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Deploy mtkCPU application on hardware in just 5 minutes

Install the dependencies

git clone
cd mtkcpu
make build-docker # create docker image, containing all required programs
make fetch-gcc # copy proper gcc version from just-built docker image to your host filesystem.
export PATH=... # follow instruction in 'make fetch-gcc' output.
pip3 install . # installs mtkCPU and it's dependencies

Generate BSP files

./mtkcpu/cli/ gen_bsp

Expected output:

mateusz@mateusz:~/github/mtkcpu$ ./mtkcpu/cli/ gen_bsp
sw_bsp_path = ./mtkcpu/cli/../../sw/bsp
GPIO: adding output (sig led_r_0__o) to GPIO pin 0..
GPIO: adding output (sig led_g_0__o) to GPIO pin 1..
starting bsp code generation inside /home/mateusz/github/mtkcpu/sw/bsp directory..
ok, /home/mateusz/github/mtkcpu/sw/bsp/periph_baseaddr.h file generated!
found 3 peripherials, of whom 2 is bsp-generatable..
generating /home/mateusz/github/mtkcpu/sw/bsp/
generating /home/mateusz/github/mtkcpu/sw/bsp/uart.h
generating /home/mateusz/github/mtkcpu/sw/bsp/
generating /home/mateusz/github/mtkcpu/sw/bsp/gpio.h
ok, code generation done!

Generate linker script

First, you need linker script to be generated for your CPU configuration

./mtkcpu/cli/ gen_linker_script

Expected output:

INFO:root:writing linker script: using 0x80000000 address..
INFO:root:OK, linker script written to mtkcpu/sw/common/linker.ld file!

Compile software project

which riscv-none-elf-gcc # make sure it's already in your PATH (you downloaded and extracted it in previous step).
cd sw/$PROJ_NAME
make # will generate .elf file
file build/$PROJ_NAME.elf # make sure it exists

Generate bitstream


  • yosys
  • nextpnr-ice40
  • fpga-icestorm

In theory yosys and nextpnr are available to install as apt-get install from Ubuntu 22.04 and newer, however it ships a very old version. I recommend compiling it from sources instead. Using old yosys may cause too much resources being used and mtkcpu won't synthesize at all!

Bitstream generation

./mtkcpu/cli/ build -e sw/$PROJ_NAME/build/$PROJ_NAME.elf 

The loadable content of provieded ELF file will be loaded into Block RAM memory.

After 1-2 minutes (for iCE40 platform) you end up with build/ directory with artifacts created and some build statistics printed:

INFO:./mtkcpu/cli/, Design was built successfully, printing out some stats..
Info: Max frequency for clock 'cd_sync_clk12_0__i': 12.41 MHz (PASS at 12.00 MHz)

Info: Device utilisation:
Info:            ICESTORM_LC:  3279/ 5280    62%
Info:           ICESTORM_RAM:     6/   30    20%
Info:                  SB_IO:    13/   96    13%
Info:                  SB_GB:     5/    8    62%
Info:           ICESTORM_PLL:     0/    1     0%
Info:            SB_WARMBOOT:     0/    1     0%
Info:           ICESTORM_DSP:     0/    8     0%
Info:         ICESTORM_HFOSC:     0/    1     0%
Info:         ICESTORM_LFOSC:     0/    1     0%
Info:                 SB_I2C:     0/    2     0%
Info:                 SB_SPI:     0/    2     0%
Info:                 IO_I3C:     0/    2     0%
Info:            SB_LEDDA_IP:     0/    1     0%
Info:            SB_RGBA_DRV:     0/    1     0%
Info:         ICESTORM_SPRAM:     0/    4     0%

If you run the command above with additional --program param, it will program your board after build succeeded.

And this is it, your board is blinking happily!