Write log to Microsoft Azure Storage (append blob)
- if Azure Storage blob container do not exist, create it
- if Azure Storage blob do not exist, create it
- Check blob properties when writing text to the blob for the first time
- This appender will append EOL symbol for every write operation, so you can view log file line by line
- By default, this appender use basic log4js layout
npm install log4js --save
npm install log4js-azure-append-blob-appender --save
This appender is compitable with log4js configuration file. for example, in your log4js configuration file (log4js.cfg.json)
"appenders": [
"type": "console"
"type": "log4js-azure-append-blob-appender",
"category": "YOUR_CATEGORY",
"azureStorageConnectionString": "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=YOUR_ACCOUNT;AccountKey=YOUR_KEY",
"container": "log4test",
"appendBlob": "my.log",
"layout": {
"replaceConsole": true
var log4js = require('log4js');
var cfg = require("./log4js.cfg.json");
var log = log4js.getLogger("YOUR_CATEGORY");
log.debug("my msg", "data1");
- type
- azureStorageConnectionString
- container
- appendBlob
Write json (instead of plain text) as every log line, so you can do more things (eg. use HDInsight to analyse log)
- 1.0.1 (June 07 2016)
- improve test
- add gemfury version tag in readme
- 1.0.0 (June 06 2016)
- azure append validation
- add test, improve readme
- 0.0.1 (June 02 2016)
- basic appender implement