This script uses a fuzzy database to spellcheck a string. To use it simply make a Locator called SL_Spellcheck and make it a Script Locator. Then paste the code below into the script field. Make sure that your database is of type "Associative Search"
Private Sub SL_Spellcheck_LocateAlternatives(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument, ByVal pLocator As CASCADELib.CscXDocField)
Dim Test As String, Results As CscXDocFieldAlternatives, NumWords As Long, R As Long, T As Long, Word As String, Words() As String
Dim ResultWords() As String, H As Long, NewWords() As String
Test = ""
Test = Trim(UCase(Test))
'Test = Replace(Test, "§", "Ş")
'Set Results = Database_FuzzySearch("Turkish_banks", "WORD", Test, 100, 0.01)
Set Results = Project.Databases.ItemByName("Turkish_banks_asd").AssociativeSearch.SearchText(Test, 100).Alternatives
NumWords = UBound(Split(Test))
ReDim Words(NumWords) As String
ReDim NewWords(NumWords) As String
Words = Split(Test)
For R=0 To Results.Count-1
ReDim ResultWords(UBound(Split(Results(R).Text)))
ResultWords = Split(Results(R).Text)
NumWords = UBound(Split(Results(R).Text))
For T=0 To UBound(Words)-NumWords
For H=0 To NumWords
If String_LevenshteinDistance(ResultWords(H), Words(T+H)) > Len(ResultWords(H))\3 Then 'The words don't match up
Exit For
End If
If H=NumWords Then 'The entire phrase is compatible
For H=0 To NumWords
If NewWords(T+H)="" Then
NewWords(T+H) = ResultWords(H)
Exit For
End If
Exit For
End If
For R=0 To UBound(NewWords)
If NewWords(R)="" Then
End If
Test=Join(NewWords, " ")
End Sub
Public Function String_LevenshteinDistance(a As String ,b As String) as Long
'Levenshtein distance between two strings, used for fuzzy matching
'Returns the number of character differences between the two strings.
'eg LevenshteinDistance("kitten","kitchen") = 2 = insertion of "c" + substitution of "t" for "h"
Dim i As Long, j As Long, cost As Long, d() As Long
Dim ins As Long, del As Long, subs As Long ' for counting insertions, deletions and substitutions
If Len(a) = 0 Then Return Len(b)
If Len(b) = 0 Then Return Len(a)
ReDim d(Len(a), Len(b))
For i = 0 To Len(a)
d(i, 0) = i
For j = 0 To Len(b)
d(0, j) = j
For i = 1 To Len(a)
For j = 1 To Len(b)
cost = IIf (Mid(a, i, 1) = Mid(b, j, 1),0,1) ' cost of substitution
del = ( d( i - 1, j ) + 1 ) ' cost of deletion
ins = ( d( i, j - 1 ) + 1 ) ' cost of insertion
subs = ( d( i - 1, j - 1 ) + cost ) 'cost of substitution or match
d(i,j)= Min(ins, Min(del,subs))
Return d(Len(a), Len(b))
End Function
Public Function Max(v1, v2) 'typeless generic function
Return IIf (v1 > v2 ,v1 ,v2)
End Function
Public Function Min(v1, v2)
Return IIf (v1 < v2 ,v1 ,v2)
End Function