Get traffic referral sources or utm_params and save it to cookies (for first time visit and the last one)
Demo with specified params: index.html?utm_source=GitHub&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=user123
bower install utm_referral-cookie --save
// Inside file configure this thing:
// * Required
$hostname = '', //
// [] Optional
// Params you want to save in cookie
$cookie_params = ['source', 'medium', 'campaign', 'term', 'content'];
// List of search engines to track like organic referral
var $search_engines = [['bing', 'q'], ['google', 'q'], ['yahoo', 'q'], ['baidu', 'q'] ...];
// List of socials to track like social referral
var $socials = [['facebook'], ['twitter'], ['instagram'], ...];
<!-- And simply add to page -->
<script src="utm_referral-cookie.js"></script>
Create one or two cookies with referral sources of user that visit the website
Cookie name | Purpose |
utm_referral |
the first visit of user, remain the same at every successive visit |
utm_referral_returned |
the last user visit, change every time the user visit website (when referral is on a different domain or utm_params are set) |
Now it also add automatically to a hidden input if defined
So you can not care about how to print data, simply create input with id #utm_referral-input
<input name="utm_referral-cookie" id="utm_referral-input" type="hidden" value="" />
<!-- example: value="Referral 1: google (cpc | gclid) - Referral 2: direct" -->
at the bottom of this doc there a more practic code yet ready for use
// this return the cookie as it is (so you must decode it fo read)
var session = crumbleCookie('utm_referral'), // encoded cookie with all params
session2 = crumbleCookie('utm_referral_returned');
// First time session (only the first time visit)
if (typeof session != 'undefined') {
// use decodeURIComponent(...) for get decoded full cookie string
document.getElementById('utm_referral').innerHTML = decodeURIComponent(session);
// use readLogic('cookie_name') for retrieve object with configured $cookie_params
// use cookieToString(...) for format to string
console.log(cookieToString('utm_referral')); // formatted string "source (medium | campaign | term: term | content: content)"
// Last time session (ever the last time visit)
if (typeof session2 != 'undefined') {
// use decodeURIComponent(...) for get decoded full cookie string
document.getElementById('utm_referral_returned').innerHTML = decodeURIComponent(session2);
// use readLogic('cookie_name') for retrieve object with configured $cookie_params
console.log(readLogic('utm_referral_returned')); // object {source, medium, campaign, term, content}
// use cookieToString(...) for format to string
console.log(cookieToString('utm_referral_returned')); // formatted string "source (medium | campaign | term: term | content: content)"
- (referral)
google (cpc | gclid)
google (cpc | CampaignName | term: if, set | content: if set)
newsletter (email | campaignName | term: uno, due, tre | content: content)
google (organic | term: (not provided))
- (organic | term: query of search)
- (organic | term: query of search)
also: yahoo, yandex, baidu, ask, virgilio
you can configure $search_engines -
facebook (social)
instagram (social)
also: twitter, flickr, tumblr, vimeo, youtube, pinterest
you can configure $socials
Example: You can use it in a hidden input in forms for submit info about referrals
So if you want some link to be tracked as referral for save it, you need to define utm_ parameters
<a href="index.html?utm_source=internal&utm_medium=website&utm_campaign=page">URL with utm_ params</a>
<!-- Will be: internal (website | page) -->
if it set and if the script is present on page
// JavaScript output: Referral: google (organic | direct) Referral 2: facebook (cpc | your_campaign)
// Add utm_referral to mail - depends on
if (typeof cookieToString != 'undefined' && typeof cookieToString('utm_referral') != 'undefined') {
var utm_referral_returned = '';
if (typeof cookieToString('utm_referral_returned') != 'undefined') {
utm_referral_returned = ' - Referral 2: ' + cookieToString('utm_referral_returned');
var utm_referral = 'Referral: ' + cookieToString('utm_referral') + utm_referral_returned;
var with_booth_cookies = utm_referral; // or only one, it depend what cookies are yet set
// PHP output: Referral: google (organic | direct)
// Referral 2: direct
// in HTML: <p><span class="lbl">Referral: </span><b class="value">google (organic | direct)</b><br>Referral 2: direct</p
// utm_referral cookie
if ($_COOKIE['utm_referral']) {
// utm_referral_returned cookie
$utm_referral_returned = '';
if ($_COOKIE['utm_referral_returned']) {
// format cookie that are an url
$frmt = [];
parse_str($_COOKIE['utm_referral_returned'], $frmt);
$utm_referral_returned = "<br>Referral 2: {$frmt['source']} ({$frmt['medium']}";
$utm_referral_returned .= ($frmt['campaign']) ? " | {$frmt['campaign']})" : ")"; // add campaign name and/or close bracket
$utm_referral_returned = ($frmt['source'] == 'direct') ? '<br>Referral 2: direct' : $utm_referral_returned; // override if direct only
// create formatted output
$frmt = [];
parse_str($_COOKIE['utm_referral'], $frmt);
$formatted = "{$frmt['source']} ({$frmt['medium']}";
$formatted .= ($frmt['campaign']) ? " | {$frmt['campaign']})" : ")"; // add campaign name and/or close bracket
$formatted = ($frmt['source'] == 'direct') ? 'direct' : $formatted; // override if direct only
$message .= '<p>';
$message .= '<span class="lbl">Referral: </span>';
$message .= '<b class="value">'.$formatted.'</b>'.$utm_referral_returned;
$message .= '</p>';
return $message;
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