diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
index 05fc1ee8..e0182aa2 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/ci.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
@@ -35,6 +35,10 @@ jobs:
name: "config.json"
json: ${{ secrets.CONFIG_JSON }}
+ - name: Add Key
+ run: |
+ echo "${{ secrets.AUTONOMIO_DEV_PEM }}" > autonomio-dev.pem
+ chmod 0400 autonomio-dev.pem
- name: Tests
run: |
pip install tensorflow>=2.0
diff --git a/docs/DistributedScan.md b/docs/DistributedScan.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..adb099ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/DistributedScan.md
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+# DistributedScan
+The experiment is configured and started through the `DistributedScan()` command. All of the options effecting the experiment, other than the hyperparameters themselves, are configured through the Scan arguments. The most common use-case is where ~10 arguments are invoked.
+## Minimal Example
+jako.DistributedScan(x='x', y='y', params=p, model=input_model,config='config.json')
+## DistributedScan Arguments
+`x`, `y`, `params`, `model` and `config` are the only required arguments to start the experiment, all other are optional.
+Argument | Input | Description
+--------- | ------- | -----------
+`x` | array or list of arrays | prediction features
+`y` | array or list of arrays | prediction outcome variable
+`params` | dict or ParamSpace object | the parameter dictionary or the ParamSpace object after splitting
+`model` | function | the Keras model as a function
+`experiment_name` | str | Used for creating the experiment logging folder
+`x_val` | array or list of arrays | validation data for x
+`y_val` | array or list of arrays | validation data for y
+`val_split` | float | validation data split ratio
+`random_method` | str | the random method to be used
+`seed` | float | Seed for random states
+`performance_target` | list | A result at which point to end experiment
+`fraction_limit` | float | The fraction of permutations to be processed
+`round_limit` | int | Maximum number of permutations in the experiment
+`time_limit` | datetime | Time limit for experiment in format `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M`
+`boolean_limit` | function | Limit permutations based on a lambda function
+`reduction_method` | str | Type of reduction optimizer to be used used
+`reduction_interval` | int | Number of permutations after which reduction is applied
+`reduction_window` | int | the lookback window for reduction process
+`reduction_threshold` | float | The threshold at which reduction is applied
+`reduction_metric` | str | The metric to be used for reduction
+`minimize_loss` | bool | `reduction_metric` is a loss
+`disable_progress_bar` | bool | Disable live updating progress bar
+`print_params` | bool | Print each permutation hyperparameters
+`clear_session` | bool | Clear backend session between permutations
+`save_weights` | bool | Keep model weights (increases memory pressure for large models)
+`config` | str or dict | Configuration containing information about machines to distribute and database to upload the data.
+## DistributedScan Object Properties
+Once the `DistributedScan()` procedures are completed, an object with several useful properties is returned.The namespace is strictly kept clean, so all the properties consist of meaningful contents.
+In the case conducted the following experiment, we can access the properties in `distributed_scan_object` which is a python class object.
+distributed_scan_object = jako.DistributedScan(x, y, model=iris_model, params=p, fraction_limit=0.1, config='config.json')
+**`best_model`** picks the best model based on a given metric and returns the index number for the model.
+distributed_scan_object.best_model(metric='f1score', asc=False)
+NOTE: `metric` has to be one of the metrics used in the experiment, and `asc` has to be True for the case where the metric is something to be minimized.
+**`data`** returns a pandas DataFrame with the results for the experiment together with the hyperparameter permutation details.
+**`details`** returns a pandas Series with various meta-information about the experiment.
+**`evaluate_models`** creates a new column in `distributed_scan_object.data` with result from kfold cross-evaluation.
+ y_val=y_val,
+ n_models=10,
+ metric='f1score',
+ folds=5,
+ shuffle=True,
+ average='binary',
+ asc=False)
+Argument | Description
+-------- | -----------
+`distributed_scan_object` | The class object returned by DistributedScan() upon completion of the experiment.
+`x_val` | Input data (features) in the same format as used in DistributedScan(), but should not be the same data (or it will not be much of validation).
+`y_val` | Input data (labels) in the same format as used in DistributedScan(), but should not be the same data (or it will not be much of validation).
+`n_models` | The number of models to be evaluated. If set to 10, then 10 models with the highest metric value are evaluated. See below.
+`metric` | The metric to be used for picking the models to be evaluated.
+`folds` | The number of folds to be used in the evaluation.
+`shuffle` | If the data is to be shuffled or not. Set always to False for timeseries but keep in mind that you might get periodical/seasonal bias.
+`average` |One of the supported averaging methods: 'binary', 'micro', or 'macro'
+`asc` |Set to True if the metric is to be minimized.
+`saved` | bool | if a model saved on local machine should be used
+`custom_objects` | dict | if the model has a custom object, pass it here
+**`learning_entropy`** returns a pandas DataFrame with entropy measure for each permutation in terms of how much there is variation between results of each epoch in the permutation.
+**`params`** returns a dictionary with the original input parameter ranges for the experiment.
+**`round_times`** returns a pandas DataFrame with the time when each permutation started, ended, and how many seconds it took.
+**`round_history`** returns epoch-by-epoch data for each model in a dictionary.
+**`saved_models`** returns the JSON (dictionary) for each model.
+**`saved_weights`** returns the weights for each model.
+**`x`** returns the input data (features).
+**`y`** returns the input data (labels).
+## Input Model
+The input model is any Keras or tf.keras model. It's the model that Jako will use as the basis for the hyperparameter experiment.
+#### A minimal example
+def input_model(x_train, y_train, x_val, y_val, params):
+ model.add(Dense(12, input_dim=8, activation=params['activation']))
+ model.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'))
+ model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', params['optimizer'])
+ out = model.fit(x=x_train,
+ y=y_train,
+ validation_data=[x_val, y_val])
+ return out, model
+See specific details about defining the model [here](Examples_Typical?id=defining-the-model).
+#### Models with multiple inputs or outputs (list of arrays)
+For both cases, `DistributedScan(... x_val, y_val ...)` must be explicitly set i.e. you split the data yourself before passing it into Jako. Using the above minimal example as a reference.
+For **multi-input** change `model.fit()` as highlighted below:
+out = model.fit(x=[x_train_a, x_train_b],
+ y=y_train,
+ validation_data=[[x_val_a, x_val_b], y_val])
+For **multi-output** the same structure is expected but instead of changing the `x` argument values, now change `y`:
+ out = model.fit(x=x_train,
+ y=[y_train_a, y_train_b],
+ validation_data=[x_val, [y_val_a, y_val_b]])
+For the case where its both **multi-input** and **multi-output** now both `x` and `y` argument values follow the same structure:
+ out = model.fit(x=[x_train_a, x_train_b],
+ y=[y_train_a, y_train_b],
+ validation_data=[[x_val_a, x_val_b], [y_val_a, y_val_b]])
+## Parameter Dictionary
+The first step in an experiment is to decide the hyperparameters you want to use in the optimization process.
+#### A minimal example
+p = {
+ 'first_neuron': [12, 24, 48],
+ 'activation': ['relu', 'elu'],
+ 'batch_size': [10, 20, 30]
+#### Supported Input Formats
+Parameters may be inputted either in a list or tuple.
+As a set of discreet values in a list:
+p = {'first_neuron': [12, 24, 48]}
+As a range of values `(min, max, steps)`:
+p = {'first_neuron': (12, 48, 2)}
+For the case where a static value is preferred, but it's still useful to include it in in the parameters dictionary, use list:
+p = {'first_neuron': [48]}
+## DistributedScan Config file
+A config file has all the information regarding connection to remote machines. The config file will also use one of the remote machines as the central datastore. A sample config file will look like the following:
+ "run_central_node": true,
+ "machines": [
+ {
+ "machine_id": 1,
+ "JAKO_IP_ADDRESS": "machine_1_ip_address",
+ "JAKO_PORT": machine_1_port,
+ "JAKO_USER": "machine_1_username",
+ "JAKO_PASSWORD": "machine_1_password"
+ },
+ {
+ "machine_id": 2,
+ "JAKO_IP_ADDRESS": "machine_2_ip_address",
+ "JAKO_PORT": machine_2_port,
+ "JAKO_USER": "machine_2_username",
+ "JAKO_KEY_FILENAME": "machine_2_key_file_path"
+ }
+ ],
+ "database": {
+ "DB_HOST_MACHINE_ID": 1, #the id for machine which is the datastore
+ "DB_USERNAME": "database_username",
+ "DB_PASSWORD": "database_password",
+ "DB_TYPE": "database_type",
+ "DATABASE_NAME": "database_name",
+ "DB_PORT": database_port,
+ }
+### DistributeScan config arguments
+Argument | Input | Description
+--------- | ------- | -----------
+`run_central_node` | bool | if set to true, the central machine where the script runs will also be included in distributed run.
+`machines` | list of dict | list of machine configurations
+`machine_id` | int | id for each machine in ascending order.
+`JAKO_IP_ADDRESS` | str | ip address for the remote machine
+`JAKO_PORT` | int | port number for the remote machine
+`JAKO_USER` | str | username for the remote machine
+`JAKO_PASSWORD` | str | password for the remote machine
+`JAKO_KEY_FILENAME` | str | if password not available, the path to RSA private key of the machine could be supplied to this argument.
+`database` | dict | configuration parameters for central datastore
+`DB_HOST_MACHINE_ID` | int | The machine id to one of the remote machines that can be used as the host where the database resides.
+`DB_USERNAME` | str | database username
+`DB_PASSWORD` | str | database_password
+`DB_TYPE` | str | database_type. Default is `postgres`.The available options are `postgres`, `mysql` and `sqlite`
+`DATABASE_NAME` | str | database name
+`DB_PORT` | int | database_port
+`DB_ENCODING` | str | Defaults to `LATIN1`
+`DB_UPDATE_INTERVAL` | int | The frequency with which database update happens. The value is in seconds.Defaults to `5`.
diff --git a/docs/Install_Options.md b/docs/Install_Options.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ae056a73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/Install_Options.md
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# Install Options
+Before installing jako, it is recommended to first setup and start the following:
+* A python or conda environment.
+* A postgresql database setup in one of the machines. This will be used as the central datastore.
+## Installing Jako
+#### Creating a python virtual environment
+virtualenv -p python3 jako_env
+source jako_env/bin/activate
+#### Creating a conda virtual environment
+conda create --name jako_env
+conda activate jako_env
+#### Install latest from PyPi
+pip install jako
+#### Install a specific version from PyPi
+pip install jako==0.1
+#### Upgrade installation from PyPi
+pip install -U --no-deps jako
+#### Install from monthly
+pip install --upgrade --no-deps --force-reinstall git+https://github.com/autonomio/jako
+#### Install from weekly
+pip install --upgrade --no-deps --force-reinstall git+https://github.com/autonomio/jako@dev
+#### Install from daily
+pip install --upgrade --no-deps --force-reinstall git+https://github.com/autonomio/jako@daily-dev
+## Installing a postgres database
+To enable postgres in your central datastore, follow the steps in this
+* Postgres for ubuntu machine: [link](https://blog.logrocket.com/setting-up-a-remote-postgres-database-server-on-ubuntu-18-04/)
+* Postgres for Mac Machines: [link](https://www.sqlshack.com/setting-up-a-postgresql-database-on-mac/)
diff --git a/jako/database/database.py b/jako/database/database.py
index f51bd3e5..9c46df1b 100644
--- a/jako/database/database.py
+++ b/jako/database/database.py
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
-from sqlalchemy_utils import database_exists, create_database, drop_database
-from sqlalchemy.exc import DatabaseError
+from sqlalchemy_utils import database_exists, drop_database
from sqlalchemy.schema import DropTable
@@ -15,7 +14,6 @@ def __init__(self,
@@ -43,42 +41,36 @@ def __init__(self,
elif db_type == 'mysql':
if port is None:
port = 3306
- DB_URL = (
- 'mysql+pymysql://'
- + username
- + ':'
- + password
- + '@'
- + host
- + ':'
- + str(port)
- + '/'
- + database_name
- )
+ url = '''mysql+pymysql://{}:{}@{}:{}/{}'''.format(username,
+ password,
+ host,
+ str(port),
+ database_name)
+ DB_URL = (url)
elif db_type == 'postgres':
if port is None:
port = 5432
- DB_URL = (
- 'postgresql://'
- + username
- + ':'
- + password
- + '@'
- + host
- + ':'
- + str(port)
- + '/'
- + database_name
- )
+ url = 'postgresql://{}:{}@{}:{}/{}'.format(username,
+ password,
+ host,
+ str(port),
+ database_name)
+ DB_URL = (url)
self.DB_URL = DB_URL
def create_db(self):
Create database if it doesn't exists.
- engine = create_engine(self.DB_URL, echo=False, isolation_level='AUTOCOMMIT')
+ engine = create_engine(self.DB_URL,
+ echo=False, isolation_level='AUTOCOMMIT')
if not database_exists(engine.url):
@@ -99,7 +91,7 @@ def create_db(self):
except Exception as e:
- pass
+ print(e)
return engine
@@ -129,7 +121,8 @@ def write_to_db(self, data_frame):
engine = self.create_db()
- data_frame.to_sql(self.table_name, con=engine, if_exists='append', index=False)
+ data_frame.to_sql(self.table_name, con=engine,
+ if_exists='append', index=False)
def query_table(self, query):
@@ -150,10 +143,8 @@ def query_table(self, query):
def show_table_content(self):
- Returns
- -------
+ Returns
+ -------
res |`list` of `tuples` | Query output from the database
@@ -162,8 +153,6 @@ def show_table_content(self):
def return_table_df(self):
data | Pandas DataFrame object | returns the database as a dataframe
@@ -177,12 +166,55 @@ def return_table_df(self):
def return_existing_experiment_ids(self):
ids | Pandas Series object | returns the experiment id of the table
- table = self.return_table_df()
- ids = table.iloc[:, -1]
- return ids
+ query_str = 'SELECT experiment_id from {}'.format(self.table_name)
+ res = self.query_table(query_str)
+ res = [val[0] for val in res]
+ return res
+ def return_columns(self):
+ '''
+ Returns
+ -------
+ cols | list| returns the columns of the table
+ '''
+ query_string = """select COLUMN_NAME from information_schema.columns
+ where table_name='{}'"""
+ query_string = query_string.format(self.table_name)
+ cols = self.query_table(query_string)
+ cols = [col[0] for col in cols]
+ return cols
+ def add_new_columns(self, columns):
+ ''' Add a new column to the Database'''
+ query_str = 'ALTER TABLE {}'.format(self.table_name)
+ col_query_str = ' ADD COLUMN {} varchar,'
+ for col in columns:
+ query_str = query_str + col_query_str.format(col)
+ query_str = query_str.rstrip(',') + ';'
+ try:
+ self.query_table(query_str)
+ except Exception as e:
+ exception_str1 = '''
+ This result object does not return rows.
+ '''
+ exception_str2 = '(psycopg2.errors.DuplicateColumn)'
+ exception_str3 = '(psycopg2.errors.UndefinedTable)'
+ exceptions = [exception_str1, exception_str2, exception_str3]
+ e = str(e)
+ if any(ex in e for ex in exceptions):
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise Exception(e)
diff --git a/jako/database/experiment_database.py b/jako/database/experiment_database.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e2363d79..00000000
--- a/jako/database/experiment_database.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-from sqlalchemy import create_engine
-from sqlalchemy_utils import database_exists, drop_database
-from sqlalchemy.exc import DatabaseError
-from sqlalchemy.schema import DropTable
-class ExperimentDatabase:
- def __init__(self,
- username=None,
- password=None,
- host=None,
- port=None,
- db_type='sqlite',
- database_name='EXPERIMENT_LOG',
- table_name='experiment_log',
- encoding='LATIN1'):
- '''For creating and managing the experiment database
- Arguments
- ---------
- username | str | The default is None.
- password | str | The default is None.
- host | str , optional| The default is None.
- port | str , optional| The default is None.
- db_type | str | The default is 'sqlite'.
- database_name | str | The default is 'EXPERIMENT_LOG'.
- table_name | str | The default is 'experiment_log'.
- Returns
- -------
- None
- '''
- self.db_type = db_type
- self.database_name = database_name
- self.table_name = table_name
- self.encoding = encoding
- DB_URL = ''
- if db_type == 'sqlite':
- DB_URL = 'sqlite:///' + database_name + '.db'
- elif db_type == 'mysql':
- if port is None:
- port = 3306
- DB_URL = (
- 'mysql+pymysql://'
- + username
- + ':'
- + password
- + '@'
- + host
- + ':'
- + str(port)
- + '/'
- + database_name
- )
- elif db_type == 'postgres':
- if port is None:
- port = 5432
- DB_URL = (
- 'postgresql://'
- + username
- + ':'
- + password
- + '@'
- + host
- + ':'
- + str(port)
- + '/'
- + database_name
- )
- self.DB_URL = DB_URL
- def _create_db(self):
- '''Create database if it doesn't exists.
- '''
- engine = create_engine(self.DB_URL, echo=False, isolation_level='AUTOCOMMIT')
- if not database_exists(engine.url):
- new_engine = create_engine(
- self.DB_URL.replace(self.database_name, ''),
- echo=False,
- isolation_level='AUTOCOMMIT',
- )
- conn = new_engine.connect()
- try:
- conn.execute(
- '''
- '''.format(
- self.database_name, self.encoding
- )
- )
- except Exception as e:
- pass
- return engine
- def _query_table(self, query):
- '''Makes query in the database
- Arguments
- ---------
- query | `str`| Database query for the respective sql engine
- Returns
- -------
- res | `list` of `tuples` | Query output from the database
- '''
- engine = self._create_db()
- res = engine.execute(query).fetchall()
- return res
- def _show_table_content(self):
- '''Returns the values from the database
- Returns
- -------
- res |`list` of `tuples` | Query output from the database
- '''
- res = self._query_table('SELECT * FROM {}'.format(self.table_name))
- return res
- def _return_table_df(self):
- '''Returns the whole table from the database
- Returns
- -------
- data | Pandas DataFrame object | returns the database as a dataframe
- '''
- import pandas as pd
- table = self._show_table_content()
- data = pd.DataFrame(table)
- return data
- def _return_existing_experiment_ids(self):
- '''Returns those experiment_id already in the db
- Returns
- -------
- ids | Pandas Series object | returns the experiment id of the table
- '''
- table = self._return_table_df()
- ids = table.iloc[:, -1]
- return ids
diff --git a/jako/distribute/DistributedScan.py b/jako/distribute/DistributedScan.py
index 2619a6ba..1021f370 100644
--- a/jako/distribute/DistributedScan.py
+++ b/jako/distribute/DistributedScan.py
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ def __init__(self,
'''Distributed version of talos.Scan() for the local machine.
@@ -91,9 +90,10 @@ def __init__(self,
arguments_dict = self.__dict__
remove_parameters = ["x", "y", "model"]
- arguments_dict = {k: v for k, v in arguments_dict.items() if k not in remove_parameters}
+ arguments_dict = {k: v for k, v in arguments_dict.items()
+ if k not in remove_parameters}
- self.file_path = 'tmp/scanfile_remote.py'
+ self.file_path = '/tmp/scanfile_remote.py'
self.save_timestamp = time.strftime('%D%H%M%S').replace('/', '')
@@ -111,38 +111,53 @@ def __init__(self,
TypeError('`config` must be dict or filename string.')
+ # write database name as same as experiment name
+ self.config_data['database']['DB_TABLE_NAME'] = experiment_name
+ if isinstance(config, str):
+ config_path = config
+ else:
+ config_path = 'config.json'
+ with open(config_path, 'w') as f:
+ json.dump(self.config_data, f, indent=2)
if 'finished_scan_run' in self.config_data.keys():
del self.config_data['finished_scan_run']
# handles location for params,data and model
- if not os.path.exists("tmp/"):
- os.mkdir("tmp")
+ if not os.path.exists("/tmp/"):
+ os.mkdir("/tmp/")
- self.dest_dir = "./tmp"
+ self.dest_dir = "/tmp/"
# save data in numpy format
- np.save("tmp/x_data_remote.npy", x)
- np.save("tmp/y_data_remote.npy", y)
+ np.save("/tmp/x_data_remote.npy", x)
+ np.save("/tmp/y_data_remote.npy", y)
# get model function as a string
model_func = inspect.getsource(model).lstrip()
self.model_func = model_func
self.model_name = model.__name__
from .distribute_database import get_db_object
from .distribute_utils import get_experiment_stage
- db=get_db_object(self)
- self.stage=get_experiment_stage(self, db)
+ db = get_db_object(self)
+ self.stage = get_experiment_stage(self, db)
if not self.stage:
- self.stage=0
+ self.stage = 0
arguments_dict["stage"] = self.stage
- with open('tmp/arguments_remote.json', 'w') as outfile:
+ with open('/tmp/arguments_remote.json', 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(arguments_dict, outfile, indent=2)
+ with open('/tmp/remote_config.json', 'w') as outfile:
+ json.dump(self.config, outfile, indent=2)
from .distribute_run import distribute_run
diff --git a/jako/distribute/RemoteScan.py b/jako/distribute/RemoteScan.py
index 13f90dd0..ddd3b273 100644
--- a/jako/distribute/RemoteScan.py
+++ b/jako/distribute/RemoteScan.py
@@ -2,41 +2,19 @@
class RemoteScan(Scan):
def __init__(self,
- x_val=None,
- y_val=None,
- val_split=0.3,
- random_method='uniform_mersenne',
- seed=None,
- performance_target=None,
- fraction_limit=None,
- round_limit=None,
- time_limit=None,
- boolean_limit=None,
- reduction_method=None,
- reduction_interval=50,
- reduction_window=20,
- reduction_threshold=0.2,
- reduction_metric='val_acc',
- minimize_loss=False,
- disable_progress_bar=False,
- print_params=False,
- clear_session=True,
- save_weights=True,
- config='tmp/remote_config.json'):
+ **kwargs):
'''Distributed version of talos.Scan() for the remote machines.
params | `dict` | Hyperparameters for distribution.
- config | str or dict | The default is 'tmp/remote_config.json'.
+ config | str or dict | The default is '/tmp/remote_config.json'.
@@ -52,64 +30,59 @@ def __init__(self,
self.params = params
self.model = model
self.experiment_name = experiment_name
- self.x_val = x_val
- self.y_val = y_val
- self.val_split = val_split
+ self.x_val = kwargs['x_val']
+ self.y_val = kwargs['y_val']
+ self.val_split = kwargs['val_split']
# randomness
- self.random_method = random_method
- self.seed = seed
+ self.random_method = kwargs['random_method']
+ self.seed = kwargs['seed']
# limiters
- self.performance_target = performance_target
- self.fraction_limit = fraction_limit
- self.round_limit = round_limit
- self.time_limit = time_limit
- self.boolean_limit = boolean_limit
+ self.performance_target = kwargs['performance_target']
+ self.fraction_limit = kwargs['fraction_limit']
+ self.round_limit = kwargs['round_limit']
+ self.time_limit = kwargs['time_limit']
+ self.boolean_limit = kwargs['boolean_limit']
# optimization
- self.reduction_method = reduction_method
- self.reduction_interval = reduction_interval
- self.reduction_window = reduction_window
- self.reduction_threshold = reduction_threshold
- self.reduction_metric = reduction_metric
- self.minimize_loss = minimize_loss
+ self.reduction_method = kwargs['reduction_method']
+ self.reduction_interval = kwargs['reduction_interval']
+ self.reduction_window = kwargs['reduction_window']
+ self.reduction_threshold = kwargs['reduction_threshold']
+ self.reduction_metric = kwargs['reduction_metric']
+ self.minimize_loss = kwargs['minimize_loss']
# display
- self.disable_progress_bar = disable_progress_bar
- self.print_params = print_params
+ self.disable_progress_bar = kwargs['disable_progress_bar']
+ self.print_params = kwargs['print_params']
# performance
- self.clear_session = clear_session
- self.save_weights = save_weights
+ self.clear_session = kwargs['clear_session']
+ self.save_weights = kwargs['save_weights']
# distributed configurations
- self.config = config
+ self.config = kwargs['config']
self.save_timestamp = time.strftime('%D%H%M%S').replace('/', '')
- if isinstance(config, str):
- with open(config, 'r') as f:
+ if isinstance(self.config, str):
+ with open(self.config, 'r') as f:
self.config_data = json.load(f)
- elif isinstance(config, dict):
- self.config_data = config
- with open('tmp/remote_config.json', 'w') as outfile:
- json.dump(self.config_data, outfile, indent=2)
- TypeError('`config` must be dict or filename string.')
+ TypeError('Pass the correct `config` path')
if 'finished_scan_run' in self.config_data.keys():
del self.config_data['finished_scan_run']
config = self.config_data
- with open("tmp/arguments_remote.json" ,"r") as f:
- arguments_dict=json.load(f)
- self.stage=arguments_dict["stage"]
+ with open("/tmp/arguments_remote.json", "r") as f:
+ arguments_dict = json.load(f)
+ self.stage = arguments_dict["stage"]
if 'run_central_node' in config.keys():
run_central_node = config['run_central_node']
@@ -134,9 +107,8 @@ def __init__(self,
# create the threadpool
threads = []
- args = ([self, update_db_n_seconds, current_machine_id,self.stage])
+ args = ([self, update_db_n_seconds, current_machine_id, self.stage])
thread = threading.Thread(target=update_db, args=args)
diff --git a/jako/distribute/distribute_database.py b/jako/distribute/distribute_database.py
index e8e08f5c..746e49e3 100644
--- a/jako/distribute/distribute_database.py
+++ b/jako/distribute/distribute_database.py
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
import time
-import pandas as pd
-from .distribute_utils import read_config, write_config, add_experiment_id, fetch_latest_file
+from .distribute_utils import read_config, write_config
+from .distribute_utils import add_experiment_id, add_timestamp
+from .distribute_utils import fetch_latest_file
+import sys
def get_db_object(self):
config = self.config_data
@@ -15,7 +18,7 @@ def get_db_object(self):
for machine in machine_config:
if int(machine['machine_id']) == host_machine_id:
- host = machine['TALOS_IP_ADDRESS']
+ host = machine['JAKO_IP_ADDRESS']
port = db_config['DB_PORT']
@@ -34,9 +37,9 @@ def get_db_object(self):
return db
-def update_db(self, update_db_n_seconds, current_machine_id,stage):
+def update_db(self, update_db_n_seconds, current_machine_id, stage):
'''Make changes to the datastore based on a time interval
@@ -45,22 +48,38 @@ def update_db(self, update_db_n_seconds, current_machine_id,stage):
- db | Database object | Database object with engine
+ db | Database object | Database object with engine
# update the database every n seconds
db = get_db_object(self)
config = self.config_data
def __start_upload(results_data):
if len(results_data) > 0:
+ db_cols = db.return_columns()
+ df_cols = results_data.columns
+ missing_columns = [col for col in db_cols if col not in df_cols]
+ new_columns = [col for col in df_cols if col not in db_cols]
+ if len(missing_columns) > 0:
+ exception_str = '''You have to change the experiment_name or
+ add at least value for {}
+ into the input parameter'''.format(missing_columns)
+ raise Exception(exception_str)
+ if len(new_columns) > 0:
+ db.add_new_columns(new_columns)
return db
start_time = int(self.save_timestamp)
start_row = 0
- end_row = 0
+ end_row = 0
while True:
@@ -79,50 +98,44 @@ def __start_upload(results_data):
if len(results_data) > 0:
- start_row=end_row
- end_row=len(results_data)
- if start_row!=end_row and end_row>start_row:
- results_data = add_experiment_id(self,
- results_data,
+ start_row = end_row
+ end_row = len(results_data)
+ if start_row != end_row and end_row > start_row:
+ results_data = add_timestamp(self, results_data)
+ results_data = add_experiment_id(self,
+ results_data,
- if int(current_machine_id) == 0:
- remote = False
- else:
- remote = True
- new_config = read_config(self,remote)
+ new_config = read_config(self)
if 'finished_scan_run' in new_config.keys():
results_data = fetch_latest_file(self)
start_row = end_row
end_row = len(results_data)
- if start_row != end_row and end_row>start_row:
+ if start_row != end_row and end_row > start_row:
+ results_data = add_timestamp(self, results_data)
results_data = add_experiment_id(self,
- results_data,
+ results_data,
write_config(self, new_config)
- print('Scan Run Finished in machine id : ' + current_machine_id)
- exit()
+ sys.exit()
@@ -131,5 +144,3 @@ def __start_upload(results_data):
print('Database credentials not given.')
diff --git a/jako/distribute/distribute_finish.py b/jako/distribute/distribute_finish.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1c06072d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jako/distribute/distribute_finish.py
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+def distribute_finish(self):
+ import pandas as pd
+ import os
+ import json
+ import numpy as np
+ attrs_final = ['data', 'x', 'y', 'learning_entropy', 'round_times',
+ 'params', 'saved_models', 'saved_weights', 'round_history',
+ 'details']
+ keys = list(self.__dict__.keys())
+ for key in keys:
+ if key not in attrs_final:
+ delattr(self, key)
+ from talos.scan.scan_addon import func_best_model, func_evaluate
+ self.best_model = func_best_model.__get__(self)
+ self.evaluate_models = func_evaluate.__get__(self)
+ all_filenames = ['/tmp/' + file for file in os.listdir('/tmp/')]
+ scan_data_list = []
+ scan_details_list = []
+ scan_learning_entropy_list = []
+ scan_round_times_list = []
+ scan_saved_models_dict = {}
+ scan_round_history_dict = {}
+ scan_saved_weights_dict = {}
+ for file in all_filenames:
+ if file.endswith('scan_data.csv'):
+ df = pd.read_csv(file)
+ scan_data_list.append(df)
+ if file.endswith('scan_details.csv'):
+ df = pd.read_csv(file)
+ scan_details_list.append(df)
+ if file.endswith('scan_learning_entropy.csv'):
+ df = pd.read_csv(file)
+ scan_learning_entropy_list.append(df)
+ if file.endswith('scan_round_times.csv'):
+ df = pd.read_csv(file)
+ scan_round_times_list.append(df)
+ if file.endswith('scan_saved_models.json'):
+ with open(file, 'r') as f:
+ scan_saved_model = json.load(f)
+ scan_saved_models_dict.update(scan_saved_model)
+ if file.endswith('scan_round_history.npy'):
+ scan_round_history = np.load(file, allow_pickle=True)
+ keyname = os.path.basename(file).replace(".npy", '')
+ scan_round_history_dict[keyname] = scan_round_history
+ if file.endswith('scan_saved_weights.npy'):
+ scan_saved_weights = np.load(file, allow_pickle=True)
+ keyname = os.path.basename(file).replace(".npy", '')
+ scan_saved_weights_dict[keyname] = scan_saved_weights
+ self.data = pd.concat(scan_data_list)
+ self.details = pd.concat(scan_details_list)
+ self.learning_entropy = pd.concat(scan_learning_entropy_list)
+ self.round_times = pd.concat(scan_round_times_list)
+ self.saved_models = scan_saved_models_dict
+ self.round_history = scan_round_history_dict
+ self.saved_weights = scan_saved_weights_dict
+ return self
diff --git a/jako/distribute/distribute_params.py b/jako/distribute/distribute_params.py
index a5044399..19f84d80 100644
--- a/jako/distribute/distribute_params.py
+++ b/jako/distribute/distribute_params.py
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
from talos import Scan
-from .distribute_utils import read_config, write_config
+from .distribute_utils import read_config, write_config, write_scan_namespace
def create_param_space(self, n_splits):
'''Creates the parameter space for each machine
@@ -12,7 +11,7 @@ def create_param_space(self, n_splits):
- param_grid | `list` of `dict` | Split parameter spaces for each machine to run.
+ param_grid | `list` of `dict` | Split parameter spaces for each machine.
@@ -40,22 +39,22 @@ def create_param_space(self, n_splits):
def run_scan(self, machines, run_central_node, machine_id):
'''Run `talos.Scan()` on each machine.
machines | int |
- run_central_node | bool |
+ run_central_node | bool |
# runs Scan in a machine after param split
machine_id = int(machine_id)
+ current_machine_id = machine_id
if not run_central_node:
if machine_id != 0:
@@ -64,6 +63,8 @@ def run_scan(self, machines, run_central_node, machine_id):
split_params = create_param_space(self, n_splits=machines)
split_params = split_params.param_spaces[machine_id]
+ print('Started experiment in machine id : {}'.format(current_machine_id))
scan_object = Scan(x=self.x,
@@ -90,14 +91,13 @@ def run_scan(self, machines, run_central_node, machine_id):
+ print('Completed experiment in machine id : {}'.format(current_machine_id))
new_config = read_config(self)
new_config['finished_scan_run'] = True
- if machine_id == 0:
+ if int(current_machine_id) == 0:
new_config['current_machine_id'] = 0
- remote=False
- else:
- remote=True
- write_config(self, new_config,remote)
+ write_config(self, new_config)
+ write_scan_namespace(self, scan_object, current_machine_id)
diff --git a/jako/distribute/distribute_run.py b/jako/distribute/distribute_run.py
index ccb062ac..70b46283 100644
--- a/jako/distribute/distribute_run.py
+++ b/jako/distribute/distribute_run.py
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
import json
import threading
+import os
from .distribute_params import run_scan
from .distribute_utils import return_current_machine_id, ssh_connect
-from .distribute_utils import ssh_file_transfer, ssh_run
+from .distribute_utils import ssh_file_transfer, ssh_run, ssh_get_files
from .distribute_database import update_db
def run_central_machine(self, n_splits, run_central_node):
'''Runs `talos.Scan()` in the central machine.
@@ -21,12 +21,11 @@ def run_central_machine(self, n_splits, run_central_node):
machine_id = 0
run_scan(self, n_splits, run_central_node, machine_id)
def distribute_run(self):
@@ -64,15 +63,15 @@ def distribute_run(self):
clients = ssh_connect(self)
for machine_id, client in clients.items():
new_config = config
new_config['current_machine_id'] = machine_id
- with open('tmp/remote_config.json', 'w') as outfile:
+ with open('/tmp/remote_config.json', 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(new_config, outfile)
ssh_file_transfer(self, client, machine_id)
# create the threads
threads = []
@@ -83,13 +82,13 @@ def distribute_run(self):
- args = ([self, update_db_n_seconds, current_machine_id,self.stage])
+ args = ([self, update_db_n_seconds, current_machine_id, self.stage])
thread = threading.Thread(target=update_db, args=args)
for machine_id, client in clients.items():
args = (self, client, machine_id)
thread = threading.Thread(target=ssh_run, args=args)
@@ -97,3 +96,13 @@ def distribute_run(self):
for t in threads:
+ for file in os.listdir('/tmp/'):
+ if file.startswith('machine_id'):
+ os.remove('/tmp/' + file)
+ for machine_id, client in clients.items():
+ ssh_get_files(self, client, machine_id)
+ from .distribute_finish import distribute_finish
+ self = distribute_finish(self)
diff --git a/jako/distribute/distribute_utils.py b/jako/distribute/distribute_utils.py
index 1a245c4e..841ec642 100644
--- a/jako/distribute/distribute_utils.py
+++ b/jako/distribute/distribute_utils.py
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
import paramiko
import os
import pandas as pd
+import datetime
def create_temp_file(self):
@@ -11,14 +12,14 @@ def create_temp_file(self):
import json
import pickle
-with open('tmp/arguments_remote.json','r') as f:
+with open('/tmp/arguments_remote.json','r') as f:
@@ -44,16 +45,16 @@ def create_temp_file(self):
- config='tmp/remote_config.json'
+ config='/tmp/remote_config.json'
'''.format(self.model_func, self.model_name)
- with open("tmp/scanfile_remote.py", "w") as f:
+ with open("/tmp/scanfile_remote.py", "w") as f:
def return_current_machine_id(self,):
- ''' return machine id after checking the ip from config'''
+ ''' Return machine id after checking the ip from config'''
current_machine_id = 0
if 'current_machine_id' in self.config_data.keys():
@@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ def return_current_machine_id(self,):
def return_central_machine_id(self):
- ''' return central machine id as mentioned in config'''
+ ''' Return central machine id as mentioned in config'''
central_id = 0
config_data = self.config_data
if 'database' in config_data.keys():
@@ -71,93 +72,85 @@ def return_central_machine_id(self):
return central_id
-def read_config(self,remote=False):
+def read_config(self):
'''Read config from file'''
- if remote:
- config_path="tmp/remote_config.json"
- else:
- config_path="config.json"
+ config_path = "/tmp/remote_config.json"
with open(config_path, 'r') as f:
config_data = json.load(f)
return config_data
-def write_config(self, new_config,remote=False):
- ''' write config to file'''
- if remote:
- config_path="tmp/remote_config.json"
- else:
- config_path="config.json"
+def write_config(self, new_config):
+ ''' Write config to file'''
+ config_path = "/tmp/remote_config.json"
with open(config_path, 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(new_config, outfile, indent=2)
def ssh_connect(self):
clients | `list` | List of client objects of machines after connection.
configs = self.config_data['machines']
clients = {}
for config in configs:
client = paramiko.SSHClient()
- host = config['TALOS_IP_ADDRESS']
- port = config['TALOS_PORT']
- username = config['TALOS_USER']
- if 'TALOS_PASSWORD' in config.keys():
- password = config['TALOS_PASSWORD']
+ host = config['JAKO_IP_ADDRESS']
+ port = config['JAKO_PORT']
+ username = config['JAKO_USER']
+ if 'JAKO_PASSWORD' in config.keys():
+ password = config['JAKO_PASSWORD']
client.connect(host, port, username, password)
- elif 'TALOS_KEY_FILENAME' in config.keys():
- client.connect(host, port, username, key_filename=config['TALOS_KEY_FILENAME'])
+ elif 'JAKO_KEY_FILENAME' in config.keys():
+ client.connect(host, port, username,
+ key_filename=config['JAKO_KEY_FILENAME'])
clients[config['machine_id']] = client
return clients
def ssh_file_transfer(self, client, machine_id):
- '''transfer the current talos script to the remote machines'''
+ '''Transfer the current talos script to the remote machines'''
sftp = client.open_sftp()
sftp.chdir(self.dest_dir) # Test if dest dir exists
except IOError:
sftp.mkdir(self.dest_dir) # Create dest dir
- for file in os.listdir("tmp"):
- sftp.put("tmp/"+file, file)
+ data_files = ['y_data_remote.npy', 'x_data_remote.npy']
+ scan_script_files = ['scanfile_remote.py']
+ additional_scan_files = ['remote_config.json', 'arguments_remote.json']
+ scan_filenames = data_files + scan_script_files + additional_scan_files
+ for file in os.listdir("/tmp/"):
+ if file in scan_filenames:
+ sftp.put("/tmp/" + file, file)
- sftp.put('tmp/remote_config.json', 'remote_config.json')
def ssh_run(self, client, machine_id):
'''Run the transmitted script remotely without args and show its output.
client | `Object` | paramiko ssh client object
@@ -169,27 +162,44 @@ def ssh_run(self, client, machine_id):
+ execute_str = 'python3 /tmp/scanfile_remote.py'
+ stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command(execute_str)
- stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command('python3 tmp/scanfile_remote.py')
if stderr:
for line in stderr:
# Process each error line in the remote output
- except:
- print('Cannot Output error')
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
for line in stdout:
# Process each line in the remote output
- except:
- print('Cannot Output error')
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
-def fetch_latest_file(self):
+def ssh_get_files(self, client, machine_id):
+ '''Get files via ssh from a machine'''
+ sftp = client.open_sftp()
+ scan_object_filenames = ('scan_details.csv', 'scan_learning_entropy.csv',
+ 'scan_round_history.npy', 'scan_round_times.csv',
+ 'scan_saved_models.json', 'scan_saved_weights.npy',
+ 'scan_data.csv')
+ sftp.chdir(self.dest_dir)
+ for file in sftp.listdir(self.dest_dir):
+ if file.endswith(scan_object_filenames):
+ sftp.get(self.dest_dir + file, '/tmp/' + file)
+ sftp.close()
+def fetch_latest_file(self):
'''Fetch the latest csv for an experiment'''
experiment_name = self.experiment_name
@@ -198,52 +208,139 @@ def fetch_latest_file(self):
if not os.path.exists(experiment_name):
return []
- filelist = [
- os.path.join(experiment_name, i)
- for i in os.listdir(experiment_name)
- if i.endswith('.csv') and int(i.replace('.csv', '')) >= int(save_timestamp)
- ]
+ filelist = []
+ for file in os.listdir(experiment_name):
+ if file.endswith('.csv'):
+ if int(file.replace('.csv', '')) >= int(save_timestamp):
+ latest_file = os.path.join(experiment_name, file)
+ filelist.append(latest_file)
if filelist:
latest_filepath = max(filelist, key=os.path.getmtime)
results_data = pd.read_csv(latest_filepath)
return results_data
except Exception as e:
- return []
+ e = str(e)
+ allowed_exception = 'No columns to parse from file'
+ if allowed_exception in e:
+ return []
+ else:
+ raise Exception(e)
return []
-def get_experiment_stage(self,db):
+def add_timestamp(self, results_data):
+ '''Adds timestamp to the DataFrame'''
+ ct = datetime.datetime.now()
+ hour = ct.hour
+ minute = ct.minute
+ day = ct.day
+ month = ct.month
+ year = ct.year
+ if minute < 10:
+ minute = '0' + str(minute)
+ if hour < 10:
+ hour = '0' + str(hour)
+ timestamp = "{}:{}/{}-{}-{}".format(hour, minute, day, month, year)
+ results_data["timestamp"] = [timestamp] * len(results_data)
+ return results_data
+def get_experiment_stage(self, db):
+ '''Get the current number of times of experiment run'''
ids = db.return_existing_experiment_ids()
- stage=int(list(ids)[-1].split("-")[0])+1
+ stage = int(list(ids)[-1].split("-")[0]) + 1
except Exception as e:
- stage=0
+ allowed_exception = '(psycopg2.errors.UndefinedTable)'
+ e = str(e)
+ if allowed_exception in e:
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise Exception(e)
+ stage = 0
return stage
-def add_experiment_id(self, results_data, machine_id,start_row,end_row,db,stage):
+def add_experiment_id(self, results_data, machine_id, start_row,
+ end_row, db, stage):
'''Generate experiment id from model id and row number'''
ids = db.return_existing_experiment_ids()
if "experiment_id" in results_data.columns:
- results_data = results_data[
- ~results_data['experiment_id'].isin(ids)
- ]
+ results_data = results_data[~results_data['experiment_id'].isin(ids
+ )]
except Exception as e:
- pass
- results_data=results_data.iloc[start_row:end_row]
- results_data['experiment_id'] = [
- str(stage)+"-"+ str(machine_id)+"-"+str(i)
- for i in range(start_row,end_row)
- ]
+ allowed_exception = '(psycopg2.errors.UndefinedTable)'
+ e = str(e)
+ if allowed_exception in e:
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise Exception(e)
+ results_data = results_data.iloc[start_row:end_row]
+ experiment_ids = []
+ for i in range(start_row, end_row):
+ experiment_id = str(stage) + "-" + str(machine_id) + "-" + str(i)
+ experiment_ids.append(experiment_id)
+ results_data["experiment_id"] = experiment_ids
return results_data
+def write_scan_namespace(self, scan_object, machine_id):
+ '''
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ scan_object | talos.Scan object | Scan object after Scan run
+ Returns
+ -------
+ None.
+ '''
+ import pandas as pd
+ import json
+ import numpy as np
+ import os
+ write_path = os.path.join('/tmp/', 'machine_id_' + str(machine_id) + '_')
+ scan_details = scan_object.details
+ scan_data = scan_object.data
+ scan_learning_entropy = scan_object.learning_entropy
+ scan_round_history = scan_object.round_history
+ scan_round_times = scan_object.round_times
+ scan_saved_models = scan_object.saved_models
+ scan_saved_weights = scan_object.saved_weights
+ details_df = pd.DataFrame({'scan_details': scan_details})
+ details_df.to_csv(write_path + 'scan_details.csv')
+ scan_data.to_csv(write_path + 'scan_data.csv')
+ scan_learning_entropy.to_csv(write_path + 'scan_learning_entropy.csv')
+ scan_round_times.to_csv(write_path + 'scan_round_times.csv')
+ np.save(write_path + 'scan_round_history.npy', scan_round_history)
+ with open(write_path + 'scan_saved_models.json', 'w') as f:
+ scan_saved_models = {'saved_models_machine_id_' + str(machine_id):
+ scan_saved_models}
+ json.dump(scan_saved_models, f, indent=2)
+ np.save(write_path + 'scan_saved_weights.npy', scan_saved_weights)
diff --git a/jako/distribute/script_string.py b/jako/distribute/script_string.py
index 5fa47091..c688ebe6 100644
--- a/jako/distribute/script_string.py
+++ b/jako/distribute/script_string.py
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
def script_script():
out = '''
from jako import RemoteScan
import numpy as np
import json
import pickle
-with open('tmp/arguments_remote.json','r') as f:
+with open('/tmp/arguments_remote.json','r') as f:
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ def script_script():
- config='tmp/remote_config.json'
+ config='/tmp/remote_config.json'
return out
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index f742ae9d..d7a28bb0 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -2,5 +2,6 @@ talos
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 567f0870..6a3a7f84 100755
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
DESCRIPTION = 'Distributed Hyperparameter Experiments with Talos'
-Jako makes it straightforward to distribute Talos
-experiments across one or more remote machines
-without asking you to change anything in the way you are
+Jako makes it straightforward to distribute Talos
+experiments across one or more remote machines
+without asking you to change anything in the way you are
already working with Talos.
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
URL = 'http://autonom.io'
DOWNLOAD_URL = 'https://github.com/autonomio/jako/'
-VERSION = '0.1'
+VERSION = '0.1.1'
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
+ 'psycopg2-binary',