Notes on development, possible changes, possible features
API definition:
reductio <-- crossfilter (optional?)
dimension(accessor | property, type)
group(accessor | property, type)
accessor (returns the accessor)
avg <-- change to 'average'?
min <-- change to 'minimum'?
max <-- change to 'maximum'?
sumOfSq <-- name change?
std <-- name change?
histogram(bins, value) ??
x histogramBins
x histogramValue
aliasProp <-- name change? Or just get rid of it - efficiency issues
uniqueBy (formerly exception) / distinct?
accessor (returns the accessor)
groups - array of current groups on the dimension
dimensions - array of current dimensions
Checks on dimension accessors for basic natural-ordered-ness. More less just checking if it always returns values of the same type for different types of edge-case inputs (text, number, 0, Infinity, "", [], {}, undefined, null, NaN)
Dimension accessor helpers? We have some pretty complex time-dimension accessors in Palladio.
Pre-aggregation is intended to serve as a framework for thinking through a 2-stage aggregation process.
Stage 1 - Usually server-side, aggregating over all dimensions that are not relevant in the Reductio/Crossfilter and then sending to the client-side
Stage 2 - Crossfilter/Reductio client-side aggregation with pure client-side filtering and re-aggregation
The intent is to allow interactive filtering and aggregation on data sets that are too large to fit client-side. The problem is that 2-stage aggregations can be challenging.
Pre-aggregation strategies:
count - sum a fake '1' dimension - can use the same dimension pre/post aggregation
sum - commutative across aggregation
avg - pure post-aggregation calculation
min - commutative
max - commutative
median - ???
sumOfSq - ???
std - ???
histogram - ???
value - ???
filter - pure push-down (need a non-closure definition syntax)
nest - ???
alias - pure post-aggregation calculation
aliasProp - pure post-aggregation calculation
exception - valueList provided, concat in aggregation ???
count - see above?
sum - see above?