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Smart Contracts

Changes in NEO3

All transactions in NEO3 are the invocation of the smart contract. In addition to some interop services and OpCode adjustments, NEO3 also features the following changes.

  • ADD

    • Manifest: used to describe the features of the contract and deployed with AVM files
    • native contracts: running in the native code rather than in the virtual machine, including NeoToken, GasToken and PolicyToken
    • Accessing to network resources: to be added
    • System Trigger: triggered when the node receives a new block and currently only triggers the execution of the native contract
    • Interop Service: System.Blockchain.GetTransactionFromBlock

    • Reduce the system fee for OpCode and interop services

    • Interop Service:Neo.Header.GetVersion, Neo.Header.GetMerkleRoot, Neo.Header.GetNextConsensus, Neo.Transaction.GetScript, Neo.Transaction.GetWitnesses, Neo.Witness.GetVerificationScript, Neo.Contract.GetScript, Neo.Contract.IsPayable, System.Blockchain.GetHeader, System.Header.GetIndex, System.Header.GetHash, System.Header.GetPrevHash, System.Header.GetTimestamp, System.Block.GetTransactionCount, System.Block.GetTransactions, System.Block.GetTransaction, System.Transaction.GetHash


Now each contract is required to provide a manifest file to describe its properties, including Groups, Features, ABI, Permissions, Trusts, SafeMethods, as shown below:

    "groups": [
            "pubKey": "",
            "signature": ""
    "features": {
        "storage": false,
        "payable": false
    "abi": {
      "hash": "0x562851057d8afbc08fabc8c438d7cc771aef2195",
      "entrypoint": {
        "name": "main",
        "parameters": [
            "name": "operation",
            "type": "String"
            "name": "args",
            "type": "Array"
        "returntype": "Any"
      "methods": [
          "name": "name",
          "parameters": [],
          "returntype": "string"
      "events": [
          "name": "transfered",
          "parameters": [
            {"name": "from","type": "Hash160"},
            {"name": "to","type": "Hash160"},
            {"name": "value","type": "Integer"}
    "permissions": [
            "contract": "*",
            "methods": "*"
    "trusts": "*",
    "safemethods": "*"
  • Groups:Declare the groups to which the contract belongs. Each group is identified by a public key and a signature.

  • Features:Declare the features of the smart contract. Where the attribute value storage indicates that the contract can access the storage area, and the payable indicates the contract can accept the transfer of assets.

  • ABI:Declare the interface information about the smart contract, you can refer to NEP-3 for the details. The basic properties of the interface include:

    • Hash: the script hash of the contract. It is encoded as a hexadecimal string in big-endian;
    • EntryPoint: a Method object which describes the details of the entry point of the contract, including name, parameters, and the value returned;
    • Methods: an array of Method objects which describe the details of each method in the contract;
    • Events: an array of Event objects which describe the details of each event in the contract.

    Based on the ABI information, mutual invocation between contracts can be realized.

  • Permissions:Declare which contracts may be invoked and which methods are called. If a contract invokes a contract or method that is not declared in the manifest at runtime, the invocation will fail.

  • Trusts:Declare which contracts or groups can call the contract safely.

  • SafeMethods:Declare an array containing a set of method names. SafeMethods usually won't modify the storage area, only involved in reading the blockchain data. If a method is marked as safe, the user interface will not give any warnings when it is called by any other contract.


Triggers allow contracts to execute different logic depending on the usage scenario.

  • System Trigger

    This type of trigger is newly added in NEO3, which is only used for native contract, such as NEO and GAS. It is triggered when the node receives a new block and currently only triggers the execution of the native contract. After receiving a new block, the node will be triggered by the System Trigger to invoke the onPersist method in all native contracts before the persistence.

    This system trigger will not bring any affect to the normal smart contract.

  • Application Trigger

    An application trigger is used to invoke a contract as an application function, which can accept multiple parameters, change blockchain status, and return values of any type. Here is a simple c# smart contract:

      public static Object Main(string operation, params object[] args)
        if (Runtime.Trigger == TriggerType.Application)
            if (operation == "FunctionA") return FunctionA(args);
      public static bool FunctionA(params object[] args)
        //some code  

    All transactions in NEO3 are the invocation of the smart contract. When a transaction is broadcast and confirmed, the smart contract is executed by the consensus node, and the normal node does not execute the smart contract when forwarding the transaction. Successful execution of a smart contract does not represent the success of the transaction, and the success of the transaction does not determine the success of the smart contract execution.

  • Verification Trigger

    The purpose of the validation trigger is to call the contract as a verification function that accepts multiple arguments and should return a Boolean value indicating the validity of the transaction or block.

    When you transfer tokens from account A to account B, the verification contract will be triggered. All the nodes that receive the transaction (including the normal node and the consensus node) will verify the contract of the account A. If the return value is true, the transfer is successful, and fails otherwise.

    If the authentication contract fails to execute, the transaction will not be included in the blockchain.

    The following code is a simple example of a verification contract. It returns true if condition A is satisfied, indicating the success of the transfer. Otherwise, it returns false and the transfer fails.

      using Neo.SmartContract.Framework;
      using Neo.SmartContract.Framework.Neo;
      public static bool Main(byte[] signature)
          if (/*条件A*/)
              return true;
              return false;

    The following code works the same as above, but with an additional check for the trigger in the runtime. The code of the verification part is executed only when the trigger is a verification trigger, which is of great use in complex smart contracts. If a smart contract implements multiple triggers, the type of triggers should be judged in the Main method.

    using Neo.SmartContract.Framework;
    using Neo.SmartContract.Framework.Neo;
    public static bool Main(byte[] signature)
        if (Runtime.Trigger == TriggerType.Verification)
            if (/* condition A*/)
                    return true;
                    return false;

Native Contract


Native contracts are executed directly in native code, rather than in a virtual machine. The native contract exposes its service name to other contracts for invocation. Currently, available NativeContract includes NeoToken, GasToken, and PolicyToken.


Referred to as NEO, it acts as the governance token which is used to enforce the management of the Neo network and conforms to the NEP-5 standard. It has a hard cap total of 100 million tokens, with the smallest unit of 1, and is not divisible. NEO was pre-mined during the genesis block creation. The specific interface details are as follows:

Method marked * is NEP-5 standard interface.

  • name: Name of the token

    Parameters none
    Return Type Description
    String Name of the token
    Fee(GAS) 0.00
    Example in C# contract
    using Neo.SmartContract.Framework;
    using Neo.SmartContract.Framework.System;
    public static object Main(string method, object[] args)
      private static string neoScriptHash = "0x43cf98eddbe047e198a3e5d57006311442a0ca15";
        if (Runtime.Trigger == TriggerType.Application)
            if (method == "neoName") {
              string name = Contract.Call(neoScriptHash.HexToBytes(), "name", new object[]{});
              return name;

    Build Script

    Using System.Contract.Call to invoke contract:

    PUSHBYTES4  6e616d65
    PUSHBYTES20 0x43cf98eddbe047e198a3e5d57006311442a0ca15
    SYSCALL     0x627d5b52

    C# code to build the script:

    ScriptBuilder sb = new ScriptBuilder()
    UInt160 scriptHash = UInt160.Parse("0x43cf98eddbe047e198a3e5d57006311442a0ca15");
    byte[] script = sb.ToArray();
  • symbol:Symbol of the token

    Parameters none
    Return Type Description
    String Symbol of the token
    Fee(GAS) 0.00
  • decimals: Decimals of the token

    Parameters none
    Return Type Description
    uint Decimal
    Fee(GAS) 0.00
  • totalSupply*: Total supply

    Parameters none
    Return Type Description
    BigInteger Total supply
    Fee(GAS) 0.01
  • balanceOf: Balance of an account

    Parameters Parameter Type Description
    account Hash160 ScriptHash of the account
    Return Type Description
    Integer Balance
    Fee(GAS) 0.01
  • transfer: Transfer token from one to another

    Parameters Parameter Type Description
    from Hash160 ScriptHash who want to transfer
    to Hash160 ScriptHash of the receiver
    amount Integer Amount of the token
    Return Type Description
    Boolean Result, true: success,false: failure
    Fee(GAS) 0.08
    Example in C# contract
    using Neo.SmartContract.Framework;
    using Neo.SmartContract.Framework.System;
    public static object Main(string method, object[] args)
      private static string neoScriptHash = "0x43cf98eddbe047e198a3e5d57006311442a0ca15";
        if (Runtime.Trigger == TriggerType.Application)
            if (method == "transferNeo") {
              byte[] from  = "AesUJTLg93cWMTSzp2snxpBJSCets89ebM".ToScriptHash();
              byte[] to    = "AMhbbwR8r6LuTx5okkZudvvp3LW6Fh1Y7o".ToScriptHash();
              BigInterger value = new BigInteger(100000000);
              bool result = Contract.Call(neoScriptHash.HexToBytes(), "transfer", new Object[]{from, to, value.AsByteArray()});
              return result;

    Build Script

    Using System.Contract.Call to invoke contract:

    PUSHBYTE4   00e1f505
    PUSHBYTE20  4101b2a928fd88e1d976fd23c2db25a822338a08
    PUSHBYTE20  fd59e6a0e3eee5cd9cea7233f01e1cc9c8b23502
    PUSHBYTES4  7472616e73666572
    PUSHBYTES20 0x43cf98eddbe047e198a3e5d57006311442a0ca15
    SYSCALL     0x627d5b52

    C# code to build the script:

    ScriptBuilder sb = new ScriptBuilder()
    UInt160 scriptHash = UInt160.Parse("0x43cf98eddbe047e198a3e5d57006311442a0ca15");
    UInt160 from = UInt160.Parse("0xfd59e6a0e3eee5cd9cea7233f01e1cc9c8b23502");
    UInt160 to = UInt160.Parse("0x4101b2a928fd88e1d976fd23c2db25a822338a08");
    long value = 1000000000;
    byte[] script = sb.ToArray();
  • unClaimGas:Get the amount of GAS unclaimed at the specified height

    Parameters Parameter Type Description
    account Hash160 ScriptHash of the account
    end Integer The height to be queried
    Return Type Description
    Integer GAS unclaimed
    Fee(GAS) 0.03
    Example in C# contract
    using Neo.SmartContract.Framework;
    using Neo.SmartContract.Framework.System;
    public static object Main(string method, object[] args)
    private static string neoScriptHash = "0x43cf98eddbe047e198a3e5d57006311442a0ca15";
      if (Runtime.Trigger == TriggerType.Application)
          if (method == "accountUnClaimGas") {
            byte[] account = "AXx1A21wcoXuVxxxggkQChxQP5EGYe6zsN".ToScriptHash();
            int height = 1000000;
            int gas = Contract.Call(neoScriptHash.HexToBytes(), "unClaimGas", new Object[]{account, height});
            return gas;

    Build Script

    Using System.Contract.Call to invoke contract:

    PUSHBYTE3   40420f
    PUSHBYTE20  b16c70b94928ddb62f5793fbc98d6245ee308ecd
    PUSHBYTES4  756e436c61696d476173
    PUSHBYTES20 0x43cf98eddbe047e198a3e5d57006311442a0ca15
    SYSCALL     0x627d5b52

    C# code to build the script:

    ScriptBuilder sb = new ScriptBuilder()
    UInt160 scriptHash = UInt160.Parse("0x43cf98eddbe047e198a3e5d57006311442a0ca15");
    UInt160 account = UInt160.Parse("0xb16c70b94928ddb62f5793fbc98d6245ee308ecd");
    int height = 1000000
    byte[] script = sb.ToArray();
  • RegisterValidator:Register to become a candidate for the validator

    Parameters Parameter Type Description
    pubKey PublicKey Public key of the account
    Return Type Description
    Boolean Result. true: sucess, false: failure
    Fee(GAS) 0.05
  • getRegisteredValidators:Gets the information of currently registered validators and backup nodes

    Parameters none
    Return Type Description
    Array Public keys of all validators and backup nodes
    Fee(GAS) 1.00
  • getValidators: Get all current validators

    Parameters none
    Return Type Description
    Array Public keys of all current validators
    Fee(GAS) 1.00
  • getNextBlockValidators: Get validators of the next block

    Parameters none
    Return Type Description
    Array Public keys of validators in the next round of consensus
    Fee(GAS) 1.00
  • vote:Vote for to validators

    Parameters Parameter Type Description
    account Hash160 Voter's ScriptHash
    pubkeys Array The public keys of validators one vote to
    Return Type Description
    Boolean Result. true: success, false: failure
    Fee(GAS) 5.00


Referred to as GAS, Neo's fuel token, used to pay the handling fee, in line with NEP-5 standards. Transaction costs and consensus node incentives on the Neo network are paid in GAS. The total amount of GAS is 100 million, and the minimum unit is 0.00000001. GAS is registered in the founding block but not distributed. GAS distribution mechanism: When a new block is generated, a new GAS is generated, and the generated GAS and system fees are distributed to NEO holders. The calculation and distribution of GAS are automatically performed when the NEO balance in the user's address changes. The calculation method is as follows:

GAS distribution

Where m is the height of the block where the user last extracted the GAS, n is the current block height, and NEO is the number of NEOs held by the user during m to n. BlockBonus represents the amount of GAS that each block can extract. SystemFee represents the sum of the system fees for all transactions in this block.

GasToken methods details following:

Method marked * is NEP-5 standard interface

  • name: Name of the token

    Parameters none
    Return Type Description
    String Name of the token
    Fee(GAS) 0.00
  • symbol: Symbol of the token

    Parameters none
    Return Type Description
    String Symbol of the token
    Fee(GAS) 0.00
  • decimals: Decimals of the token

    Parameters none
    Return Type Description
    uint Decimal
    Fee(GAS) 0.00
  • totalSupply: Total supply

    Parameters none
    Return Type Description
    BigInteger Total supply
    Fee(GAS) 0.01
  • balanceOf: Balance of a specific account

    Parameters Parameter Type Description
    account Hash160 ScriptHash of the account to be queried
    Return Type Description
    Integer Balance
    Fee(GAS) 0.01
  • transfer: Transfer token from one account to another

    Parameters Parameter Type Description
    from Hash160 ScriptHash of the sender's account
    to Hash160 ScriptHash of the receiver's account
    amount Integer Transferred amount
    Return Type Description
    Boolean Result, true: success,false: failure
    Fee(GAS) 0.08
  • getSysFeeAmount: Total system fee till a specific height

    Parameters Parameter Type Description
    index Integer The height one want to query
    Return Type Description
    Integer Total system fee
    Fee(GAS) 0.01


It is the contract for configuring the consensus strategy and saves relevant parameters in the consensus process, including maximum transactions per block, maximum low-priority transactions per block, maximum low-priority-transaction size, the fee per byte, etc. The interface is described in detail below:

  • getMaxTransactionPerBlock: Get maximum transactions per block.

    Parameters none
    Return Type Description
    Integer Maximum transaction count per block
    Fee(GAS) 0.01
  • GetFeePerByte: Get system fee per byte

    Parameters none
    Return Type Description
    Integer Fee per byte
    Fee(GAS) 0.01
  • getBlockedAccounts: Get the addresses in the blacklist

    Parameters none
    Return Type Description
    Array Address blacklist
    Fee(GAS) 0.01
  • setMaxTransactionsPerBlock: Set maximum transactions count per block

    Parameters Parameter Type Description
    value Integer Maximum transactions count to be set
    Return Type Description
    Boolean Result. true: success, false: failure
    Fee(GAS) 0.03
  • setFeePerByte:Set system fee per byte.

    Parameters Parameter Type Description
    value Integer System fee per byte
    Return Type Description
    Boolean Result. true: success, false: failure
    Fee(GAS) 0.03
  • blockAccount:Add an account into the blacklist.

    Parameters Parameter Type Description
    account Hash160 ScriptHash of the account to be added
    Return Type Description
    Boolean Result. true: success, false: failure
    Fee(GAS) 0.03
  • unblockAccount:Remove an account from the blacklist.

    Parameters Parameter Type Description
    account Hash160 ScriptHash of the account to be removed
    Return Type Description
    Boolean Result. true: success, false: failure
    Fee(GAS) 0.03

For more NativeContract, Please stay stunned

NativeContract Deployment

NativeContract is deployed in the Genesis Block by calling the interop interface of Neo.Native.Deploy, and can only be executed in the Genesis Block.

Interop Service

The interop service layer provides APIs for smart contracts to access the blockchain data, including the block information, transaction information, contract information, asset information, etc. Besides, the interop service layer provides the persistence capability for each contract. Each Neo smart contract is allowed to optionally enable a private storage area with the form of key-value pair. The context of persisting the storage for Neo smart contracts is determined by the callee of the contract, not the caller. The caller needs to pass its storage context to the callee (that is, authorization) before the callee can perform the read-write operation. There are two types of interop service, namely System and Neo.

Principle of Interop Service

When the Neo program starts, it registers a series of interop interfaces to the virtual machine for smart contract invocation.

  • Service Name Each interoperation has a service name, such as System.Contract.Call
  • Mapping Method Each interop service corresponds to a native method. Also taking the System.Contract.Call as an example, private static bool Contract_Call(ApplicationEngine engine) is the method invoked in the client.
  • System Fee Each interop interface has its method for system fee calculation or fixed system fee.
  • Triggering Each interop interface has a supported trigger mode. For instance, TriggerType.All supports all triggers.

When registering, the Neo client encapsulates the service name of the interop interface, the mapping method, the method of calculating system fee, and the supported trigger mode as an InteropDescriptor and stores it in the Dictionary with the index of the hash value of the interop interface name, which is calculated as follows: BitConverter.ToUInt32(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(ServiceName).Sha256(), 0)

For example the hash of System.Contract.Call is 0x627d5b52

Usage of Interop Service

  • Smart Contract The interop interface used in the smart contract is provided by the corresponding smart contract development framework, which can be invoked directly. When compiled, the interop interface is compiled by the compiler into the operating instructions that can be executed in NeoVM.
  • Script of the Transaction The execution script can be constructed with the hash value of the interop service name and the SYSCALL operator.

Here is an example for calling the name method of the contract 0x43cf98eddbe047e198a3e5d57006311442a0ca15 via System.Contract.Call

PUSHBYTES4  6e616d65
PUSHBYTES20 0x43cf98eddbe047e198a3e5d57006311442a0ca15
SYSCALL     0x627d5b52

C# code:

ScriptBuilder sb = new ScriptBuilder()
sb.EmitSysCall(InteropService.System_Contract_Call); //Call interop service
byte[] script = sb.ToArray();

In C#, it can be called as follows:

using Neo.SmartContract.Framework;
using Neo.SmartContract.Framework.Neo;

namespace MyContract
public class MyContract: SmartContract
  public static readonly byte[] GAS = HexToBytes("0xa1760976db5fcdfab2a9930e8f6ce875b2d18225");
  public static object main(string method, object[] args)
    if (method == "transferGAS") {
      if (args.Length < 3) return false;
      return Contract.Call(GAS, "Transfer", args);

Interop services are divided into System part and Neo part. The specific interfaces are as follows:

System Part


Description Get the script container of the smart contract
C# Function byte[] GetScriptContainer()


Description Get the script hash of the contract being executed
C# Function byte[] GetExecutingScriptHash()


Description Get the script hash of the contract caller
C# Function byte[] GetExecutingScriptHash()


Description Get the script hash of the entry point of the smart contract
(the starting point of the contract invocation chain)
C# Function byte[] GetEntryScriptHash()


Description Get the platform information of the contract being executed
C# Function string Platform()


Description Get the triggering condition of the contract
C# Function TriggerType Trigger()


Description Verify whether the container calling the contract is signed by the
script hash of the specific account
C# Function bool CheckWitness(byte[] hashOrPubKey)


Description Notify the client executing the contract
C# Function bool Notify(params object[] state)


Description Record the log
C# Function void Log(string message)


Description Get the timestamp of the current block
C# Function uint Time


Description Serialize an object
C# Function byte[] Serialize(this object source)


Description Deserialize a byte array into object
C# Function object Deserialize(this byte[] source)


Description Get invocation count of the current contract
C# Function int GetInvocationCounter()


Description Get notifications of a contract
C# Function StackItem[][] GetNotifications(Hash160 scriptHash)


Description Verify the signature of the message with the public key
C# Function bool Verify(object message, byte[] signature, byte[] pubKey)


Description Get the current block height
C# Function uint GetHeight()


Description Get a block by block height or block hash
C# Function Block GetBlock(uint height)
Block GetBlock(byte[] hash)


Description Get transaction by transaction ID
C# Function Transaction GetTransaction(byte[] hash)


Description Get the index of the block including the transaction by transaction ID
C# Function int GetTransactionHeight(byte[] hash)


Description Get transaction by the transaction ID in block
C# Function Transaction GetTransaction(byte[] hash)


Description Get contract by scripthash
C# Function Contract GetContract(byte[] scriptHash)


Description Invoke a contract
C# Function void Call(byte[] scriptHash, string method, object[] args)
void Call(Contract contract, string method, object[] args)


Description Destroy current contract
C# Function void Destroy()


Description Get storage context of the current contract
C# Function StorageContext GetContext()
Explanation the IsReadOnly flag of StorageContext is false


Description Get storage context of the current contract in read-only mode
C# Function StorageContext GetContext()
Explanation the IsReadOnly flag of StorageContext is true


Description Get value from the storage by key
C# Function byte[] Get(StorageContext context, byte[] key)


Description Put key-value into storage based on the storage context
C# Function byte[] Get(StorageContext context, byte[] key, byte[] value)


Description Put Key-Value into the storage based on the storage context and the flag
C# Function byte[] Get(StorageContext context, byte[] key, byte[] value, StorageFlags flags)
Explanation The parameter StorageFlags defines the attribute of the written data. The default value
is None, indicating that data can be read and written. If it is Constant, the data cannot be
modified or deleted once it is written to the storage area.


Description Delete the stored Key-Value data from the storage area by the Key
C# Function void Delete(StorageContext context, byte[] key)
Explanation Data cannot be deleted if its StorageFlags is Constant


Description Set the current context to read-only mode
C# Function void AsReadOnly(this StorageContext context)
Explanation Set the IsReadOnly flag of the StorageContext to true

Neo Part


Description Deploy and initialize all native contracts
Explanation It can only be invoked in the genesis block


Description Verify signature of the current script container by public key
C# Function bool CheckSig(byte[] signature, byte[] pubKey)


Description Verify the multiple signature of the current script container by public key
C# Function bool CheckMultiSig(byte[][] signatures, byte[][] pubKeys)


Description Check if the account is standard
C# Function bool IsStandard(byte[] scriptHash)


Description Create a contract
C# Function Contract Create(byte[] script, string manifest)
Explanation The size of the script contract cannot exceed 1MB and the size of the manifest cannot exceed 2KB


Description Update a contract
C# Function Contract Create(byte[] script, string manifest)
Explanation The size of the script contract cannot exceed 1MB and it cannot be deployed before. The size of the
manifest cannot exceed 2KB. The old contract will be destroyed after the upgrade.


Description Find the data in the storage area of the current storage context with the specified prefix
C# Function Iterator < byte[], byte[] > Find(StorageContext context, byte[] prefix)


Description Create an enumerator
C# Function Enumerator Create(object[] array)


Description Check if the enumerator has more element
C# Function bool Next(this Enumerator enumerator)


Description Get the current value of the enumerator
C# Function object Value(this Enumerator enumerator)


Description Concat two enumerators
C# Function Enumerator Concat(Enumerator enumerator1, Enumerator enumerator2)


Description Create an iterator
C# Function Iterator Create(object[] array)
Iterator Create(Dictionary<object, object> map)


Description Get the current key of the iterator
C# Function object Key(this Iterator it)


Description Get all keys of the iterator
C# Function Iterator Keys(this Iterator it)


Description Get all values of the iterator
C# Function Iterator Values(this Iterator it)


Description Concat two iterators
C# Function Iterator Concat(Iterator iterator1, Iterator iterator2)


Description Serialize a string to Json object
C# Function JObject Serialize(string jsonStr)


Description Deserialize a json object to string
C# Function string Deserialize(JObject jsonObj)


Interop Service Fee (GAS)
System.ExecutionEngine.GetScriptContainer 0.0000025
System.ExecutionEngine.GetExecutingScriptHash 0.000004
System.ExecutionEngine.GetCallingScriptHash 0.000004
System.ExecutionEngine.GetEntryScriptHash 0.000004
System.Runtime.Platform 0.0000025
System.Runtime.GetTrigger 0.0000025
System.Runtime.CheckWitness 0.0003
System.Runtime.Notify 0.0000025
System.Runtime.Log 0.003
System.Runtime.GetTime 0.0000025
System.Runtime.Serialize 0.001
System.Runtime.Deserialize 0.005
System.Runtime.GetInvocationCounter 0.000004
System.Crypto.Verify 0.01
System.Blockchain.GetHeight 0.000004
System.Blockchain.GetBlock 0.025
System.Blockchain.GetTransaction 0.01
System.Blockchain.GetTransactionHeight 0.01
System.Blockchain.GetContract 0.01
System.Contract.Call 0.01
System.Contract.Destroy 0.01
System.Storage.GetContext 0.000004
System.Storage.GetReadOnlyContext 0.000004
System.Storage.Get 0.01
System.Storage.Put (Key.Size + Value.Size) * GasPerByte
System.Storage.PutEx (Key.Size + Value.Size) * GasPerByte
System.Storage.Delete 0.01
System.StorageContext.AsReadOnly 0.000004
Neo.Native.Deploy 0
Neo.Crypto.CheckSig 0.01
Neo.Crypto.CheckMultiSig 0.01 * n
Neo.Account.IsStandard 0.0003
Neo.Contract.Create (Script.Size + Manifest.Size) * GasPerByte
Neo.Contract.Update (Script.Size + Manifest.Size) * GasPerByte
Neo.Storage.Find 0.01
Neo.Enumerator.Create 0.000004
Neo.Enumerator.Next 0.01
Neo.Enumerator.Value 0.000004
Neo.Enumerator.Concat 0.000004
Neo.Iterator.Create 0.000004
Neo.Iterator.Key 0.000004
Neo.Iterator.Keys 0.000004
Neo.Iterator.Values 0.000004
Neo.Iterator.Concat 0.000004
Neo.Json.Serialize 0.001
Neo.Json.Deserialize 0.005

Accessing to Internet Resources

Contract Invocation

Invoke another contract in contract

When writing a contract, you can invoke other contracts through the interop service provided by the development frameworkSystem.Contract.Call. Here is an example in C#:

using Neo.SmartContract.Framework;
using Neo.SmartContract.Framework.Neo;

namespace MyContract
public class MyContract: SmartContract
  public static readonly byte[] GAS = HexToBytes("0xa1760976db5fcdfab2a9930e8f6ce875b2d18225");
  public static object main(string method, object[] args)
    if (method == "transferGAS") {
      if (args.Length < 3) return false;
      return Contract.Call(GAS, "transfer", args);

Invoke contract in script

In the case of the execution script constructed manually, the contract should be invoked with the interop service System.Contract.Call and the ScriptHash of the contract. Please refer to How to use interop services

Here is an example for invoking method transfer of the contract 0x43cf98eddbe047e198a3e5d57006311442a0ca15 via System.Contract.Call

PUSHBYTES4  0x00e1f505
PUSHBYTES20 0xfb5fd311a3ae2b2c8ab6b63c10502f9cf58ebeed
PUSHBYTES20 0xa6b9b510a67009e61f4f95115c188437f76dd2d0
PACK                                                      //The third parameter, parameter list
PUSHBYTES4  0x6e616d65                                    //The second parameter, method name
PUSHBYTES20 0x43cf98eddbe047e198a3e5d57006311442a0ca15    //The first parameter, contract's ScriptHash
SYSCALL     0x627d5b52                                    //Calling interop service by hash

C# code:

ScriptBuilder sb        = new ScriptBuilder();
UInt160 scriptHash      = UInt160.Parse("0x43cf98eddbe047e198a3e5d57006311442a0ca15");
string operation        = "transfer";
ContractParameter from  = new ContractParameter(ContractParameterType.Hash160);
ContractParameter to    = new ContractParameter(ContractParameterType.Hash160);
ContractParameter value = new ContractParameter(ContractParameterType.Integer);


sb.EmitAppCall(scriptHash, operation, new ContractParameter[]{from, to, value});
byte[] script = sb.ToArray();

public static ScriptBuilder EmitAppCall(this ScriptBuilder sb, UInt160 scriptHash, string operation, params ContractParameter[] args)
  for (int i = args.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
  return sb;

Contract Upgrade

You can upgrade the contract to modify the logic of the contract and keep the data in the storage area after the contract is deployed, but you need to implement the upgrade interface in the old contract through invoking the Neo.Contract.Update method.

When the upgrade interface is called in the old contract, the method will build a new smart contract based on the parameters passed in. If the old contract has a storage area, the storage area will be transferred to the new contract. After the upgrade, the old contract will be deleted, as well as its storage area (if any). The old contract will then be unavailable and instead, the hash of the new contract should be used.

C# code:

using Neo.SmartContract.Framework;
using Neo.SmartContract.Framework.Neo;
using Neo.SmartContract.Framework.System;

public static bool Main(string method, params object[] args){
  if (method == "update") {
    if (args.Length < 2) return false;
    if (!Runtime.CheckWitness()) return false;
    byte[] newScript = args[0];
    string manifest = (string)args[1];
    update(newScript, manifest);
    return true;
  return true;
void update(byte[] newScript, string manifest)
  Contract.Update(newScript, manifest);

Contract Destroying

The smart contract supports the destruction operation after the release, but the interface for destroying the contract needs to be reserved in the old contract, mainly involved in the invocation of System.Contract.Destroy method.

C# code:

using Neo.SmartContract.Framework;
using Neo.SmartContract.Framework.System;

public static bool Main(string method, params object[] args){
  if (method == "destroy") {
  return true;

void destroy(){

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