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X-CUBE-AI 3.3.0 / CubeMX 5.0.1 evaluation


X-CUBE-AI guide

I just followed the instructions on this video (YoueTube).

System architecture for this evaluation

                                My appl. "ai.h/ai.c"
                          auto-generated code by X-CUBE-AI
Hand gesture ))) [AMG8833] --I2C--> [STM32] --UART--> [Console(PC)]
			       Auto-generated code
		             [CubeMX w/ X-CUBE-AI]
				Keras model(*.h5)
		    	       [Jupyter Notebook]

Loading Keras model into CubeMX

I have made a very small-size pre-trained Keras model on my own for this evaluation. The model is in this folder. The model "rock-paper-scissors" was trained with normalized dataset of float type.

=> The training steps

I loaded the pre-trained model into CubeMX for this evaluation.

How to run the network

There is no API documentation on X-CUBE-AI on the web, so I read the code generated by CubeMX with "System Performance" setting.


Evaluations so far

Refer to this page for the models used in this evaluation.

Model 1: CNN on raw 8x8-pixel images

Validation result on CubeMX

It takes around 12msec to infer rock-paper-scissors on 8x8 image from the infrared array sensor.

Matching results...

ON-DEVICE STM32 execution ("network", auto-detect, 115200)..

<Stm32com id=0x1db86d42f98 - CONNECTED(COM6/115200) devid=0x433/STM32F401xD/E msg=1.0>
 0x433/STM32F401xD/E @84MHz/84MHz (FPU is present) lat=2 ART: PRFTen ICen DCen
 found network(s): ['network']
 description    : 'network' (8, 8, 1)-[6]->(1, 1, 3) macc=119901 rom=55.76KiB ram=2.07KiB
 tools versions : rt=(3, 3, 0) tool=(3, 3, 0)/(1, 1, 0) api=(1, 0, 0) "Sun Jan  6 22:37:23 2019"

Running with inputs=(10, 8, 8, 1)..
...... 1/10
...... 2/10
...... 3/10
...... 4/10
...... 5/10
...... 6/10
...... 7/10
...... 8/10
...... 9/10
...... 10/10
 RUN Stats    : batches=10 dur=1.406s tfx=0.952s 2.749KiB/s (wb=2.500KiB,rb=120B)

Results for 10 inference(s) @84/84MHz (macc:119901)
 duration    : 11.772 ms (average)
 CPU cycles  : 988834 (average)
 cycles/MACC : 8.25 (average for all layers)

Inspector report (layer by layer)
 signature      : 3BF017EB
 n_nodes        : 6
 num_inferences : 10

Clayer  id  desc                          oshape            ms        
0       0   10011/(Merged Conv2d / Pool)  (10, 4, 4, 16)    2.010     
1       2   10011/(Merged Conv2d / Pool)  (10, 2, 2, 32)    5.379     
2       6   10005/(Dense)                 (10, 1, 1, 256)   4.244     
3       6   10009/(Nonlinearity)          (10, 1, 1, 256)   0.042     
4       8   10005/(Dense)                 (10, 1, 1, 3)     0.086     
5       8   10014/(Softmax)               (10, 1, 1, 3)     0.010     
                                                            11.772 (total)

  MACC / frame: 119901
  ROM size:     55.76 KBytes
  RAM size:     2.07 KBytes (Minimum: 2.07 KBytes)
  Comp. factor: 2.704

Matching criteria: L2 error < 0.01 on the output tensor

  Ref layer 8 matched with C layer 5, error: 0.00033916105

Validation: OK
 Validation OK
Python validation ended

System performance test result

# AI system performance measurement 2.1
Compiled with GCC 6.3.1
STM32 Runtime configuration...
 Device       : DevID:0x00000433 (UNKNOWN) RevID:0x00001001
 Core Arch.   : M4 - FPU PRESENT and used
 HAL version  : 0x01070400
 system clock : 84 MHz
 FLASH conf.  : ACR=0x00000702 - Prefetch=True $I/$D=(True,True) latency=2

AI Network (AI platform API 1.0.0)...

Found network "network"
Creating the network "network"..
Network configuration...
 Model name         : network
 Model signature    : d0d0cfcc2688de1e32cb7fe2e61179db
 Model datetime     : Sun Jan  6 22:41:29 2019
 Compile datetime   : Jan  6 2019 22:41:53
 Runtime revision   :  (3.3.0)
 Tool revision      : (rev-) (3.3.0)
Network info...
  signature         : 0x0
  nodes             : 6
  complexity        : 119901 MACC
  activation        : 2116 bytes
  weights           : 57100 bytes
  inputs/outputs    : 1/1
  IN tensor format  : HWC layout:8,8,1 (s:64 f:AI_BUFFER_FORMAT_FLOAT)
  OUT tensor format : HWC layout:1,1,3 (s:3 f:AI_BUFFER_FORMAT_FLOAT)
Initializing the network

Running PerfTest on "network" with random inputs (16 iterations)...

Results for "network", 16 inferences @84MHz/84MHz (complexity: 119901 MACC)
 duration     : 11.775 ms (average)
 CPU cycles   : 989124 -66/+50 (average,-/+)
 CPU Workload : 1%
 cycles/MACC  : 8 (average for all layers)
 used stack   : 352 bytes
 used heap    : 0:0 0:0 (req:allocated,req:released) cfg=0

Running PerfTest on "network" with random inputs (16 iterations)...

Results for "network", 16 inferences @84MHz/84MHz (complexity: 119901 MACC)
 duration     : 11.775 ms (average)
 CPU cycles   : 989132 -47/+27 (average,-/+)
 CPU Workload : 1%
 cycles/MACC  : 8 (average for all layers)
 used stack   : 352 bytes
 used heap    : 0:0 0:0 (req:allocated,req:released) cfg=0

Inference test on my original Keras model "rock-paper-scissors"

This time I trained the CNN model with 8x8 2D images. I also connected the real sensor "AMG8833" to the inference engine via I2C bus.

I use "Application Template" as a template of my AI application development.

The test result below seems very satisfying!

Found network: "network"

--- Inference ---
 rock:         66%
 paper:        33%
 scissors:      0%

--- Inference ---
 rock:         32%
 paper:        62%
 scissors:      4%
--- Inference ---
 rock:          2%
 paper:         3%
 scissors:     93%

Model 2: DNN on DCT Type-II feature extracted from 8x8-pixel images

Note: the time for pre-processing (DCT Type-II) is not included in the performance measurement results below.

Validation result on CubeMX

Matching results...

ON-DEVICE STM32 execution ("network", auto-detect, 115200)..

<Stm32com id=0x18c8bb36c50 - CONNECTED(COM6/115200) devid=0x433/STM32F401xD/E msg=1.0>
 0x433/STM32F401xD/E @84MHz/84MHz (FPU is present) lat=2 ART: PRFTen ICen DCen
 found network(s): ['network']
 description    : 'network' (1, 1, 36)-[6]->(1, 1, 3) macc=5175 rom=20.05KiB ram=0.43KiB
 tools versions : rt=(3, 3, 0) tool=(3, 3, 0)/(1, 1, 0) api=(1, 0, 0) "Wed Jan  9 10:22:24 2019"

Running with inputs=(10, 1, 1, 36)..
...... 1/10
...... 2/10
...... 3/10
...... 4/10
...... 5/10
...... 6/10
...... 7/10
...... 8/10
...... 9/10
...... 10/10
 RUN Stats    : batches=10 dur=1.125s tfx=0.534s 2.853KiB/s (wb=1.406KiB,rb=120B)

Results for 10 inference(s) @84/84MHz (macc:5175)
 duration    : 0.678 ms (average)
 CPU cycles  : 56982 (average)
 cycles/MACC : 11.01 (average for all layers)

Inspector report (layer by layer)
 signature      : 6AFE0A71
 n_nodes        : 6
 num_inferences : 10

Clayer  id  desc                          oshape            ms        
0       0   10005/(Dense)                 (10, 1, 1, 54)    0.261     
1       0   10009/(Nonlinearity)          (10, 1, 1, 54)    0.010     
2       2   10005/(Dense)                 (10, 1, 1, 54)    0.365     
3       2   10009/(Nonlinearity)          (10, 1, 1, 54)    0.010     
4       4   10005/(Dense)                 (10, 1, 1, 3)     0.023     
5       4   10014/(Softmax)               (10, 1, 1, 3)     0.010     
                                                            0.678 (total)

  MACC / frame: 5175
  ROM size:     20.05 KBytes
  RAM size:     436 Bytes (Minimum: 436 Bytes)

Matching criteria: L2 error < 0.01 on the output tensor

  Ref layer 4 matched with C layer 5, error: 1.6048034e-07

Validation: OK
 Validation OK
Python validation ended

System performance test result

# AI system performance measurement 2.1
Compiled with GCC 6.3.1
STM32 Runtime configuration...
 Device       : DevID:0x00000433 (UNKNOWN) RevID:0x00001001
 Core Arch.   : M4 - FPU PRESENT and used
 HAL version  : 0x01070400
 system clock : 84 MHz
 FLASH conf.  : ACR=0x00000702 - Prefetch=True $I/$D=(True,True) latency=2

AI Network (AI platform API 1.0.0)...

Found network "network"
Creating the network "network"..
Network configuration...
 Model name         : network
 Model signature    : 6458c0b18813d980a474b0270588669e
 Model datetime     : Wed Jan  9 10:17:53 2019
 Compile datetime   : Jan  9 2019 10:19:00
 Runtime revision   :  (3.3.0)
 Tool revision      : (rev-) (3.3.0)
Network info...
  signature         : 0x0
  nodes             : 6
  complexity        : 5175 MACC
  activation        : 436 bytes
  weights           : 20532 bytes
  inputs/outputs    : 1/1
  IN tensor format  : HWC layout:1,1,36 (s:36 f:AI_BUFFER_FORMAT_FLOAT)
  OUT tensor format : HWC layout:1,1,3 (s:3 f:AI_BUFFER_FORMAT_FLOAT)
Initializing the network

Running PerfTest on "network" with random inputs (16 iterations)...

Results for "network", 16 inferences @84MHz/84MHz (complexity: 5175 MACC)
 duration     : 0.679 ms (average)
 CPU cycles   : 57070 -37/+18 (average,-/+)
 CPU Workload : 0%
 cycles/MACC  : 11 (average for all layers)
 used stack   : 172 bytes
 used heap    : 0:0 0:0 (req:allocated,req:released) cfg=0

Inference test on my original Keras model "rock-paper-scissors"

I have made a AI-enabled rock-paper-scissors machine.

=> Video of the demo on YouTube

The code is this.

Caution: CubeMX 5.0.0 and 5.0.1 has a bug and it does not add /* USER CODE BEGIN includes */ in "app_x-cube\ai.c".