Releases: awslabs/gluonts
Releases · awslabs/gluonts
New features
- Dirichlet Multinomial distribution (#482)
- Datasets from the GP-Copula paper (#476)
- Marginal CDFtoGaussianTransformation (#486)
- DeepVAR model (#491)
- GP-Copula model (#497)
- Add transform objects for temporal point processes (#341)
- Added operator to allow for easier chaining of transformations. (#505)
- Gamma distribution implemented. (#502)
- Beta distribution implemented. (#512)
- Sagemaker SDK Integration (#444, #585)
- Add
argument to distribution output classes (#540) - Shopping holidays (#542)
- Add Poisson distribution (#532)
- N-Beats model (#553, #588, #655)
- Support slicing of distributions (#645)
- Naive2 model and OWA evaluation metric (#602)
- Add LSTNet (#596, #700, #791, #804)
- Data loading utils for M5 competition datasets (#716)
- Add MAPE to evaluator (#725)
- Add label smoothing to binned distribution (#731)
- Multiprocessing data loader. (#689, #739, #747, #759, #742)
- Add Categorical Distribution (#746)
- Added multiprocessing support for evaluation. (#741)
- Add variable length functionality to DataLoaders (#780)
- Add axis option to Scaler classes (#790)
- Add lead_time to predictors and estimators (#700)
- Add logit normal distribution (#811)
Bug fixes
- Fix instance splitter issue with short time series (#533)
- Fixed distribution sampling issues. (#526)
- Fix quantile of Binned distribution (#536)
- Fixed FileDataset SourceContext (#538)
- Fix quantile fn for transformed distribution (#544)
- Fix bug in cdf method of piecewise linear distributions (#564)
- Fixed taxi dataset cardinality (#552)
- Fix item_id field in provided datasets (#566)
- Fix Dockerfile to use Python 3.7. (#579)
- Fix DeepState trend model to work in symbolic mode (#578)
- Fix for symbol block serialization issue (#582, #591)
- Fixed LSTNet implementation (#586, )
- Fix mean_ts method of Forecast objects (#624)
- Fix r-forecast package on windows. (#626)
- Fix forecast index bug, add test (#644)
- Fix the sign method of affine transformation (#613)
- Fixing context when converting to symbol block predictor (#651)
- Fix data loader and include validation channel in test (#680)
- Fix incompatible date_range and matplotlib register in pandas v1.0 (#679)
- Fix binned distribution for mxnet 1.6 (#728)
- Remove asserts on loc and scale (#734)
- Fix default scaler in seq2seq models (#745)
- Fix pydanitc
usage. (#768) - Fix feature slicing in WavenetSampler (#770)
- Fix bug with iteration over datasets (#787)
- Use forecast_start in RForecastPredictor (#798)
- Fix negative binomial's scaling (#719, #814)
Breaking changes
- Moved gp module to be part of gp_forecaster. (#572)
Other changes and improvements
- Changed FileDataset to be more easily inheritable. (#498)
- Added strategies for timezone information. (#500)
- Split up transform into its own module. (#499)
- Distribution dependent loss masking. (#534)
- Remove dataset class in favor of alias (#560)
- Clean up lifted operations, add pow operation (#571)
- Removed expand_dims when reading in time-series values. (#574)
- Updated dependency to Pandas v1.0 (#576)
- Refactored DataLoader. (#619)
- Refactored instance sampler. (#648)
- Log epochs in trainer (#676)
- Improve trainer handling of learning rate scheduling and logging (#701)
- Upgrade to mxnet 1.6 (#709)
- Moved model tests into their own folders. (#727)
- Refactor wavenet model (#743)
- Disable TQDM when running on SageMaker. (#810)
- Fix WaveNet prediction length during training (#347)
- Relax requirements constraints (#456)
- Added aggregation functionality to MultivariateEvaluator (#459)
- Removed unused static method in DeepARNetwork (#460)
- Updated pydantic to version 1. (#465)
- Fix use of numpy.histogram. (#472)
- Fix validation error in transformed distribution (#475)
- Refined doc requiremnents; using sphinx 2. (#477)
v0.4.1 includes:
- Added Deep State model. (#229)
- Added Deep Factor model. (#271)
- Fixed bug when changing default activation function in WaveNet (#299)
- Option for DeepAR and DeepState to allow an embedding vector instead of the same value for all categorical features. (#315)
- Add option for feat_static_real in DeepAREstimator. (#324)
- Fixed DeepState samples tensor shape. (#340)
- Added support for changing dataytpe in DeepAREstimator. (#363)
- Made cardinality argument compulsory in DeepStateEstimator. (#413)
- DeepStateEstimator: Some adjustments to hyperparameter settings. (#415)
- Include quantile method in distribution. (#314)
- Added slice_axis methods to Distribution. (#397)
- Added Dirichlet distribution. (#417)
Other new features
- Added more operators for synthetic data generation. (#286)
- Included DistributionForecast and make plot generic. (#316)
Bug fixes
- Updated lag error message. (#266)
- Fix mistake in notebook. (#269)
- Fix pandas warnings in dataset generation. (#270)
- Fix numerical issue with negative binomial distribution. (#288)
- Fixes fieldname issues. (#292)
- Fixed a wrong reshaping in DeepAR estimator. (#330)
- Small fixes to Box-Cox transformation. (#349)
- Improve BinnedDistribution. (#350)
- Small fix for binned distribution. (#352)
- Assure Learning Rate Scheduler does not increase the learning rate. (#359)
- Fix dim and copy_dim methods in SampleForecast. (#366)
- Fixed the logging of the number of parameters during training. (#386)
- Fix empty time_features issue. (#387)
- Fix batch shape in Binned Distribution (#406)
- Fix bug in multivariate Gaussian. (#407)
- Fix edge case in evaluation where prediction length is 1 and prediction target is nan. (#422)
Other changes
- Make item_id field uniform across predictors. (#268)
- Added Dockerfile. (#285)
- Pytest-timeout==1.3; removes warnings from logs. (#306)
- Flask~=1.1; removes some warnings. (#307)
- Make tensors and distributions serializable. (#312)
- Added SageMaker batch transform support. (#317)
- Manage mxnet context when deserializing predictors. (#318)
- Add missing time features for business day frequency. (#325)
- Switched to timestamp alignment from rollback to rollforward. (#328)
- Adding GPU support to the cholesky jitter and eig tests. (#342)
- Adding GP example on synthetic dataset with built-in plotting. (#343)
- Introduced ForecastGenerator to wrap mxnet output into forecast object. (#348)
- Add synthetic data generation tutorial. (#356)
- Added pd.Timestamp to serde. (#357)
- Using custom SerDe methods for deserializing params in Sagemaker. (#364)
- Fixes for serializing sets and numpy numbers in SerDe. (#368)
- Store GluonTS Version with stored model (#388)
- Dockerfile for GPU container. Fix for installing GPU version of MXNet. (#403)
- Added debug option to batch-transform. (#404)
- Use static categorical feature in benchmark_m4. (#410)
- Remove dataset.validate. (#412)
- Renamed num_eval_samples to num_samples. (#421)
- Remove mxnet requirement. (#429)
Adapted mean predictor to use random samples. (#239)
to RepresentablePredictor and adapted subclasses. (#240) -
Added fallback predictor and decorator.
Forecasts always start at the end of the whole target.
Fix shell to have a canonical freq key in hyperparameters.
process-safe. Added ConstantValuePredictor. -
GluonTSException bypass fallback.
Black everything. (#244)
Adding failure information to failure file. (#247)
Added error message to top of failure file. (#248)
fix the empty item list (#249)
fix the shape error of the canonical network (#251)
Fix documentation and enforce stricter doc builds (#226)
Reformatted math equations for the log_prob method of the GaussianProcess class (#252)
Fix yearly freq in process start field. (#253)
fix issue with MultivariateGaussianOutput (#257)
Fix shapes in CanonicalNetworkBase (#254)
Improvements for wavenet and some utils (#262)
Removed `get_granularity`. (#265)
Changes include:
- Serialize training metrics through the logger
- Improvements in the
package - Minor changes in the
package - Add support for artificial datasets in the dataset repository
- Add
- More flexible shell.serve API
- Add utilities for shell tests
- Added throughput logging for inference.