- Install JDK 11 (project is on this Java version)
- Install IDE (favor choosing IDEA)
- Create as a gradle project (file > open project > select the build.gradle file))
- Usually TripleA and lobby are started from within IDE, look for checked in 'run configurations'.
- Install docker
- Docker for Mac can be obtained at: https://store.docker.com/editions/community/docker-ce-desktop-mac
- Fork https://github.com/triplea-game/triplea
- Clone your newly forked repository
- Create a new branch in your fork repository and do the checkout (see the typical workflow)
- Follow TripleA's pull requests process here.
./gradlew :game-app:game-headed:run
This will:
- start a postgres DB docker container
- run flyway to install a database schema
- load a sample 'SQL' file to populate a small sample dataset
## connect to database to bring up a SQL CLI
## connect to lobby database
\c lobby_db
## list tables
## exit SQL CLI
## erase database and recreate with sampledrop database schema & data and recreate
./gradlew :spitfire-server:dropwizard-server:run
To connect to local lobby, from the game client:
- 'settings > testing > local lobby'
- play online
- use 'test:test' to login to local lobby as a moderator
For more detailed steps on building the project, see:
- Code formatting is google java format
- Checkstyle will verify low level code style standards
- Generally write tests for new and modified code
Full list of coding conventions can be found at: reference/code-conventions
- Do not rename private fields or delete private fields of anything that extends
Game saves are done via object serialization that is then written to file. Renaming or deleting fields will prevent previous save games from loading.
'@RemoteMethod' indicates methods invoked over network. The API of these methods may not change.
A lot of code is not automatically verified via tests, any change should be tested pretty thoroughly and for a variety of maps and scenarios. This can be very time consuming for even the smallest of changes.