SMTPClient v0.6.1
Closed issues:
- Just hanging (#17)
- Does not authenticate (#19)
- Error tagging new release (#31)
- MethodError: no method matching send(::String, ::String, ::String, ::Base.GenericIOBuffer{Array{UInt8,1}}, ::SendOptions) (#33)
- Getting -> curl_easy_perform() failed: SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK (#35)
- Conflict with MbedTLS (#36)
- curl_easy_perform() failed: SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK (#37)
- Doc example: Encoding an image file and sending as an attachment with SMTPClient.jl (#41)
- I couldn't start it (#42)
- v0.6 won't install (#43)
- SMTP Connection with Office365 showing Login Denied (#44)
- Doc Example: Incluse how to use HTML support (#45)
- curl_easy_perform() failed: Timeout was reached (#47)
Merged pull requests: