Vox Pupuli - Behind every successful open source project is a vibrant community
#communitymanagement, automation
How to grow an online community to over 100 people managing over 250 projects
What happens when critical open source projects stop being maintained?
Vox Pupuli is a group of more than 180 puppet module/tooling/documentation authors, all working together to ensure a continuing development process. Our goal is to adopt abandoned FOSS projects from the Puppet ecosystem and to unite lonely FOSS developers.
In this talk we will do a deep dive into what Vox Pupuli is, how we build the community and keep it running and why you should participate! We will also discuss how we manage contributions at large scale.
Running a large infrastructure isn't easy. But how do you handle contributions from multiple teams or many individuals?
Contributors expect fast feedback for issues and pull request and the time from every maintainer/reviews is very limited. Vox Pupuli is a Puppet focused community that maintains over 180 puppet modules and over 20 gems. The talk will guide you through the challenges that Vox Pupuli surfaced and how we are solving it. You will learn how Vox Pupuli works and how the workflows can be adopted to other Open Source communitys and also company-internal teams.
We invite everybody to participate. We will get into the details about how you can interact/contribute/benefit. We will also tell you some stories about all the awesome stuff that's happening in the community that creates a very welcoming place for people!
Hi! I'm Tim, a member of Vox Pupuli. We are a (non profit) open source organisation within the Puppet ecosystem. I would like to present how our organisation works, how we scale and what other companys and orgs can learn from it. I mad similar talks at previous puppet conferences, but not with identical content. I'm living in europe and a trip to the US is expensive, I'm currently discussing this with potential sponsors. I'm quite sure that I will be able to attend (if you accept the CFP), but I am not 100% sure yet. I hope to clear this out within the next two weeks.