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removed dependancy on ClassicalOrthogonalPolynomials too heavy and of…
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arturgower committed Aug 8, 2023
1 parent 2a8cec0 commit 19099e8
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Showing 6 changed files with 89 additions and 40 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,17 +4,17 @@ authors = ["Artur Gower", "Aristeidis Karnezis"]
version = "0.0.1"

ClassicalOrthogonalPolynomials = "b30e2e7b-c4ee-47da-9d5f-2c5c27239acd"
HCubature = "19dc6840-f33b-545b-b366-655c7e3ffd49"
LegendrePolynomials = "3db4a2ba-fc88-11e8-3e01-49c72059a882"
LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
MultipleScattering = "80a8ab25-5750-5d93-a6d7-4adc97cdd5fb"
Reexport = "189a3867-3050-52da-a836-e630ba90ab69"
Statistics = "10745b16-79ce-11e8-11f9-7d13ad32a3b2"

ClassicalOrthogonalPolynomials = "0, 0.11"
MultipleScattering = "^0.1"
HCubature = "1"
MultipleScattering = "^0.1"
LegendrePolynomials = "0.3, 0.4"
Reexport = "0.2, 1.0"
julia = "1"

Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/ParticleCorrelations.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,9 +19,10 @@ using Reexport
import MultipleScattering: outer_radius, volume, random_particles

using HCubature: hcubature, hquadrature
using ClassicalOrthogonalPolynomials: Legendre
# using ClassicalOrthogonalPolynomials: Legendre
using LegendrePolynomials


74 changes: 43 additions & 31 deletions src/pair-correlations.jl → src/pair-correlation.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,40 +64,41 @@ end
Represents the pair correlation between two types of species, which could be the same.
Represents the pair correlation between two types of particles. The particles could be the same or different species.
struct DiscretePairCorrelation{Dim} <: PairCorrelation
"distance between particles centres"
"variation of the pair correlation from 1 (uncorrelated case)"
"the value of the pair correlation"
"Minimal distance between particle centres'"
"the average number of particles divided by the volume containing the centre of the particles"

function DiscretePairCorrelation{Dim}(r::AbstractVector, dp::AbstractVector, minimal_distance::Float64, number_density::Float64;
function DiscretePairCorrelation{Dim}(r::AbstractVector, g::AbstractVector, minimal_distance::Float64, number_density::Float64;
tol::AbstractFloat = 1e-3
) where Dim
if !isempty(dp) && size(dp) != size(r)
@error "the size of vector of distances `r` (currently $(size(r))) should be the same as the size of the pair-correlation variation `dp` (currently $(size(dp)))."
if !isempty(g) && size(g) != size(r)
@error "the size of vector of distances `r` (currently $(size(r))) should be the same as the size of the pair-correlation variation `g` (currently $(size(g)))."
if !isempty(dp) && abs(dp[end]) > tol
@warn "For the pair-correlation to be accurate, we expect it to be long enough (in terms of the distance `r`) such that the particle positions become uncorrelatd. They become uncorrelated when `dp[end]` tends to zero."
if !isempty(g) && abs(g[end]) > tol
@warn "For the pair-correlation to be accurate, we expect it to be long enough (in terms of the distance `r`) such that the particle positions become uncorrelatd. They become uncorrelated when `g[end]` tends to zero."

function DiscretePairCorrelation(Dim::Int,r::AbstractVector, dp::AbstractVector;
function DiscretePairCorrelation(Dim::Int,r::AbstractVector, g::AbstractVector;
number_density::AbstractFloat = 0.0,
minimal_distance::AbstractFloat = r[1],
tol::AbstractFloat = 1e-3
DiscretePairCorrelation{Dim}(r,dp,minimal_distance,number_density; tol = tol)
DiscretePairCorrelation{Dim}(r,g,minimal_distance,number_density; tol = tol)

PairCorrelation(Dim::Int, r::AbstractVector{T},dp::AbstractVector{T}) where T <: AbstractFloat = DiscretePairCorrelation(Dim,r,dp)

PairCorrelation(Dim::Int, r::AbstractVector{T},g::AbstractVector{T}) where T <: AbstractFloat = DiscretePairCorrelation(Dim,r,g)

# Have no pair correlation, then only hole correction will be used.
function DiscretePairCorrelation(s1::Specie{Dim}, s2::Specie{Dim}) where Dim
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -140,20 +141,20 @@ function DiscretePairCorrelation(s::Specie{Dim}, pairtype::PT;

d = DiscretePairCorrelation(s, pairtype, distances);
dp = d.dp
g = d.g

if automatic_dist
i = findfirst(reverse(abs.(d.dp)) .> pairtype.rtol)
i = findfirst(reverse(abs.(d.g .- 1)) .> pairtype.rtol)
if isnothing(i)
dp = typeof(d.dp)[]
distances = typeof(d.dp)[]
g = typeof(d.g)[]
distances = typeof(d.g)[]
elseif i > 1
dp = d.dp[1:end-i+2]
g = d.g[1:end-i+2]
distances = distances[1:end-i+2]

return DiscretePairCorrelation(Dim, distances, dp; number_density = d.number_density)
return DiscretePairCorrelation(Dim, distances, g; number_density = d.number_density)

function DiscretePairCorrelation(s1::Specie{Dim}, s2::Specie{Dim}, pairtype::PairCorrelationType; kws...) where Dim
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -234,7 +235,7 @@ function DiscretePairCorrelation(s::Specie{3, P} where P<:AbstractParticle{3}, p
9f * (1 + f) / (2 * η * (1 - f)^3) + 2 /*pi) * int_ker

return DiscretePairCorrelation(3, distances, dp; number_density = numdensity, tol = pairtype.rtol)
return DiscretePairCorrelation(3, distances, dp .+ 1.0; number_density = numdensity, tol = pairtype.rtol)

function DiscretePairCorrelation(s::Specie{Dim}, pairtype::MonteCarloPairCorrelation{Dim}, distances::AbstractVector{T}) where {T, Dim}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -280,7 +281,7 @@ function DiscretePairCorrelation(s::Specie{Dim}, pairtype::MonteCarloPairCorrela
@warn "The requested volume fraction of the pair correlation was $(s.volume_fraction). The achieved volume fraction was $(achieved_number_density * volume(s)) with std $( std(nums) * volume(s))"

return DiscretePairCorrelation(Dim, distances, mean(d.dp for d in dpcs); number_density = achieved_number_density)
return DiscretePairCorrelation(Dim, distances, mean(d.g for d in dpcs); number_density = achieved_number_density)


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -361,10 +362,10 @@ function DiscretePairCorrelation(particle_centres::Vector{v} where v <: Abstract
# scaling = (1 / ((2 * (Dim - 1)) * pi * dz)) / (J1 * numdensity)
scaling = (3 / ((Dim + 1) * pi)) / (J1 * numdensity)

# dp = scaling .* bins ./ (distances .^(Dim - 1)) .- T(1)
dp = scaling .* bins ./ ((distances .+ dz/2) .^ Dim - (distances .- dz/2) .^ Dim) .- T(1)
# g = scaling .* bins ./ (distances .^(Dim - 1))
g = scaling .* bins ./ ((distances .+ dz/2) .^ Dim - (distances .- dz/2) .^ Dim)

return DiscretePairCorrelation(Dim,distances,dp; number_density = numdensity)
return DiscretePairCorrelation(Dim,distances,g; number_density = numdensity)


Expand All @@ -386,18 +387,22 @@ function smooth_pair_corr_distance(pair_corr_distance::Function, a12::T; smoothi
data = pair_corr_distance.(zs)

P = Legendre()
ls = 0:polynomial_order |> collect
# P = Legendre()
# ls = 0:polynomial_order |> collect

# Pmat = P[2zs ./ max_distance .- T(1.0), ls .+ 1];

Pmat = P[2zs ./ max_distance .- T(1.0), ls .+ 1];
Pmats = [collectPl(2z / max_distance - T(1.0), lmax = polynomial_order) for z in zs];
Pmat = hcat(Pmats...) |> transpose;

# projector_mat = inv(transpose(Pmat) * (Pmat)) * transpose(Pmat);
# pls = projector_mat * data
# Pmat * pls ~ data
pls = Pmat \ data

return function (z)
Ps = P[2z / max_distance - T(1.0), ls .+ 1]
# Ps = P[2z / max_distance - T(1.0), ls .+ 1]
Ps = collectPl(2z / max_distance - T(1.0), lmax = polynomial_order) |> collect
return sum(Ps .* pls)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -431,7 +436,7 @@ function gls_pair_radial_fun(pair_corr_distance::Union{Function,AbstractArray},
sigma_approximation = true
) where T

P = Legendre()
# P = Legendre()
ls = 0:polynomial_order |> collect

if sigma_approximation
Expand All @@ -442,7 +447,11 @@ function gls_pair_radial_fun(pair_corr_distance::Union{Function,AbstractArray},
S = diagm(sigmas)

us = LinRange(-1.0, 1.0, mesh_size)
Pmat = P[us, ls .+ 1];

# Pmat = P[us, ls .+ 1];
Pmats = [collectPl(u, lmax = polynomial_order) for u in us];
Pmat = hcat(Pmats...) |> transpose;

Pmat = [Pmat[i] * T(2i[2] - 1) / (4pi) for i in CartesianIndices(Pmat)];

# Pmat = S * Pmat;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -473,10 +482,13 @@ The function `pair_radial` is calculated from the function `pair_corr_distance`,
function pair_radial_fun(pair_corr_distance::Function, a12::T; polynomial_order::Int = 15, kws...) where T

gls_fun = gls_pair_radial_fun(pair_corr_distance, a12; polynomial_order = polynomial_order, kws...)
P = Legendre()
# P = Legendre()

return function (r1,r2,u)
Pus = P[u, 1:(polynomial_order + 1) |> collect] .* (2 .* (0:polynomial_order) .+ 1) ./ (4pi)
# Pus = P[u, 1:(polynomial_order + 1) |> collect] .* (2 .* (0:polynomial_order) .+ 1) ./ (4pi)

Pus = collectPl(u, lmax = polynomial_order) |> collect
Pus = Pus .* (2 .* (0:polynomial_order) .+ 1) ./ (4pi)

return sum(Pus .* gls_fun(r1,r2))
Expand Down
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions src/structure-factor.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
Represents the structure factor between two types of particles. The particles could be the same or different species.
struct DiscreteStructureFactor{Dim}
"the wavenumber"
"the vector of the radial structure factor"
"the minimal distance between the two species"
"the average number of particles divided by the volume containing the centre of the particles"

function DiscreteStructureFactor{Dim}(k::AbstractVector, S::AbstractVector, minimal_distance::Float64, number_density::Float64;
tol::AbstractFloat = 1e-3
) where Dim
if !isempty(S) && size(S) != size(k)
@error "the size of vector of wavenumbers `k` (currently $(size(k))) should be the same as the size of the structure factor vector `S` (currently $(size(S)))."

function DiscreteStructureFactor(Dim::Int, k::AbstractVector, S::AbstractVector;
number_density::AbstractFloat = 0.0,
minimal_distance::AbstractFloat = 0.0

# function DiscreteStructureFactor(pair::DiscretePairCorrelation{2})

# DiscreteStructureFactor{2}(r,g,minimal_distance,number_density)
# end
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions test/pair-correlations.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ using CSV
# The data assume R = 1, where R is the minimum distance between the centres of any two spheres.
file = CSV.File("$(stdir)data/P-Y_f=0.25.txt"; header = 1)
distances = file.r
dp_reference = file.field .- 1.0
g_reference = file.field

# NOTE: increasing the exclusion_distance would increase the effective volume fraction needed for PY. The saved data assumes and effective volume fraction of 25%

Expand All @@ -38,6 +38,6 @@ using CSV

i = findfirst(distances .> 1.0)

@test norm(py.dp[i:end] - dp_reference[i:end]) / norm(dp_reference[i:end]) < 0.02
@test abs(py.dp[i+1] - dp_reference[i+1]) / norm(dp_reference[i+1]) < 0.01
@test norm(py.g[i:end] - g_reference[i:end]) / norm(g_reference[i:end]) < 0.02
@test abs(py.g[i+1] - g_reference[i+1]) / norm(g_reference[i+1]) < 0.01
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
using ParticleCorrelations
using Test
using Test, Statistics


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