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IIIF Text Image Linking Survey

Ben W. Brumfield edited this page Apr 30, 2022 · 10 revisions

A survey of providers exposing text in their IIIF manifests conducted April 29, 2022 based on manifests included in Johannes Baiter's (@jbaiter)'s Mirador Text Overlay code


The IIIF Presentation API lists several ways to refer users to textual content, including rendering elements, seeAlso blocks, and annotation on canvases. But how are content providers actually implementing these properties to expose human-transcribed text, ALTO OCR, or other formats?

This survey was conducted during the process of building a text importing function into FromThePage's IIIF client features in order to allow for OCR correction projects to be run using a IIIF-based work-flow. Some commentary and suggestions will reflect that perspective.

Survey Results

Formats exposed

Text may be exposed in several formats. Which ones do these providers support?

Provider ALTO XML HOCR Plaintext HTML
Europeana ✔️
Wellcome ✔️ ✔️
BSB ✔️
FromThePage ✔️ ✔️

Location of Reference on Canvas

Canvases may point to text either as annotations or as external resources via seeAlso elements.

Provider otherContent seeAlso
Europeana ✔️
Wellcome ✔️ ✔️
BSB ✔️
FromThePage ✔️ ✔️

Granularity of Text

Text may be exposed as a page at a time, an individual glyph on a portion of a canvas, or any level in between. The Text Granularity Extension defines six levels of granularity.

Provider page block paragraph line word glyph
Europeana ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Wellcome ✔️
BSB ✔️ ✔️
FromThePage ✔️

(Note that XML formats like ALTO may support multiple levels of granularity at the same time through nested elements. Higher levels may be derived from the lower levels; indicated by a white check mark.)

Contextual Elements

Clients rely on contextual elements to determine what kind of content resource they're are looking at. Is it plaintext or HTML? Does it represent text at the line level or page level? Is the referenced XML file ALTO or hOCR? If these elements are added to references (like seeAlso stanzas), these contextual elements can help a client decide whether or not to fetch a resource.

Provider profile format label textGranularity dcType language edmRights type
Europeana ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Wellcome ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
BSB ✔️
FromThePage ✔️ ✔️ ✔️


When exposing textual content, these practices would be helpful to clients:

  1. Include format, label, and profile in any seeAlso blocks to help clients decide whether to fetch the referenced resource
  2. Include format on each annotation or annotation body to help clients understand whether treat the contents as plaintext, HTML, or something else.
  3. Include a textGranularity element on annotations, especially when multiple granularities are available.



Sample manifest: Presentation standard: 2

References within manifest

Manifests link to text by using annotations referenced by otherContent elements

   "label":"p. 7",
   "attribution":"Journal historique et littéraire - 1788-09-01 - National Library of Luxembourg. Public Domain Mark -",


All canvases contain an otherContent element; some links return 404 codes (presumably for canvases containing no text).

AnnotationList contents


Example AnnotationList:



The AnnotationList for a canvas contains a resources element with references to text at all levels of text granularity. This is indicated by a dcType element with values of Word, Line, Block, and Page. All text contents are external.

Text Contents



   "value":"i\nï, Septembre 1788.\n» rencontra, furent témoins de fes tranf-» ports & entendirent fes fermens. Mais le » comte de Murray étoit devenu l'objet n d’une haine fi générale , que perfonne ?» n’entreprit ni de calmer la rage du jennC si Hamilton, ni d’en prévenir l’elfet. Lé » 23 Janvier 1570, les députés d’Elifabetli « avoient reçu à Linlithgow une audience » de Murray, pour traiter de l’échange de «s Marie avec le duc de Northumbérland. s» Murray fe croyoit au moment d'un triom-31 phe complet. Il falloit pour fortir de la ville, pafl’er par une rue, au haut de la-« quelle étoit une galerie de bois, oit Ha-» milton l’attendoit. Il l’apperçut qui ve-m noit lentement à cheval ; le pafl’age étoit » refferré & rempli de peuple , il lui tira » un coup de moufquet qui l’étendit mort. 11 Hamilton ne fut point pourfuivi ; on lui 31 laiffa tout le tems de la retraite , & il n pafla aifément en France. Marie donna » des larmes à la mort de fon perfécuteur, « & demanda pour lui, à Dieu, miféricorde « & clémence. La douleur d’Elifabeth fut si différente ; elles’écrioit qu’elle avoir perdu « le meilleur ami qu'elle eût au monde, & » le plus dévoué à fes intérêts. Bien loin » de rendre la reine d’Ecofle au peuple qui si la redemandoit, Elifabeth envoya des »i troupes pour réprimer leur zele, & ce9 » troupes marquèrent leur route par une 11 défolation générale, en détruifant, par le n fer & par le feu, cinquante châteaux S? » trois cens villages. >1 Après l’infairfie dont le bâtard Murray s’eft couvert , il n’y en a pas qui égale celle qui a rendu Elifabeth odieufe & mé‘ A 4\n11"


All resource URIs referenced in the AnnotationList return identical contents, regardless of dcType value specified in the annotation. In order to identify the word-level or line-level portion of text referenced in each annotation, clients must parse the URI fragment of the textual resource, much as they would need to parse the fragment of a canvas garget to identify the rectangle of a canvas on which to display the text.

Wellcome Library

Sample manifest: Presentation standard: 2

References within manifest

Manifests link to text by using seeAlso elements in canvases pointing to METS ALTO XML URIs, and also otherContent elements pointing to annotations.

      "label":"METS-ALTO XML"
         "label":"Text of page 2"


All canvases contain an otherContent element; pages with no OCR text return valid (but empty) documents.

AnnotationList contents


Example AnnotationList:

            "chars":"BATUS AND WASIIHOUSES."
            "chars":"The Commissioners of Baths and Washhouses have"
            "chars":"furnished a statement of their Receipts and Expenditure,"
            "chars":"and the same having been duly audited will be found"


Each annotation appears to be at the line level of granularity, as specified in the URI. Changing URL parameters does not return annotations at a different text granularity.

Characters are embedded within the AnnotationList, rather than referenced.



	xmlns:xlink="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
		<OCRProcessing ID="OCRPROCESSING_1">
					<softwareCreator>Planman Technologies India Pvt. Ltd.</softwareCreator>
					<softwareName>Book Flo</softwareName>
				<processingAgency>Planman Technologies India Pvt. Ltd.</processingAgency>
				<processingStepSettings>ABBYY Fine Reader Engine 10.0</processingStepSettings>
					<softwareCreator>ABBYY FineReader 10.0, Russia</softwareCreator>
					<softwareName>FineReader 10.0</softwareName>
		<TextStyle ID="TXT_33" FONTSIZE="13" FONTFAMILY="Times New Roman"/>
		<TextStyle ID="TXT_34" FONTSIZE="8" FONTFAMILY="Times New Roman"/>
		<ParagraphStyle ID="PAR_LEFT" ALIGN="Left"/>
		<ParagraphStyle ID="PAR_BLOCK" ALIGN="Block"/>
		<ParagraphStyle ID="PAR_RIGHT" ALIGN="Right"/>
		<ParagraphStyle ID="PAR_CENTER" ALIGN="Center"/>
		<Page ID="P7" HEIGHT="2406" WIDTH="1410" PHYSICAL_IMG_NR="7" PRINTED_IMG_NR="7" ACCURACY="99.57">
			<TopMargin ID="P7_TM00001" HEIGHT="0" WIDTH="1410" HPOS="0" VPOS="0"/>
			<LeftMargin ID="P7_LM00001" HEIGHT="2406" WIDTH="0" HPOS="0" VPOS="0"/>
			<RightMargin ID="P7_RM00001" HEIGHT="2406" WIDTH="111" HPOS="2212" VPOS="0"/>
			<BottomMargin ID="P7_BM00001" HEIGHT="193" WIDTH="1410" HPOS="0" VPOS="2212"/>
			<PrintSpace ID="P7_PS00001" HEIGHT="2212" WIDTH="1298" HPOS="0" VPOS="0">
				<TextBlock ID="P7_TB00001" HEIGHT="37" WIDTH="20" HPOS="668" VPOS="188" STYLEREFS="TXT_33 PAR_CENTER">
					<TextLine ID="P7_TL00001" HEIGHT="37" WIDTH="20" HPOS="668" VPOS="188">
						<String ID="P7_ST00001" CONTENT="7" HEIGHT="37" WIDTH="20" HPOS="668" VPOS="188" WC="1" CC="0"/>
				<TextBlock ID="P7_TB00002" HEIGHT="26" WIDTH="552" HPOS="398" VPOS="338" STYLEREFS="TXT_34 PAR_LEFT">
					<TextLine ID="P7_TL00002" HEIGHT="26" WIDTH="552" HPOS="398" VPOS="338">
						<String ID="P7_ST00002" CONTENT="BATUS" HEIGHT="24" WIDTH="126" HPOS="398" VPOS="340" WC="0.82" CC="00080"/>
						<SP ID="P7_SP00001" WIDTH="34" HPOS="525" VPOS="340"/>
						<String ID="P7_ST00003" CONTENT="AND" HEIGHT="23" WIDTH="77" HPOS="561" VPOS="341" WC="1" CC="000"/>
						<SP ID="P7_SP00002" WIDTH="34" HPOS="640" VPOS="340"/>
						<String ID="P7_ST00004" CONTENT="WASIIHOUSES." HEIGHT="25" WIDTH="275" HPOS="675" VPOS="338" WC="0.93" CC="000000070000"/>
				<TextBlock ID="P7_TB00003" HEIGHT="206" WIDTH="1232" HPOS="61" VPOS="406" STYLEREFS="TXT_33 PAR_BLOCK">
					<TextLine ID="P7_TL00003" HEIGHT="45" WIDTH="1177" HPOS="115" VPOS="406">
						<String ID="P7_ST00005" CONTENT="The" HEIGHT="38" WIDTH="81" HPOS="115" VPOS="414" WC="1" CC="000"/>
						<SP ID="P7_SP00003" WIDTH="20" HPOS="198" VPOS="411"/>
						<String ID="P7_ST00006" CONTENT="Commissioners" HEIGHT="41" WIDTH="319" HPOS="219" VPOS="410" WC="1" CC="0000000000000"/>
						<SP ID="P7_SP00004" WIDTH="27" HPOS="539" VPOS="425"/>
						<String ID="P7_ST00007" CONTENT="of" HEIGHT="38" WIDTH="45" HPOS="567" VPOS="410" WC="1" CC="00"/>
						<SP ID="P7_SP00005" WIDTH="22" HPOS="613" VPOS="410"/>
						<String ID="P7_ST00008" CONTENT="Baths" HEIGHT="38" WIDTH="127" HPOS="637" VPOS="409" WC="1" CC="00000"/>
						<SP ID="P7_SP00006" WIDTH="27" HPOS="766" VPOS="423"/>
						<String ID="P7_ST00009" CONTENT="and" HEIGHT="38" WIDTH="76" HPOS="794" VPOS="408" WC="0.76" CC="007"/>
						<SP ID="P7_SP00007" WIDTH="27" HPOS="871" VPOS="408"/>
						<String ID="P7_ST00010" CONTENT="Washhouses" HEIGHT="41" WIDTH="268" HPOS="900" VPOS="406" WC="0.87" CC="7000005000"/>
						<SP ID="P7_SP00008" WIDTH="27" HPOS="1169" VPOS="408"/>
						<String ID="P7_ST00011" CONTENT="have" HEIGHT="38" WIDTH="96" HPOS="1197" VPOS="408" WC="1" CC="0000"/>
					<TextLine ID="P7_TL00004" HEIGHT="53" WIDTH="1230" HPOS="62" VPOS="461">
						<String ID="P7_ST00012" CONTENT="furnished" HEIGHT="40" WIDTH="197" HPOS="62" VPOS="465" WC="1" CC="000000000"/>
						<SP ID="P7_SP00009" WIDTH="16" HPOS="260" VPOS="465"/>
						<String ID="P7_ST00013" CONTENT="a" HEIGHT="25" WIDTH="23" HPOS="278" VPOS="479" WC="1" CC="0"/>
						<SP ID="P7_SP00010" WIDTH="17" HPOS="303" VPOS="479"/>
						<String ID="P7_ST00014" CONTENT="statement" HEIGHT="32" WIDTH="210" HPOS="321" VPOS="471" WC="1" CC="000000000"/>
						<SP ID="P7_SP00011" WIDTH="11" HPOS="533" VPOS="471"/>
						<String ID="P7_ST00015" CONTENT="of" HEIGHT="38" WIDTH="44" HPOS="546" VPOS="463" WC="1" CC="00"/>
						<SP ID="P7_SP00012" WIDTH="12" HPOS="591" VPOS="463"/>
						<String ID="P7_ST00016" CONTENT="their" HEIGHT="38" WIDTH="100" HPOS="605" VPOS="463" WC="1" CC="00000"/>
						<SP ID="P7_SP00013" WIDTH="14" HPOS="706" VPOS="463"/>
						<String ID="P7_ST00017" CONTENT="Receipts" HEIGHT="51" WIDTH="183" HPOS="722" VPOS="463" WC="1" CC="00000000"/>
						<SP ID="P7_SP00014" WIDTH="13" HPOS="906" VPOS="477"/>
						<String ID="P7_ST00018" CONTENT="and" HEIGHT="38" WIDTH="75" HPOS="921" VPOS="462" WC="1" CC="000"/>
						<SP ID="P7_SP00015" WIDTH="11" HPOS="997" VPOS="461"/>
						<String ID="P7_ST00019" CONTENT="Expenditure," HEIGHT="51" WIDTH="283" HPOS="1009" VPOS="461" WC="1" CC="000000000000"/>
					<TextLine ID="P7_TL00005" HEIGHT="55" WIDTH="1231" HPOS="62" VPOS="515">
						<String ID="P7_ST00020" CONTENT="and" HEIGHT="38" WIDTH="73" HPOS="62" VPOS="521" WC="1" CC="000"/>
						<SP ID="P7_SP00016" WIDTH="27" HPOS="137" VPOS="521"/>
						<String ID="P7_ST00021" CONTENT="the" HEIGHT="38" WIDTH="65" HPOS="165" VPOS="520" WC="1" CC="000"/>
						<SP ID="P7_SP00017" WIDTH="27" HPOS="231" VPOS="533"/>
						<String ID="P7_ST00022" CONTENT="same" HEIGHT="24" WIDTH="104" HPOS="259" VPOS="533" WC="1" CC="0000"/>
						<SP ID="P7_SP00018" WIDTH="27" HPOS="365" VPOS="519"/>
						<String ID="P7_ST00023" CONTENT="having" HEIGHT="51" WIDTH="146" HPOS="393" VPOS="519" WC="1" CC="000000"/>
						<SP ID="P7_SP00019" WIDTH="25" HPOS="541" VPOS="519"/>
						<String ID="P7_ST00024" CONTENT="been" HEIGHT="38" WIDTH="97" HPOS="567" VPOS="519" WC="1" CC="0000"/>
						<SP ID="P7_SP00020" WIDTH="28" HPOS="665" VPOS="518"/>
						<String ID="P7_ST00025" CONTENT="duly" HEIGHT="50" WIDTH="95" HPOS="695" VPOS="517" WC="1" CC="0000"/>
						<SP ID="P7_SP00021" WIDTH="27" HPOS="791" VPOS="530"/>
						<String ID="P7_ST00026" CONTENT="audited" HEIGHT="38" WIDTH="158" HPOS="820" VPOS="515" WC="1" CC="0000000"/>
						<SP ID="P7_SP00022" WIDTH="27" HPOS="979" VPOS="515"/>
						<String ID="P7_ST00027" CONTENT="will" HEIGHT="38" WIDTH="79" HPOS="1008" VPOS="515" WC="1" CC="0000"/>
						<SP ID="P7_SP00023" WIDTH="18" HPOS="1088" VPOS="516"/>
						<String ID="P7_ST00028" CONTENT="be" HEIGHT="36" WIDTH="46" HPOS="1108" VPOS="517" WC="1" CC="00"/>
						<SP ID="P7_SP00024" WIDTH="16" HPOS="1155" VPOS="515"/>
						<String ID="P7_ST00029" CONTENT="found" HEIGHT="38" WIDTH="121" HPOS="1172" VPOS="515" WC="1" CC="00000"/>
					<TextLine ID="P7_TL00006" HEIGHT="39" WIDTH="185" HPOS="61" VPOS="573">
						<String ID="P7_ST00030" CONTENT="annexed." HEIGHT="39" WIDTH="185" HPOS="61" VPOS="573" WC="1" CC="00000000"/>


Sample manifest: Presentation standard: 2

References within manifest

Manifests link to text by using seeAlso elements pointing to XML files

   "label":"Page 3",
         "label":"Original source file (1.49 MB)",
         "label":"OCR text",


All canvases contain a seeAlso link to an ALTO file. These elements contain a label, format and profile, making them easy to parse.

ALTO XML contents



	xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
		<OCRProcessing ID="IdOcr">
					<softwareName>ABBYY Recognition Server</softwareName>
		<ParagraphStyle ID="StyleId-18FAF5D9-2221-4AE1-A6F1-C7EEED05FA31-" ALIGN="Left" LEFT="0" RIGHT="0" FIRSTLINE="0"/>
		<Page ID="Page1" PHYSICAL_IMG_NR="1">
			<PrintSpace HEIGHT="3282" WIDTH="2531" VPOS="0" HPOS="0">
				<TextBlock ID="BlockId-B10129BB-5980-4186-AE21-50733D62FF45-" HEIGHT="205" WIDTH="1307" VPOS="164" HPOS="372" STYLEREFS="StyleId-18FAF5D9-2221-4AE1-A6F1-C7EEED05FA31-">
					<TextLine HEIGHT="42" WIDTH="743" VPOS="170" HPOS="378">
						<String CONTENT="SAAM" HEIGHT="38" WIDTH="96" VPOS="174" HPOS="378"/>
						<SP WIDTH="25" VPOS="173" HPOS="475"/>
						<String CONTENT="2544" HEIGHT="35" WIDTH="95" VPOS="173" HPOS="501"/>
						<SP WIDTH="30" VPOS="174" HPOS="597"/>
						<String CONTENT="-" HEIGHT="8" WIDTH="17" VPOS="191" HPOS="628"/>
						<SP WIDTH="32" VPOS="173" HPOS="646"/>
						<String CONTENT="ETA" HEIGHT="35" WIDTH="69" VPOS="172" HPOS="679"/>
						<SP WIDTH="29" VPOS="171" HPOS="749"/>
						<String CONTENT="TI0900L" HEIGHT="36" WIDTH="167" VPOS="171" HPOS="779"/>
						<SP WIDTH="30" VPOS="172" HPOS="947"/>
						<String CONTENT="NOV" HEIGHT="36" WIDTH="70" VPOS="171" HPOS="978"/>
						<SP WIDTH="30" VPOS="171" HPOS="1049"/>
						<String CONTENT="72" HEIGHT="36" WIDTH="41" VPOS="170" HPOS="1080"/>
					<TextLine HEIGHT="39" WIDTH="1292" VPOS="324" HPOS="380">
						<String CONTENT="SCHEDULE" HEIGHT="35" WIDTH="190" VPOS="328" HPOS="380"/>
						<SP WIDTH="32" VPOS="328" HPOS="571"/>
						<String CONTENT="FOR" HEIGHT="34" WIDTH="70" VPOS="328" HPOS="604"/>
						<SP WIDTH="29" VPOS="328" HPOS="675"/>
						<String CONTENT="DRAWING" HEIGHT="35" WIDTH="168" VPOS="327" HPOS="705"/>
						<SP WIDTH="28" VPOS="326" HPOS="874"/>
						<String CONTENT="ANTARCTIC" HEIGHT="35" WIDTH="221" VPOS="326" HPOS="903"/>
						<SP WIDTH="28" VPOS="327" HPOS="1125"/>
						<String CONTENT="CLOTHING" HEIGHT="35" WIDTH="193" VPOS="325" HPOS="1154"/>
						<SP WIDTH="29" VPOS="325" HPOS="1348"/>
						<String CONTENT="AND" HEIGHT="34" WIDTH="70" VPOS="325" HPOS="1378"/>
						<SP WIDTH="25" VPOS="325" HPOS="1449"/>
						<String CONTENT="WEIGH-IN" HEIGHT="35" WIDTH="197" VPOS="324" HPOS="1475"/>
				<ComposedBlock ID="BlockId-DF812A11-F29C-4EE8-931E-A83B276E8663-" HEIGHT="1567" WIDTH="1838" VPOS="417" HPOS="277" TYPE="container">
					<TextBlock ID="BlockId-E39A7039-61A5-4A8E-B4AA-6C5BBDACD693-" HEIGHT="815" WIDTH="1807" VPOS="417" HPOS="277" STYLEREFS="StyleId-18FAF5D9-2221-4AE1-A6F1-C7EEED05FA31-">
						<TextLine HEIGHT="47" WIDTH="1548" VPOS="423" HPOS="378">
							<String CONTENT="The" HEIGHT="35" WIDTH="68" VPOS="429" HPOS="378"/>
							<SP WIDTH="33" VPOS="430" HPOS="447"/>
							<String CONTENT="following" HEIGHT="42" WIDTH="217" VPOS="428" HPOS="481"/>
							<SP WIDTH="31" VPOS="427" HPOS="699"/>
							<String CONTENT="individuals" HEIGHT="36" WIDTH="266" VPOS="426" HPOS="731"/>
							<SP WIDTH="32" VPOS="436" HPOS="998"/>
							<String CONTENT="are" HEIGHT="25" WIDTH="66" VPOS="436" HPOS="1031"/>
							<SP WIDTH="32" VPOS="436" HPOS="1098"/>
							<String CONTENT="requested" HEIGHT="42" WIDTH="217" VPOS="426" HPOS="1131"/>
							<SP WIDTH="30" VPOS="426" HPOS="1349"/>
							<String CONTENT="to" HEIGHT="32" WIDTH="43" VPOS="428" HPOS="1380"/>
							<SP WIDTH="30" VPOS="434" HPOS="1424"/>
							<String CONTENT="remain" HEIGHT="35" WIDTH="141" VPOS="424" HPOS="1455"/>
							<SP WIDTH="33" VPOS="424" HPOS="1597"/>
							<String CONTENT="in" HEIGHT="35" WIDTH="40" VPOS="424" HPOS="1631"/>
							<SP WIDTH="33" VPOS="425" HPOS="1672"/>
							<String CONTENT="the" HEIGHT="34" WIDTH="66" VPOS="425" HPOS="1706"/>
							<SP WIDTH="31" VPOS="425" HPOS="1773"/>
							<String CONTENT="USARP" HEIGHT="36" WIDTH="121" VPOS="423" HPOS="1805"/>
						<TextLine HEIGHT="45" WIDTH="1675" VPOS="473" HPOS="378">
							<String CONTENT="Warehouse" HEIGHT="34" WIDTH="219" VPOS="480" HPOS="378"/>
							<SP WIDTH="31" VPOS="478" HPOS="598"/>
							<String CONTENT="following" HEIGHT="41" WIDTH="219" VPOS="477" HPOS="630"/>
							<SP WIDTH="29" VPOS="480" HPOS="850"/>
							<String CONTENT="the" HEIGHT="34" WIDTH="68" VPOS="478" HPOS="880"/>
							<SP WIDTH="30" VPOS="477" HPOS="949"/>
							<String CONTENT="briefing" HEIGHT="41" WIDTH="193" VPOS="476" HPOS="980"/>
							<SP WIDTH="29" VPOS="485" HPOS="1174"/>
							<String CONTENT="on" HEIGHT="26" WIDTH="42" VPOS="485" HPOS="1204"/>
							<SP WIDTH="33" VPOS="485" HPOS="1247"/>
							<String CONTENT="arrival" HEIGHT="37" WIDTH="157" VPOS="474" HPOS="1281"/>
							<SP WIDTH="41" VPOS="473" HPOS="1439"/>
							<String CONTENT="in" HEIGHT="36" WIDTH="41" VPOS="473" HPOS="1481"/>
							<SP WIDTH="29" VPOS="475" HPOS="1523"/>
							<String CONTENT="Christchurch" HEIGHT="36" WIDTH="295" VPOS="474" HPOS="1553"/>
							<SP WIDTH="32" VPOS="474" HPOS="1849"/>
							<String CONTENT="to" HEIGHT="34" WIDTH="44" VPOS="475" HPOS="1882"/>
							<SP WIDTH="30" VPOS="474" HPOS="1927"/>
							<String CONTENT="draw" HEIGHT="35" WIDTH="95" VPOS="474" HPOS="1958"/>
						<TextLine HEIGHT="45" WIDTH="538" VPOS="527" HPOS="380">
							<String CONTENT="clothing" HEIGHT="43" WIDTH="192" VPOS="529" HPOS="380"/>
							<SP WIDTH="30" VPOS="538" HPOS="573"/>
							<String CONTENT="ant!" HEIGHT="33" WIDTH="69" VPOS="530" HPOS="604"/>
							<SP WIDTH="26" VPOS="530" HPOS="674"/>
							<String CONTENT="weigh-in:" HEIGHT="44" WIDTH="217" VPOS="527" HPOS="701"/>
						<TextLine HEIGHT="42" WIDTH="187" VPOS="630" HPOS="381">
							<String CONTENT="COBB," HEIGHT="41" WIDTH="113" VPOS="631" HPOS="381"/>
							<SP WIDTH="31" VPOS="630" HPOS="495"/>
							<String CONTENT="W." HEIGHT="36" WIDTH="41" VPOS="630" HPOS="527"/>
						<TextLine HEIGHT="39" WIDTH="264" VPOS="681" HPOS="380">
							<String CONTENT="CROSSEN," HEIGHT="39" WIDTH="190" VPOS="681" HPOS="380"/>
							<SP WIDTH="31" VPOS="681" HPOS="571"/>
							<String CONTENT="W." HEIGHT="33" WIDTH="41" VPOS="681" HPOS="603"/>
						<TextLine HEIGHT="39" WIDTH="413" VPOS="730" HPOS="382">
							<String CONTENT="KATSUFR.AK1S," HEIGHT="39" WIDTH="288" VPOS="730" HPOS="382"/>
							<SP WIDTH="32" VPOS="730" HPOS="671"/>
							<String CONTENT="J.P." HEIGHT="34" WIDTH="91" VPOS="730" HPOS="704"/>
						<TextLine HEIGHT="41" WIDTH="262" VPOS="782" HPOS="382">
							<String CONTENT="KEMPTON," HEIGHT="41" WIDTH="188" VPOS="782" HPOS="382"/>
							<SP WIDTH="34" VPOS="784" HPOS="571"/>
							<String CONTENT="M." HEIGHT="33" WIDTH="38" VPOS="784" HPOS="606"/>
						<TextLine HEIGHT="40" WIDTH="289" VPOS="832" HPOS="381">
							<String CONTENT="McKINLEY," HEIGHT="40" WIDTH="215" VPOS="832" HPOS="381"/>
							<SP WIDTH="32" VPOS="832" HPOS="597"/>
							<String CONTENT="A." HEIGHT="35" WIDTH="40" VPOS="832" HPOS="630"/>
						<TextLine HEIGHT="39" WIDTH="362" VPOS="882" HPOS="283">
							<String CONTENT="**" HEIGHT="20" WIDTH="45" VPOS="883" HPOS="283"/>
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							<String CONTENT="(11" HEIGHT="46" WIDTH="59" VPOS="1376" HPOS="1438"/>
							<SP WIDTH="34" VPOS="1380" HPOS="1498"/>
							<String CONTENT="November" HEIGHT="36" WIDTH="199" VPOS="1380" HPOS="1533"/>
							<SP WIDTH="28" VPOS="1380" HPOS="1733"/>
							<String CONTENT="1972)," HEIGHT="47" WIDTH="142" VPOS="1375" HPOS="1762"/>
							<SP WIDTH="33" VPOS="1382" HPOS="1905"/>
							<String CONTENT="to" HEIGHT="33" WIDTH="44" VPOS="1382" HPOS="1939"/>
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						<TextLine HEIGHT="44" WIDTH="538" VPOS="1433" HPOS="387">
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							<String CONTENT="weigh-in:" HEIGHT="44" WIDTH="219" VPOS="1433" HPOS="706"/>
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							<String CONTENT="C." HEIGHT="34" WIDTH="39" VPOS="1535" HPOS="609"/>
						<TextLine HEIGHT="41" WIDTH="336" VPOS="1583" HPOS="287">
							<String CONTENT="**" HEIGHT="21" WIDTH="44" VPOS="1584" HPOS="287"/>
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							<String CONTENT="ERTMAN," HEIGHT="41" WIDTH="163" VPOS="1583" HPOS="387"/>
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							<String CONTENT="LANGONE," HEIGHT="41" WIDTH="189" VPOS="1635" HPOS="389"/>
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							<String CONTENT="Enclosure" HEIGHT="36" WIDTH="219" VPOS="1934" HPOS="611"/>
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Sample manifest: Presentation standard: 2

References within manifest

Manifests link to text by using annotations referenced by otherContent elements

         "label":"by line"


otherContent links to transcript annotations, uses a label.

AnnotationList contents


Example AnnotationList:

         "label":"3r(6),a - line: 1",
            "chars":"\n        planta\n        facilior\n        et\n        extensa\n        situationis\n        operosae\n        in\n        2o\n        in\n        scala\n        sub\n     "
         "label":"3r(6),a - line: 2",
            "chars":"\n        limior\n        e\n        protensa\n        elevationis\n        amorose\n        in\n        3o\n        quia\n        ascendit\n        aula\n     "
         "label":"3r(6),a - line: 3",
            "chars":"\n        libior\n        non\n        offensa\n        praemiationis\n        gloriosae\n        in\n        4o\n        quia\n        domus\n        Exercitium\n     "
         "label":"3r(6),a - line: 4",
            "chars":"\n        magistrale\n        altae\n        intelligentiae\n        quia\n        petrus\n        aedificium\n        mundiale\n        temporale\n        late\n     "


AnnotationList is by line, and contains the text contents rather than referencing them.


Sample manifest: Presentation standard: 2

References within manifest

Manifests link to text by using hocr referenced by seeAlso elements

   "label":"7 (0017)",


All canvases contain a seeAlso element pointing to HOCR text, profile element defining what kind of text will be found.

HOCR contents


Example HOCR:

		<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
		<meta name="ocr-capabilities"
          content="ocr_line ocr_page ocr_par ocrp_lang ocrx_block ocrx_word x_source x_wconf"/>
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				<p class='ocr_par' title='bbox 884 613 1160 672;x_wconf 91' style='font-size:13pt;font-family:"Times";font-style:normal'>
					<span class='ocr_line' title='bbox 884 614 1160 671;x_wconf 89'>
						<span class='ocrx_word' title='bbox 884 614 900 670;x_wconf 99'>I</span>
						<span class='ocrx_word' title='bbox 928 614 944 670;x_wconf 97'>n</span>
						<span class='ocrx_word' title='bbox 976 614 1010 670;x_wconf 98'>h</span>
						<span class='ocrx_word' title='bbox 1032 614 1146 671;x_wconf 96'>alt</span>
						<span class='ocrx_word' title='bbox 1150 615 1160 671;x_wconf 58'>.</span>
			<div class='ocrx_block' title='bbox 924 824 985 847;x_wconf 99'>
				<p class='ocr_par' title='bbox 924 824 985 847;x_wconf 99' style='font-size:6pt;font-family:"Times";font-style:bold'>
					<span class='ocr_line' title='bbox 924 824 985 847;x_wconf 100'>
						<span class='ocrx_word' title='bbox 924 824 985 847;x_wconf 100'>Seite</span>
			<div class='ocrx_block' title='bbox 1778 824 1840 847;x_wconf 99'>
				<p class='ocr_par' title='bbox 1778 824 1840 847;x_wconf 99' style='font-size:6pt;font-family:"Times";font-style:bold'>
					<span class='ocr_line' title='bbox 1778 824 1840 847;x_wconf 100'>
						<span class='ocrx_word' title='bbox 1778 824 1840 847;x_wconf 100'>Seite</span>
			<div class='ocrx_block' title='bbox 1492 1128 1497 1134;x_wconf 30'>
				<p class='ocr_par' title='bbox 1492 1128 1497 1134;x_wconf 30' style='font-size:1pt;font-family:"Times";font-style:bold'>
					<span class='ocr_line' title='bbox 1492 1128 1497 1134;x_wconf 30'>
						<span class='ocrx_word' title='bbox 1492 1128 1497 1134;x_wconf 30'>.</span>
			<div class='ocrx_block' title='bbox 746 1523 752 1536;x_wconf 10'>
				<p class='ocr_par' title='bbox 746 1523 752 1536;x_wconf 10' style='font-size:3pt;font-family:"Times";font-style:bold'>
					<span class='ocr_line' title='bbox 746 1523 752 1536;x_wconf 10'>
						<span class='ocrx_word' title='bbox 746 1523 752 1536;x_wconf 10'>&gt;</span>
			<div class='ocrx_block' title='bbox 184 855 989 2865;x_wconf 96'>
				<p class='ocr_par' title='bbox 184 855 913 934;x_wconf 96' style='font-size:10pt;font-family:"Times";font-style:normal'>
					<span class='ocr_line' title='bbox 184 855 913 897;x_wconf 98'>
						<span class='ocrx_word' title='bbox 184 855 214 897;x_wconf 99'>F.</span>
						<span class='ocrx_word' title='bbox 228 855 420 897;x_wconf 100'>Beyschlag</span>
						<span class='ocrx_word' title='bbox 422 855 433 897;x_wconf 99'>:</span>
						<span class='ocrx_word' title='bbox 448 855 500 897;x_wconf 99'>Die</span>
						<span class='ocrx_word' title='bbox 518 855 723 897;x_wconf 94'>internationale</span>
						<span class='ocrx_word' title='bbox 743 855 913 897;x_wconf 100'>geologische</span>
					<span class='ocr_line' title='bbox 236 890 690 934;x_wconf 91'>
						<span class='ocrx_word' title='bbox 236 890 320 931;x_wconf 100'>Karte</span>
						<span class='ocrx_word' title='bbox 336 890 392 932;x_wconf 100'>von</span>
						<span class='ocrx_word' title='bbox 399 891 522 932;x_wconf 100'>Europa</span>
						<span class='ocrx_word' title='bbox 541 892 549 933;x_wconf 99'>(</span>
						<span class='ocrx_word' title='bbox 555 892 602 933;x_wconf 100'>Fig</span>
						<span class='ocrx_word' title='bbox 605 892 609 933;x_wconf 100'>.</span>
						<span class='ocrx_word' title='bbox 625 892 637 933;x_wconf 99'>1</span>
						<span class='ocrx_word' title='bbox 641 892 652 933;x_wconf 100'>)</span>
						<span class='ocrx_word' title='bbox 679 893 690 934;x_wconf 28'>.</span>
			<div class='ocrx_block' title='bbox 856 2425 987 2469;x_wconf 97'>
				<p class='ocr_par' title='bbox 856 2425 987 2469;x_wconf 97' style='font-size:9pt;font-family:"Times";font-style:normal'>
					<span class='ocr_line' title='bbox 856 2425 987 2469;x_wconf 97'>
						<span class='ocrx_word' title='bbox 856 2429 908 2469;x_wconf 99'>145</span>
						<span class='ocrx_word' title='bbox 907 2429 915 2466;x_wconf 97'>,</span>
						<span class='ocrx_word' title='bbox 934 2425 987 2465;x_wconf 97'>479</span>


HOCR is pretty typical, laying out the text using HTML elements, and containing bounding box information in attributes.


References Within Manifest


Sample manifest: Presentation API Version: 2

   "label":"Letter Front",
         "label":"Read this page",
         "label":"Transcribe this page",
         "label":"HTML Transcription",
         "label":"Searchable Plaintext",
         "label":"Verbatim Plaintext",
         "label":"Emended Plaintext",
      "label":"Page Status",


AnnotationList Contents


  "@context": "",
  "@id": "",
  "@type": "sc:AnnotationList",
  "resources": [
      "@type": "oa:Annotation",
      "motivation": "sc:painting",
      "on": ",0,2400,3446",
      "resource": {
        "@id": "",
        "@type": "cnt:ContentAsText",
        "format": "text/html",
        "chars": "<p>Point Lookout, Md<br/>\n Sept 27th 1864<br/>\n</p>\n\n<p> Dear Mother,<br/>\n It is with much pleasure that<br/>\n I seat myself for the purpose of<br/>\n writing you a few lines to inform<br/>\n you that I am well and truly<br/>\n hope it may find you all in<br/>\n good helth.  I would have writen<br/>\n sooner but had not the means.<br/>\n Cousin George East is ded he died February<br/>\n 6th.  I am getting on very well<br/>\n for a prisoner but tiard of confinement<br/>\n I hope we will soon be exchange<br/>\n so I can come home.  Write soon.<br/>\n Give my love to all the<br/>\n family.  Direct to me prisoner<br/>\n of war Company F 7th<br/>\n Division      Point Lookout Maryland<br/>\n</p>\n\n<p>         from your affectionate<br/>\n          Son Shem J Watson</p>",
        "annotatedBy": [
            "name": "Ben W. Brumfield"
            "name": "Mary Ann Brumfield"


AnnotationLists contain a single annotation with the HTML text for an entire page.