Taken from the source: https://github.com/carllerche/mio/blob/getting-started/doc/getting-started.md Important: Even if we just received a ready notification, there is no guarantee that a read from the socket will succeed and not return Ok(None), so we must handle that case as well. That sounds pretty bad, maybe this case should be handled, whenever an operation is started, if the first result is the so-called Ok(None), WouldBlock currently, the operation should be cancelled. And the socket owning the pipe should be notified so it can retry or reschedule the operation.
PB: the dispatcher receiving CanSend/CanRecv events does not know if a device or a probe is 'listening'. What if several probes are interested in the readiness the same socket ?
Change doc links of versioned packaged to docs.rs, since it is easy to support several version. See https://docs.rs/about
- Reconnect interval max
- Linger
- Handle accept error
- Req prefetch replies
- Use a pool for payloads and buffers (if any)
- Find something more efficient than a channel for sending replies from the event loop back to the facade (a mailbox?)
- INPROC transport : to be determined (rust channel's are probably doing a better work at this)
- Websocket transport
- TLS transport
- Implement nanocat
- STAR protocol ?
- Expose async io using future-rs ?
- Change the facade API to have "typed sockets" ?
- Use github issues instead of this file
- Document release process
- Document contribution mode
- AUTOMATE ALL THE THINGS !!! (compat test, benchmark ...)
https://pascalhertleif.de/artikel/good-practices-for-writing-rust-libraries/ http://keepachangelog.com
mioco now has a timeout feature !
https://github.com/frankmcsherry/recycler https://github.com/zslayton/lifeguard http://carllerche.github.io/pool/pool/