- Run as an sbt app with tab completions
- Configurable summarisers. List in application.conf with filter like dictionaries. tyro-lagotto
- 3120 status advices can show last message
- Use log-tools as basis
- Detail for --ui should show names by default with links to raw (existing and digest)
- need to send text/html instead of text/plain and escape XML
- maybe syntax highlight
- lock free Single writer, single reader structure for queue of futures - mechanical sympathy?
- log time for each file perf mode?
- --ui should serve .svg with right tz for mouse over, bar chart option
- --in-format json
- can options be made saner
- output formatting
- style: raw, named, digest, tabular (csv, tsv, html, jira, ascii, utf), json
- text: raw vs named
- digest: with and without names (different length of names)
- colour (ansi vs html)
- type of name orthogonal --names (only valid with text and digest? maybe json) --color (automatically use ansi for console or html with --ui)
-t time,message -o ascii
- colour log4j and simple
- Time conversion operator. Eg parse(12,yyyyMMddHHmmss) for 20141218151240. Then allow use in convert() for math?
- Hint about reading stdin if no input after 0.5 second?
- Multi-project with spark and sbt-io examples as children?
- Apache Spark module
- HTML table
- colour rows by a field like socket
- colour rows by match condition like lifespan>1000
- click socket to filter by socket
- Output as something readable by PCP (http://www.pcp.io/docs/pcpintro.html)?
- Build an index and/or process data into more compact/faster to re-read format
- might ease path to Spark
- Graceful error reporting...
- Split some pieces like ascii table and gnuplot out. Could run independently.
- Eg csv -> ascii, csv -> gnuplot per column, csv -> jira table, csv -> html
- Would interning some strings help performance?
- Convert part of jpos CMF into dictionary: https://github.com/jpos/jPOS-CMF/blob/master/src/docx/result_codes.xml
- Allow short names everywhere a PrimitiveExpr is being used. Eg group_concat(distinct(translate(mti)))
- Deep custom dictionaries have pathetic performance
- Channel tagging: rewrite with extra attribute based on data sent in handshake message
- Remove fields vs subfields distinction from dictionaries
- Dump dictionary as a table for sane MTI-NMIC combinations
- URL schemes for file names. More interesting with -F
- ssh://user@host/path
- http(s)://
- Filter before and after --join. At least work out when a filter must be after --join
- Handle FSD log messages?
- Implement google datasource for charting API https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/dev/dsl_get_started
- Why does spark sql not see export json as having date type for timestamps?
- Support "receiver -> sender" display. Name system where logs are gathered from.
- web sequence diagram output...
- Full SQL like query: and, or - parser combinator
- Warn if pivot on field is not sorted. Pivot assumes entries to be pivoted are consecutive
- --out-format should apply for json,graphite,influx - consistently, not just for tables?
group_trace() should bound number of files kept open to stay under ulimit. Reopen if required. dictionary should have 43.1 as "merchant name" for 0200,0100,0400
window function? http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/interactive/tutorial-window.html
Warn if sorting lots of rows: gonna die due to GC
Warn about typos like count(exception)
(max(lifespan as time(s)),(min(lifespan as time(s))) is not going to return anything. Did you mean (max(lifespan) as time(s))
Show progress by default if output is batched (not incremental). Disable progress with --no-progress?
Deploy artifact to maven central with fat .jar attachment
bintray/sonatype snapshots for artifact hosting?
List available fields in --help
- mention numeric comparison for >,< with fallback to string
- count - like uniq -c
- count(condition) like count(rtt>100)
- concat like mysql's group_concat
- min,max,sum (maybe useless)
- time with format - Eg {HH:mm} plus HH:m0 and HH:mm:s0
- regex mode is partial match by default (link to javadoc)
- can filter on calc() expressions like calc(max(time)-min(time))>N
- Dictionary names can be used in queries too. Eg -f deviceId=42abcd where deviceId maps to 48.x or 48.y depending on (MTI,NMIC)
- Document repeating groups in dictionary: Eg 48.{1..10} = "Blah"
Add examples
- Output expression field(/regex/$1/)
- filter regex for ~//
use cases:
- fraction of auths as total messages calc(count(mti=0200)/count)
- rtt per outgoing link
- send time per client
- max concurrent requests?
- stalls -> max delay between messages
- throughput: incoming/sec outgoing/sec
- HDR histogram: use cases other than rtt and lifespan?
- Add header row to ascii table from schema
- Expose other table formats: xsv, jira, html, hdr histogram, gnuplot?
- Publish UI from shell to something like Zeppelin. Means you still have tab completion. Why no tab completion in zeppelin?
- Could use schema.toJSON
charting options:
use parbolied https://github.com/sirthias/parboiled or built in parser combinators for parsing expressions?
integrated with beaker ? https://github.com/twosigma/beaker-notebook/wiki/Create-an-OutputDisplay
publish to m2 repos https://github.com/xerial/sbt-sonatype