- For a good general idea of the concept, 3Blue1Brown does a good job.
- A deep understanding of cryptography is not essential. Cryptography resources can be found here. For a sufficient high-level overview of concepts, the first half of Chapter 2 of the book “Beginning Blockchain” by Bikramaditya Singhal, Gautam Dhameja, Priyansu Sekhar Panda is good. The book can be found on libgen.
- Blockchain A-Z
- List of articles referred to by above course.
- Bitcoin whitepaper. For Bitcoin scripting, aforementioned “Beginning Blockchain” (Chapter 3) provides a nice step by step explanation of the procedure.
- Ethereum whitepaper. The Ethereum website is also a good starting point for learning about smart contracts, etc. There’s even a overthewire type wargame wherein each level is a smart contract that needs to be hacked. (here)
- Blockgeeks has good guides/articles like 1, 2, 3 and many more.
- For an overview of Hyperledger Fabric, Lecture videos 19-22 of these playlist of lectures by IIT Kanpur and the official docs of Hyperledger Fabric are a great place to start.
- For detailed look at cryptos: https://github.com/bitcoinbook/bitcoinbook https://github.com/ethereumbook/ethereumbook
- For a fun introduction to solidity: https://cryptozombies.io/
- For a developer focused roadmap to learn Ethereum: https://github.com/protofire/blockchain-learning-path