SteamGroupToolkit is a (small) toolkit to increase the amount of members of your Steam group. It currently consists out of 2 modules, which can be accessed through tabs.
- Steam Group Harvester (harvests all members from an other Steam group)
- Steam Group Inviter (invite "harvested" members into your group)
It is coded in C# and should run on every platform, Linux/Mac require Mono.
- Visual Studio 2010
- NuGet
- A Steam account with Steam Guard enabled for more than 15 days
- Clone this repository:
git clone
- Change into the newly created directory
- Open the Harvester.sln with Visual Studio
- Right click top > Configuration Manager > Select "Release" > Ok
- Right click top > Select Rebuild all
- Copy over the settings-template.json to settings.json and edit the settings (only 2 currently)
- Start the program, use is pretty self-explanatory
This program is licensed under the GPLv3. You may redistribute this as long as you license it again with the GPLv3. If you publish it on your website, please leave a link back to this repository.
In case you got any questions, pull requests or bug Rreports, feel free to open a new issue here.