What's Changed
⭐ Features
- feat: cache loader with external variable reference by @YongwuHe in #434
- feat: record dubbo group and version for replay by @lucas-myx in #435
- feat: supports the redisTemplate component provided by spring data redis by @DanLi39 in #433
- feat: support joint point type and remove joda package by @YongwuHe in #438
- feat: supports parse positionalParameter in hibernate by @llkkk in #439
- feat: optimize dubbo generic invoke record and replay by @lucas-myx in #443
- feat: remove spring cache dynamic class configuration restrictions by @YongwuHe in #444
- feat: spring cache not match data, real call by @YongwuHe in #450
- feat: support methods provided by redisTemplate by @DanLi39 in #455
- feat: package all in one agent jar by @YongwuHe in #452
- feat: support force record requests forwarded by gateway by @mr3 in #458
- feat: ProceedingJoinPoint args request type by @YongwuHe in #459
- feat: add httpclient auth header arex-api-token by @mr3 in #467
- feat: mongo key holder by @YongwuHe in #469
🐞 Bug fixes
- fix: redis key generate by @mr3 in #432
- fix: dynamic class not recorded when return type is flux by @DanLi39 in #440
- fix: range version conflict by @YongwuHe in #442
- fix: es java client record by @mr3 in #446
- fix: dubbo replay NPE if null by @lucas-myx in #451
- fix: dynamic class only class to modify void method problem by @YongwuHe in #454
- fix: restore pair<map, xx> type error by @YongwuHe in #457
- fix: normalize className enhanced by cglib by @DanLi39 in #460
- fix: dubbo replay repeat by @lucas-myx in #463
- fix: thread context classloader propagation in forkjoinpool by @YongwuHe in #466
- fix: npe caused by incomplete initialization of dependencies by @YongwuHe in #470
📘 Documentation
- Docs: update issue template by @lijing-22 in #445
⚙️ Build
New Contributors
- @llkkk made their first contribution in #439
- @lijing-22 made their first contribution in #445
Full Changelog: v0.4.2...v0.4.4