Customizable module to manage event registrations (e.g. workshops, meetings).
- registration form is fully flexible
- no user account in BExIS needed for registration
- deadline for registration
- participants limitation / waiting list
- option to update registration before the deadline by participants
- notification and overview for event organizer
- registration secured by password
- Create XSD for event
- FirstName and LastName are required fields (will be used for salutation in emails)
- Upload the XSD (Admin->Manage Metadate Structure) and select "Event" as Class
- Create / Adjust JavAScript file to add customized field checkes (e.g. departure date is not before arrival)
- Create event (Admin->Manage Event - Create new Event)
- Provide a meaningful name for the event. The event name should contain the time (at least the year)
- Start date defines the begin of the registration
- Deadline defines the end of the registration (and for edits)
- Participants limitation maximum number of allowed participents (if the number is exeeded registration is still allowed, but persons are on the waiting list)
- Allow edit If true, participants can change registration details until deadline
- Event password the password which is requried to register for the event
- JavaScriptFile upload the js file with rules (need to fit defined XSD elements)
- CC/BCC email addresses (split by ,) list of email adresses which should recieve registration information
- Reply to mail address mail adress for the reply
This module requires seed data.
- Entity type: "Event"