This script can be used in Project Designer to export a Table Field to a CSV file for testing, reporting and benchmarking.
To run it just Extract the Document (F6) in Project Designer.
Private Sub Document_AfterExtract(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument)
'Check that we are in the Designer and not in runtime
If Project.ScriptExecutionMode = CscScriptExecutionMode.CscScriptModeServerDesign Then
Table_ToCSV(pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("Table").Table, Replace(pXDoc.Filename,".xdc", "_table.csv")
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Table_ToCSV(Table As CscXDocTable, FileName As String)
'Output a Table Field to a CSV file.
Dim R As Long, Row As CscXDocTableRow, C As Long, Cell As CscXDocTableCell, Delimiter As String
Delimiter = vbTab ' or "," or ";"
Open FileName For Output As #1
Print #1, vbUTF8BOM; 'To make a UTF-8 text file instead of an ANSI text file.
'Print headers
For C=0 To Table.Columns.Count-1
Print #1, Table.Columns(C).Name & Delimiter; ' the semicolon suppresses newline
Print #1, 'new line
'Print each table row
For R=0 To Table.Rows.Count-1
Set Row=Table.Rows(R)
For C=0 To Row.Cells.Count-1
Set Cell=Row.Cells(C)
Print #1, Replace(Cell.Text,Delimiter,"") & Delimiter; ' Make sure the delimiter is NOT in the table cell!!
Print #1,
Close #1
End Sub