouldUseCachedValuesForExpensiveMetadata (use Settings.shared.shouldUseCachedValuesForExpensiveMetadata instead")
  • Removed deprecated Settings.isGraphErrorRecoveryEnabled (use Settings.shared.isGraphErrorRecoveryEnabled instead")
  • Removed deprecated Settings.appID (use Settings.shared.appID instead")
  • Removed deprecated Settings.appURLSchemeSuffix (use Settings.shared.appURLSchemeSuffix instead")
  • Removed deprecated Settings.clientToken (use Settings.shared.clientToken instead")
  • Removed deprecated Settings.displayName (use Settings.shared.displayName instead")
  • Removed deprecated Settings.facebookDomainPart (use Settings.shared.facebookDomainPart instead")
  • Removed deprecated Settings.loggingBehaviors (use Settings.shared.loggingBehaviors instead")
  • Removed deprecated Settings.graphAPIVersion (use the Settings.shared.graphAPIVersion property instead")
  • Removed deprecated Settings.isAdvertiserTrackingEnabled() (use the Settings.shared.isAdvertiserTrackingEnabled property instead")
  • Removed deprecated Settings.setAdvertiserTrackingEnabled(_:) (use the Settings.shared.isAdvertiserTrackingEnabled property to set a value instead")
  • Removed deprecated Settings.setDataProcessingOptions(_:) (use the Settings.shared.setDataProcessingOptions(_:) method to set the data processing options instead")
  • Removed deprecated Settings.setDataProcessingOptions(_:_:_:) (use the Settings.shared.setDataProcessingOptions(_:_:_:) method to set the data processing options instead")
  • Removed deprecated Settings.enableLoggingBehavior() (use Settings.shared.enableLoggingBehavior() instead")
  • Removed deprecated Settings.disableLoggingBehavior() (use Settings.shared.disableLoggingBehavior() instead")

2022-02-15 | Full Changelog


This release contains various fixes for FBAEMKit


  • Fetched AEM config after AEM URL is received
  • Added delay between AEM conversion requests
  • Moved Catalog Matching logic behind GK

2022-02-07 | Full Changelog



  • Fixed missing defaultComponents accessor for CoreKitComponents. Fixes issue #2010.

2022-01-19 | Full Changelog



  • Added network error checking protocol (NetworkErrorChecking) and concrete implementation (NetworkErrorChecker)
  • Added error factory protocol (ErrorCreating) and concrete implementation (ErrorFactory)


  • Removed configureWithWebViewProvider:urlOpener: from FBSDKWebDialogView


  • SDKError has been deprecated in favor of the new ErrorFactory and NetworkErrorChecker types
  • NSStringFromFBSDKShareDialogMode() has been deprecated in favor of ShareDialog.Mode.description

2022-01-06 | Full Changelog



  • Duplicate symbol error when using Swift Package Manager with the ObjC linker flag (issue #1972)
  • Issue using SPM for tvOS projects (issue #1936)
  • Fixed regression in sizes for and
  • Potential fix for [FBSDKAppEventsDeviceInfo encodedDeviceInfo] crash (issue #1961)

2021-12-08 | Full Changelog


Note: There is a known issue with using the ObjC linker flag with this version. We are working on a patch fix. If you rely on the ObjC linker flag, you will want to wait for the patch fix before upgrading.


  • Starting with v12.2.0 apps no longer need to embed numerous custom URL schemes in LSApplicationQueriesSchemes for their Info.plist. Only the fbapi and fb-messenger-share-api custom URL schemes are needed. With the change to iOS 15 that limits LSApplicationQueriesSchemes to 50 schemes, this should relieve some pressure that apps may face when running up against this limit. As part of this change the following symbols are deprecated:
    • URLScheme.facebookApp
    • URLScheme.facebookShareExtension
    • URLScheme.masqueradePlayer


  • Fixed NSKeyedUnarchiver validateAllowedClass Warnings in Xcode Console. Fixes #1941 and #1930
  • An implementation bug in ApplicationDelegate where added application observers were notified twice for application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:. The return type of ApplicationDelegate.application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: was also incorrectly stated as, "YES if the url was intended for the Facebook SDK, NO if not". In actuality, the method returns whether there are any application observers that themselves return true from calling their implementation of application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:. This fix means that application observers will now only be notified once per app launch, however, if ApplicationDelegate.application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: is called after calling ApplicationDelegate.initializeSDK then the return type will always be false regardless of any application observers.
  • Using share dialogs via share sheet mode fails to show the dialog (Issue #1938)
  • Fixed: aem_conversion_configs should contain an explicit "fields" parameter (Issue #1933)


  • The class-based interface of AppEvents has been deprecated. Please use the instance properties and methods on AppEvents.shared instead.

2021-12-01 | Full Changelog



  • When using SPM, FacebookAEM and FacebookBasics no longer have to be explicitly included


  • FBSDKShareDialog show does nothing the first time (Issue #1919)
  • Unable to archive app for distribution using Xcode 12.5.1 and Swift Package Manager (Issue #1917)
  • iOS 15: NSKeyedUnarchiver warning (Issued #1887)


  • The aggregate FacebookSDK pod is deprecated. Please use one of the individual pods instead (i.e. FBSDKCoreKit, FBSDKShareKit, FBSDKLoginKit, etc.)
  • FBSDKReferralCode, FBSDKReferralManager and FBSDKReferralManagerResult are deprecated and will be removed in v13.0.0

2021-10-26 | Full Changelog


  • Updated release to be built with Xcode 12 for backwards compatibility with Xcode 12

2021-10-16 | Full Changelog


Note: Binaries for v12.0.1 were built with Xcode 13 and will not work with Xcode 12. See #1911. Use release v12.0.2 instead.

  • Fixed: Share Dialog not presenting for SDK 12.0.0 including for the FacebookShareSample app #1909

2021-10-15 | Full Changelog


Starting with version 12.0.0, CocoaPods and Swift Package Manager (SPM) are vending pre-built XCFrameworks. You no longer need to build the SDK when using CocoaPods or SPM, which should save you between a few seconds and a few minutes per build.

Because XCFrameworks do not allow embedded frameworks, note the following:

  • When you install the SDK by using CocoaPods, the generated Pods project includes the dependencies for you.
  • When you install the SDK by using SPM, you must add the dependencies yourself.
    • You must include FacebookAEM and FacebookBasics even though you won't use them directly.

You can no longer build from source using Carthage. Instead use Carthage to obtain the pre-built XCFrameworks. For instructions, see:

For more details, see


Changes to FBSDKLoginButton when defined in a Storyboard or XIB file: There is a known issue with using XCFrameworks in conjunction with Storyboard or XIB files. If you do not follow the instructions for using Interface Builder at, FBSDKLoginButton does not load or decorate correctly. Add [FBSDKLoginButton class] to application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: so that the Storyboard can find it. If you don't, any methods that you call on it may result in a runtime crash.

Changes in Version 12.0.0

  • The minimum supported version of iOS is now 10.0.
  • Formalized the shared instance of AppEvents (given the property name shared) to start moving away from a class-based interface.
  • FacebookGamingServices and FBSDKGamingServicesKit — There are two libraries related to Gaming Services. FBSDKGamingServicesKit is a superset of FacebookGamingServices that includes Objective-C wrapper classes for FBSDKContextDialogPresenter and FBSDKContextDialogPresenter. If you don't need an Objective-C interface for these types, we recommend that you use only FacebookGamingServices.
  • Nullability annotations are added to some types. If you are using Swift (and in some cases Objective-C) and you use a newly annotated type, see the warnings in Xcode for more information.

The following table contains changes to the iOS SDK in version 12.0.0.

Removed or Changed Version 12.0.0 Replacement or Change
AccessToken convenience initializers that include graphDomain
AccessToken.graphDomain class property. AccessToken.graphDomain instance property.
AccessToken.refreshCurrentAccessToken(completionHandler:) AccessToken.refreshCurrentAccessToken(completion:)
AppEvents.activateApp class method. AppEvents.activateApp instance method that you access on the AppEvents.shared instance.
FBSDKGraphErrorRecoveryProcessor - you can no longer create new instances without using designated initializers.
GamingImageUploader.uploadImage(configuration:andResultCompletionHandler:) GamingImageUploader.uploadImage(configuration:andResultCompletion:)
GamingImageUploader.uploadImage(configuration:completionHandler:andProgressHandler:) GamingImageUploader.uploadImage(configuration:completion:andProgressHandler:)
GamingPayload.gameRequestID You can obtain the game request ID from GamingPayloadDelegate.parsedGameRequestURLContaining(_:gameRequestID:)
GamingPayloadDelegate.updatedURLContaining(_:) GamingPayloadDelegate.parsedGameRequestURLContaining(_:gameRequestID:)
GamingPayloadObserver.shared You must now create instances of this object by using a delegate.
GamingServiceResultCompletionHandler GamingServiceResultCompletion
GamingVideoUploader.uploadVideo(configuration:andResultCompletionHandler:) GamingVideoUploader.uploadVideo(configuration:andResultCompletion:)
GamingVideoUploader.uploadVideo(configuration:completionHandler:andProgressHandler:) GamingVideoUploader.uploadVideo(configuration:completion:andProgressHandler:)
GraphRequest.start(completionHandler:) GraphRequest.start(completion:)
GraphRequestBlock GraphRequestCompletion
GraphRequestConnection.add(_:completionHandler:) GraphRequestConnection.add(_:completion:)
GraphRequestConnection.add(_:batchEntryName:completionHandler:) GraphRequestConnection.add(_:name:completion:)
GraphRequestConnection.add(_:batchParameters:completionHandler:) GraphRequestConnection.add(_:parameters:completion:)

2021-09-27 | Full Changelog



  • Fixed the App AEM Advertiser Rule match for fb_content
  • Fixed: 'FBSDKCoreKitImport.h' file not found. (Issue #1829)

2021-09-16 | Full Changelog



  • Added AEM Deeplink handling debugging support


  • Support for building with Xcode 13 beta 4 due to change in optionality for NS_EXTENSION_UNAVAILABLE. More information in the Xcode release notes and in issue #1799. Resolved by @S2Ler in #1768

2021-08-30 | Full Changelog



  • Reintroduces initializeSDK method to FBSDKApplicationDelegate


  • Introduced Xcodegen for generating project files. Moving forward, We will now use Xcodegen to generate the project files that are used to build the SDK releases. There should be no impact to SDK users. However, some build settings were restored to Xcode defaults as a result of this change, and output binaries may be affected in unpredictable ways. Contributors to the SDK should run the new, top-level script to ensure that the project files they are using are the same as those being used in CI and for releases. The next major version will remove the project files from version control. If you experience any of these issues, please open an issue and we will look into it.


  • Building the frameworks using Carthage. Carthage is a dependency manager that typically works by building a third party framework using Xcode schemes shared from a .xcodeproj file. We are planning to remove the .xcodeproj files in the next major release as they will be generated on an as needed basis using Xcodegen. There is a strong likelihood that this change will break several integrations that use Carthage. You will still be able to use Carthage by pulling the pre-built binaries or XCFrameworks directly from the release. If this does not work for your use case, we recommend checking out Swift Package Manager as an alternative.
  • FBSDKGamingServicesKit's GamingServiceResultCompletionHandler. Replaced by GamingServiceResultCompletion which passes a dictionary instead of a string for the result. Additionally the following methods have been updated:
    • uploadImageWithConfiguration:andResultCompletionHandler is replaced by uploadImageWithConfiguration:andResultCompletion
    • uploadImageWithConfiguration:completionHandler:andProgressHandler is replaced by uploadImageWithConfiguration:completion:andProgressHandler:
    • uploadVideoWithConfiguration:completionHandler:andProgressHandler: is replaced by uploadVideoWithConfiguration:completion:andProgressHandler:
    • uploadVideoWithConfiguration:andResultCompletionHandler is replaced by uploadVideoWithConfiguration:andResultCompletion
  • FBSDKGamingPayloadObserver's shared instance. Going forward a user should create and retain their own instance of a payload observer for as long as they'd like to receive callbacks from its delegate.


  • Initializing the SDK in when UIApplication is unavailable #1748
  • Issue caused by initializeSDK deprecation #1731

2021-07-23 | Full Changelog



  • Add background refresh status logging


  • No longer automatically showing UI for GraphErrorRecoveryProcessor


  • Fix nil completion handler crash - (@revolter in #1768)
  • Fix AEM HMAC generation issue

2021-06-22 | Full Changelog


ATTENTION: The Platform SDK v11.0 release introduces a few key changes to how dependencies will be managed moving forward. These changes are being implemented to drive more efficiency in our development process and reduce an over-reliance on singletons and tight coupling.. As part of these changes, we are currently in the process of converting existing types to use injected dependencies. As a result, many types will no longer be usable until the SDK is initialized. In order to ensure that types are configured correctly before being used, you will need to call FBSDKApplicationDelegate.application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: first before attempting to (i) get or set any properties, or (ii) invoke any methods on the SDK.

The source code has been updated to include reminders in the form of exceptions in DEBUG builds across several locations. These reminders will serve as pointers for Developers to call FBSDKApplicationDelegate.application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: before using the SDK. For more information see: facebook#1763.


  • Login with Facebook iOS app now populates a shared AuthenticationToken instance.
  • Added Limited Login support for user_hometown, user_location, user_gender and user_link permissions under public beta.
  • Updated Profile on Limited Login to include first, middle and last name as separate fields.
  • Released user_messenger_contact permission to enable Login Connect with Messenger. This new feature allows people to opt in to being contacted by a business on Messenger following the FB Login flow.
  • Added ability to add messenger_page_id param to FBSDKLoginButton and FBSDKLoginConfiguration
  • Added FBSDKApplicationObserving - a protocol for describing types that can optional respond to lifecycle events propagated by ApplicationDelegate
  • Added addObserver: and removeObserver: to FBSDKApplicationDelegate
  • Added startWithCompletion: to FBSDKGraphRequest. Replaces startWithCompletionHandler:
  • Added addRequest:completion to FBSDKGraphRequestConnection. Replaces addRequest:completionHandler:.
  • Added addRequest:name:completion: to FBSDKGraphRequestConnection. Replaces addRequest:batchEntryName:completionHandler:.
  • Added addRequest:parameters:completion: to FBSDKGraphRequestConnection. Replaces addRequest:batchParameters:completionHandler:.
  • Added instance method activateApp to AppEvents.


  • FBSDKGraphRequestBlock. Replaced by FBSDKGraphRequestCompletion which returns an abstract FBSDKGraphRequestConnection in the form id<FBSDKGraphRequestConnecting> (ObjC) or GraphRequestConnecting (Swift)
  • FBSDKGraphRequest's startWithCompletionHandler: replaced by startWithCompletion:
  • FBSDKGraphRequestConnection's addRequest:completionHandler: replaced by addRequest:completion:
  • FBSDKGraphRequestConnection's addRequest:batchEntryName:completionHandler: replaced by addRequest:name:completion:
  • FBSDKGraphRequestConnection's addRequest:batchParameters:completionHandler: replaced by addRequest:parameters:completion:
  • FBSDKGraphRequestBlock
  • Class method AppEvents.activateApp. It is replaced by an instance method of the same name.


  • FBSDKApplicationDelegate.initializeSDK:launchOptions:. The replacement method is FBSDKApplicationDelegate.application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
  • FBSDKAppEvents' updateUserProperties:handler: method.
  • FBSDKAppEvents's updateUserProperties:handler: method.
  • FBSDKAppLinkReturnToRefererControllerDelegate
  • FBSDKAppLinkReturnToRefererController
  • FBSDKIncludeStatusBarInSize
  • FBSDKAppLinkReturnToRefererViewDelegate
  • FBAppLinkReturnToRefererView
  • FBSDKErrorRecoveryAttempting's attemptRecoveryFromError:optionIndex:delegate:didRecoverSelector:contextInfo:
  • FBSDKProfile's initWithUserID:firstName:middleName:lastName:name:linkURL:refreshDate:imageURL:email:
  • FBSDKProfile's initWithUserID:firstName:middleName:lastName:name:linkURL:refreshDate:imageURL:email:friendIDs:birthday:ageRange:isLimited:
  • FBSDKProfile's initWithUserID:firstName:middleName:lastName:name:linkURL:refreshDate:imageURL:email:friendIDs:
  • FBSDKProfile's initWithUserID:firstName:middleName:lastName:name:linkURL:refreshDate:imageURL:email:friendIDs:birthday:ageRange:
  • FBSDKAccessTokensBlock
  • FBSDKTestUsersManager
  • FBSDKGraphErrorRecoveryProcessor's delegate property
  • FBSDKGraphErrorRecoveryProcessor's didPresentErrorWithRecovery:contextInfo:
  • FBSDKGamingVideoUploader's uploadVideoWithConfiguration:andCompletionHandler:
  • FBSDKGamingImageUploader's uploadImageWithConfiguration:andCompletionHandler:

2021-06-01 | Full Changelog

10.0.0 (Release Skipped)


Reason: The SDK is primarily a means of interacting with the Graph API. The decision was made to skip this version in order to maintain major version parity. Since Graph API is on v11, it did not make sense to release a v10 then immediately release a v11.



Performance Improvements

  • Cocoapods: FBSDKCoreKit rebuilds FacebookSDKStrings.bundle so xcode processes the strings files into binary plist format. This strips comments and saves ~181KB in disk space for apps. #1713


  • Added AEM (Aggregated Events Measurement) support under public beta.
  • Added external_id support in advanced matching.
  • GamingServicesKit changed the Game Request feature flow where if the user has the facebook app installed, they will not see a webview to complete a game request. Instead they will switch to the facebook app and app switch back once the request is sent or the user cancels the dialog.


  • Fix for shadowing swift type. #1721
  • Optimization for cached token fetching. See the commit message for more details.
  • Cocoapods with generate_multiple_pod_projects #1709

2021-04-25 | Full Changelog



  • Added Limited Login support for user_friends, user_birthday and user_age_range permissions under public beta.
  • Shared Profile instance will be populated with birthday and ageRange fields using the claims from the AuthenticationToken. (NOTE: birthday and ageRange fields are in public beta mode)
  • Added a convenience initializer to Profile as part of fixing a bug where upgrading from limited to regular login would fail to fetch the profile using the newly available access token.
  • GamingServicesKit added an observer class where if developers set the delegate we will trigger the delegate method with a GamingPayload object if any urls contain gaming payload data. (NOTE: This feature is currently under development)


Performance Improvements

  • Added in memory cache for carrier and timezone so they are not dynamically loaded on every didBecomeActive
  • Added cached ASIdentifierManager to avoid dynamic loading on every didBecomeActive
  • Backgrounds the expensive property creation that happens during AppEvents class initialization.
  • Added thread safety for incrementing the serial number used by the logging utility.
  • Added early return to Access Token to avoid unnecessary writes to keychain which can cause performance issues.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed using CocoaPods with the generate_multiple_pod_projects flag. #1707
  • Adhere to flush behavior for logging completion. Will now only flush events if the flush behavior is explicitOnly.
  • Static library binaries are built with BITCODE_GENERATION_MODE = bitcode to fix errors where Xcode is unable to build apps with bitcode enabled. #1698


  • TestUsersManager. The APIs that back this convenience type still exist but there is no compelling reason to have this be part of the core SDK. See the commit message for more on the rationale.


  • Internal type AudioResourceLoader.

2021-04-06 | Full Changelog



  • friendIDs property added to FBSDKProfile (NOTE: We are building out the friendIDs property in Limited Login with the intention to roll it out in early spring)
  • FBSDKProfile initializer that includes optional friendIDs argument
  • claims property of type FBSDKAuthenticationTokenClaims added to FBSDKAuthenticationToken


  • Build Warnings for SPM with Xcode 12.5 Beta 2 #1661
  • Memory leak in FBSDKGraphErrorRecoveryProcessor
  • Name conflict for Swift version of FBSDKURLSessionTask
  • Avoids call to AppEvents singleton when setting overriding app ID #1647
  • CocoaPods now compiles FBSDKDynamicFrameworkLoader with ARC.
  • CocoaPods now uses static frameworks as the prebuilt libraries for the aggregate FacebookSDK podspec
  • App Events use the correct token if none have been provided manually (@ptxmac#1670


  • FBSDKGraphErrorRecoveryProcessor's delegate property
  • FBSDKGraphErrorRecoveryProcessor's didPresentErrorWithRecovery:contextInfo: method
  • FBSDKAppLinkReturnToRefererView
  • FBSDKAppLinkReturnToRefererController


  • Internal type FBSDKErrorRecoveryAttempter

2021-02-25 | Full Changelog



  • Add control support for the key FacebookSKAdNetworkReportEnabled in the info.plist
  • Add APIs to control SKAdNetwork Report


  • Fix deadlock issue between SKAdNetwork Report and AAM/Codeless
  • Fix default ATE sync for the first app launch
  • Fix build error caused by LoginButton nonce property (@kmcbride in #1616)
  • Fix crash on FBSDKWebViewAppLinkResolverWebViewDelegate (@Kry256 in #1624)
  • Fix XCFrameworks build issue (#1628)
  • Fix deadlock when AppEvents ActivateApp is called without initializing the SDK (#1636)

2021-02-02 | Full Changelog


We have a number of exciting changes in this release! For more information on the v9 release please read our associated blog post!


  • Swift Package Manager now supports Mac Catalyst
  • Limited Login. Please read the blog post and docs for a general overview and implementation details.


  • The default Graph API version is updated to v9.0
  • The linkURL property of FBSDKProfile will only be populated if the user has granted the user_link permission.
  • FBSDKGamingServicesKit will no longer embed FBSDKCoreKit as a dependency. This may affect you if you are manually integrating pre-built binaries.
  • The aggregate CocoaPod FacebookSDK now vendors XCFrameworks. Note: this may cause conflicts with other CocoaPods that have dependencies on the our libraries, ex: Audience Network. If you encounter a conflict it is easy to resolve by using one or more of the individual library pods instead of the aggregate pod.


  • The autoInitEnabled option is removed from the SDK. From here on, developers are required to initialize the SDK explicitly with the initializeSDK method or implicitly by calling it in applicationDidFinishLaunching.


  • Swift Package Manager Mac Catalyst support #1577

2021-01-05 | Full Changelog



  • Remove SignalHandler to avoid hiding root cause of crashes caused by fatal signals.
  • Expose functions in FBSDKUserDataStore as public for apps using Audience Network SDK only to use advanced matching.

2020-11-10 | Full Changelog



  • Introduced AppLinkResolverRequestBuilder for use in cleaning up and adding tests around AppLinkResolver


  • Removed version checks for iOS 9 since it’s the default version now.
  • Refactored AppLinkResolver to use a request builder
  • Refactored and added tests around FBSDKProfile and FBSDKProfilePictureView
  • Updated FBSDKSettings to use ADIdentifierManager for tracking status
  • Removes usages of deprecated UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM()


  • Issues with Swift names causing warnings - #1522
  • Fixes bugs related to crash handling - #1444
  • Fixes Carthage distribution to include the correct binary slices when building on Xcode12 - #1484
  • Fixes duplicate symbol for FBSDKVideoUploader bug #1512
  • GET requests now default to having a 'fields' parameter to avoid warnings about missing fields #1403
  • Fixes Multithreading issue related to crash reporting - #1550

2020-10-23 | Full Changelog



  • Added timestamp for install event in iOS 14
  • Added method setAdvertiserTrackingEnabled to overwrite the advertiser_tracking_enabled flag
  • Added SKAdNetwork support for installs
  • Added SKAdNetwork support for conversion value in iOS 14
  • Added FBSDKReferralManager for integrating with the web referral dialog
  • Added method loginWithURL to FBSDKLoginManager for supporting deep link authentication
  • Added E2E tests for all in-market versions of the SDK that run on server changes to avoid regressions


  • Event handling in iOS 14: will drop events if setAdvertiserTrackingEnabled is called with false in iOS 14
  • FBSDKProfile - imageURLForPictureMode:size: - User profile images will only be available when an access or client token is available


  • FBSDKSettings - isAutoInitEnabled - Auto-initialization flag. Will be removed in the next major release. Future versions of the SDK will not utilize the + load method to automatically initialize the SDK.

Fixed / Patched

  • #1444 - Update crash handling to use sigaction in signal handler and respect SIG_IGN
  • #1447 - Login form automatically closing when SDK is not initialized on startup
  • #1478 - Minimum iOS deployment target is now 9.0
  • #1485 - StoreKit is now added as a weak framework for CocoaPods
  • Bug fix for Advanced Matching, which was not working on iOS 14

2020-09-22 | Full Changelog



  • Fix data processing options issue

2020-06-25 | Full Changelog



  • Introduce DataProcessingOptions


  • Remove UserProperties API

2020-06-23 | Full Changelog


🚨🚨🚨Attention! 🚨🚨🚨

This release fixes the ability to parse bad server configuration data. Please upgrade to at least this version to help avoid major outtages such as #1374 and #1427


  • Added additional unit tests for FBSDKRestrictiveDataFilterManager
  • Added integration test for building with xcodebuild
  • Added safer implementation of NSJSONSerialization methods to FBSDKTypeUtility and changed callsites
  • Added 'fuzz' testing class to test our network response parsing won't crash from bad/unexpected values


  • Issue #1401
  • Issue #1380
  • Previously, we could not remove AAM data if we opt out some rules. Now, we align with Android AAM and add an internalUserData to save AAM data. And we only send back the data of enabled AAM rules.
  • Fix a bug where we were not updating Event Deactivation or Restrictive Data Filtering if the enable() function was called after the update() function
  • Restrictive data filtering bug where updating filters would exit early on an empty eventInfo parameter.
  • Enabling bitcode by default; we used to disable bitcode globally and enable it for certain versions of iphoneos due to Xcode 6 issue, given we've dropped the support for Xcode 6, it's cleaner to enable bitcode by default.


  • Now using FBSDKTypeUtility to provide type safety for Dictionaries and Arrays
  • Updates code so that NSKeyedUnarchiver method calls will continue to work no matter what the iOS deployment target is set to.
  • Skips sending back app events when there are no encoded events.


  • MarketingKit

2020-06-08 | Full Changelog



  • Using version 7.0 of the Facebook Graph API
  • Dropping support for Xcode versions below 11. This is in line with Apple's plans to disallow submission of Apps that do not include the iOS 13 SDK. This means that from v7.0 on, all SDK kits will be built using Xcode 11 and Swift 5.1.
  • Include the enhanced Swift interfaces

This primarily matters for how you include CocoaPods

Distribution Channel Old way New Way
CocoaPods pod 'FBSDKCoreKit/Swift' pod 'FBSDKCoreKit'
Swift Package Manager No change No change
Carthage No change No change


  • FBSDKMarketingKit

2020-05-05 | Full Changelog


  • Various bug fixes

2020-04-29 | Full Changelog



  • The Swift interface for SharingDelegate should not have a nullable error in the callback.
  • Fixes issue with login callback during backgrounding.
  • Minor fixes related to Integrity

2020-04-23 | Full Changelog



  • More usecase for Integrity is supported.

2020-04-20 | Full Changelog



FBSDKMessageDialog now accepts FBSDKSharePhotoContent.

FBSDKGamingServicesKit/FBSDKGamingImageUploader.h uploadImageWithConfiguration:andResultCompletionHandler: uploadImageWithConfiguration:completionHandler:andProgressHandler:

FBSDKGamingServicesKit/FBSDKGamingVideoUploader.h uploadVideoWithConfiguration:andResultCompletionHandler: uploadVideoWithConfiguration:completionHandler:andProgressHandler:


FBSDKGamingServicesKit/FBSDKGamingImageUploader.h uploadImageWithConfiguration:andCompletionHandler:

FBSDKGamingServicesKit/FBSDKGamingVideoUploader.h uploadVideoWithConfiguration:andCompletionHandler:

2020-03-25 | Full Changelog


Various bug fixes, CI improvements



  • Support new event type for suggested events

2020-03-25 | Full Changelog



  • Support for Gaming Video Uploads
  • Allow Gaming Image Uploader to accept a callback
  • Messenger Sharing

2020-03-09 | Full Changelog



  • Uses API version 6.0 by default


  • FBSDKShareDialog delegate callbacks on apps using iOS 13



  • Facebook Messenger Template and OpenGraph Sharing
  • FBSDKMessengerActionButton
  • FBSDKShareMessengerGenericTemplateContent
  • FBSDKShareMessengerGenericTemplateElement
  • FBSDKShareMessengerMediaTemplateMediaType
  • FBSDKShareMessengerMediaTemplateContent
  • FBSDKShareMessengerOpenGraphMusicTemplateContent
  • FBSDKShareMessengerURLActionButton
  • FBSDKShareAPI since it exists to make sharing of open graph objects easier. It also requires the deprecated publish_actions permission which is deprecated.
  • Property pageID from FBSDKSharingContent since it only applies to sharing to Facebook Messenger
  • FBSDKShareOpenGraphAction
  • FBSDKShareOpenGraphContent
  • FBSDKShareOpenGraphObject
  • FBSDKShareOpenGraphValueContainer


  • FBSDKSettings property instrumentEnabled
  • Sharing of open graph objects. This is because the "publish_actions" permission is deprecated so we should not be providing helper methods that encourage its use. For more details see:
  • FBSDKAppEventNameSubscriptionHeartbeat


  • FBSDKLoginBehavior Login flows no longer support logging in through the native application. This change reflects that.

2020-02-03 | Full Changelog



  • fix multi-thread issue for Crash Report
  • fix write to file issue for Crash Report

2020-01-28 | Full Changelog



  • fix for CocoaPods (i.e. macro FBSDKCOCOAPODS)
  • fixes a bug in for sharing callbacks for apps using SceneDelegate

2020-01-21 | Full Changelog



  • SPM Support for tvOS


  • fix for CocoaPods static libs (i.e. no use-frameworks!)
  • various bug fixes and unit test additions

2020-01-14 | Full Changelog



  • bug fix for address inferencer weights load

2019-12-16 | Full Changelog


2019-12-11 | Full Changelog


  • Parameter deactivation


  • Update ML model to support non-English input



  • Updated suggested events

2019-12-03 | Full Changelog


2019-11-19 | Full Changelog


  • Accelerate automatically linked for SPM installs 6c1a7e
  • Fixes building for Unity 6a83270
  • Updates build scripts, various bug fixes


2019-11-14 | Full Changelog


  • Launch event suggestions


2019-11-12 | Full Changelog


  • Various bugfixes with SPM implementation


2019-11-06 | Full Changelog


  • Support for Swift Package Manager


2019-10-29 | Full Changelog


  • Using Graph API version 5.0


2019-10-08 | Full Changelog



2019-09-30 | Full Changelog


  • Nullability annotation in FBSDKCoreKit


  • Various bug fixes
  • Build scripts (for documentation and to support libraries that include Swift)


2019-09-13 | Full Changelog


  • Fixed FB Login for multi-window apps that created via Xcode 11
  • Added support for generate_multiple_pod_projects for cocoapods 1.7.0
  • Improved performance and stability of crash reporting
  • Added user agent suffix for macOS


  • Various bug fixes


2019-08-30 | Full Changelog


  • Replaced UIWebView with WKWebView as Apple will stop accepting submissions of apps that use UIWebView APIs
  • Added support for Catalyst


  • Various bug fixes


2019-08-21 | Full Changelog


  • Deprecated +[FBSDKSettings isInstrumentEnabled], please use +[FBSDKSettings isAutoLogEnabled] instead


  • Fix Facebook Login for iOS 13 beta
  • Various bug fixes


2019-08-15 | Full Changelog


  • Add handling for crash and error to make SDK more stable


2019-07-29 | Full Changelog


  • Graph API update to v4.0


2019-07-15 | Full Changelog


  • Fixed Facebook Login issues


2019-07-14 | Full Changelog


  • Fixed Facebook Login on iOS 13 beta
  • Various bug fixes


2019-07-02 | Full Changelog


  • Various bug fixes


2019-06-30 | Full Changelog


  • Fixed a crash caused by sensitive data filtering
  • Fixed FB Login for iOS 13


2019-06-22 | Full Changelog


2019-06-21 | Full Changelog


2019-06-05 | Full Changelog


  • Various bug fixes


2019-05-21 | Full Changelog


  • Various bug fixes


2019-04-30 | Full Changelog


  • support manual SDK initialization


  • extend coverage of AutoLogAppEventsEnabled flag to all internal analytics events


  • Typedefs for public Objective-C blocks
  • NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER for required inits
  • NS_TYPED_EXTENSIBLE_ENUM where made sense
  • getter name for certain properties, like booleans
  • NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN, NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END, and other nullability annotations
  • Generics for Arrays, Sets, and Dictionaries
  • NS_SWIFT_NAME to remove the FBSDK prefix where necessary (left FB prefix for UI elements)
  • FBSDKLoginManager -logInWithPermissions:fromViewController:handler:
  • FBSDKLoginButton permissions
  • FBSDKDeviceLoginButton permissions
  • FBSDKDeviceLoginViewController permissions
  • New FBSDKAppEventName values


  • Using instancetype for inits
  • All NSError ** translate to throws on Swift
  • Updated Xcode Projects and Schemes to most Valid Project settings
  • Getter methods changed to readonly properties
  • Getter/Setter methods changed to readwrite properties
  • Dot notation for access to properties
  • Collections/Dictionaries became non null when at all possible
  • Class creation methods become Swift inits
  • Used NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT where advisable


  • FBSDKLoginManager -logInWithReadPermissions:fromViewController:handler:
  • FBSDKLoginManager -logInWithWritePermissions:fromViewController:handler:
  • FBSDKLoginButton readPermissions
  • FBSDKLoginButton writePermissions
  • FBSDKDeviceLoginButton readPermissions
  • FBSDKDeviceLoginButton writePermissions
  • FBSDKDeviceLoginViewController readPermissions
  • FBSDKDeviceLoginViewController writePermissions
  • FBSDKUtility SHA256HashString
  • FBSDKUtility SHA256HashData


  • Deprecated methods
  • Deprecated classes
  • Deprecated properties
  • Made init and new unavailable where necessary
  • Used NS_SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE where necessary


  • Various bug fixes

5.X Upgrade Guide

All Developers

  • Light-weight generics have been added for Arrays, Sets, and Dictionaries. Make sure you're passing in the proper types.
  • Some methods used to have closures as arguments, but did not have them as the final argument. All these methods have been rearranged to have the closure as the final argument.

ObjC Developers

  • Certain string values, like App Event Names and HTTP Method, have been made NSString typedef with the NS_TYPED_EXTENSIBLE_ENUM attribute. All your existing code should work just fine.

Swift Developers

  • NS_SWIFT_NAME was applied where applicable. Most of these changes Xcode can fix automatically.
    • The FBSDK prefix for UI elements has been replaced with the simpler FB prefix.
    • The FBSDK prefix for all other types has been removed.
    • FBSDKError is now CoreError.
  • NS_ERROR_ENUM is used to handling errors now. For more details, view Apple's documentation on Handling Cocoa Errors in Swift.
  • Certain string values, like App Event Names and HTTP Method, have been made extensible structs with the NS_TYPED_EXTENSIBLE_ENUM attribute:
    • FBSDKAppEventNamePurchased -> AppEvents.Name.purchased
    • "custom_app_event" -> AppEvents.Name("custom_app_event")
  • Certain values have been annotated with NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT and can be customized via either:
    1. The Facebook SDK in Swift (Beta)
    2. Implementing custom extensions
// Custom extensions
public extension AccessToken {
  var permissions: Set<String> {
    return Set(__permissions)

extension AppEvents.Name {
  static let customAppEvent = AppEvents.Name("custom_app_event")

extension ShareDialog.Mode: CustomStringConvertible {
  public var description: String {
    return __NSStringFromFBSDKShareDialogMode(self)

// Later in code
let perms: Set<String> = AccessToken(...).permissions

let event: AppEvents.Name = .customAppEvent

let mode: ShareDialog.Mode = .native
let description: String = "\(mode)"


2019-04-11 | Full Changelog


  • _inBackground now indicates correct application state


2019-04-02 | Full Changelog


  • Add parameter _inBackground for app events


  • Various bug fixes


2019-04-01 | Full Changelog


  • Support for Xcode 10.2


  • FBSDKLoginBehaviorNative
  • FBSDKLoginBehaviorSystemAccount
  • FBSDKLoginBehaviorWeb
  • [FBSDKLoginManager renewSystemCredentials]


  • Various bug fixes


2019-03-20 | Full Changelog


  • Moved directory structure for better separation


  • Various bug fixes


2019-03-18 | Full Changelog


  • Resolved issues with the release process
  • Various bug fixes


2019-03-18 | Full Changelog


  • Resolved build failures with Carthage and Cocoapods
  • Various bug fixes


2019-03-13 | Full Changelog


  • Various bug fixes


2019-01-17 | Full Changelog


  • Various bug fixes


2019-01-08 | Full Changelog | Facebook Developer Docs Changelog