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Yoga is too vast, let's explore it with games!

Identify the impact of each posture on the body:

  • working muscles
  • stretching muscles
  • position
  • type: relaxing, stretching, power, mixed

Table of Contents

Physical Skills

Arm Strength

Tracking and Debriefing



Objectives and Achievements

Exercises and Habits

  • hypergravity training
  • feet off bouldering


Let the breath move you.

Tracking and Debriefing



  • let the breath move you
  • guide the breath : ujjayi
  • amplifying the breath

Objectives and Achievements


## Engage

Raise your awareness of the body layers.

Tracking and Debriefing



  • organ body scan

Objectives and Achievements


Finger Strength

Tracking and Debriefing



Objectives and Achievements

Exercises and Habits

  • hypergravity training
  • feet off bouldering
  • 6s on hangboard, with different size and types of holds
  • campus board up
  • campus up and down

Full Body Strength

Tracking and Debriefing



  • I engage in some kind of reactive or hypergravity training to condition my nervous system to function more efficientlyt during severe climbing movements

Objectives and Achievements

Exercises and Habits

  • hypergravity: weighted boulder / finger hang / HIT
  • reactive: one arm lunging / campus touching
  • "complex training": alternate between boulders and musculation

Musculation Balance

Tracking and Debriefing



  • I train and stretch my antagonist muscles

Objectives and Achievements

  • reduce injury risk
  • optimize strength and endurance
  • maintain muscle balance

Exercises and Habits


Tracking and Debriefing



  • I engage in some form of stamina training that will test the limits of my physical capacity to endure a sustained effort

Objectives and Achievements

Exercises and Habits

  • climbing intervals: 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, 3v3, 2v2, 1v1
  • running intervals: 20s 100%, 10s 0% x8

Technical Skills

## Align

  • Footing and support
  • Backbone

Tracking and Debriefing



  • following the lines of the bones

Objectives and Achievements


Body Position

Tracking and Debriefing



  • handholds are gripped lightly
  • use of nonpositive handholds
  • use of flagging
  • hand foot

Objectives and Achievements

Exercises and Habits

## Center

Maintain the integrity of the spine.

Tracking and Debriefing



  • centering the pelvis
  • centering the weight on the feet
  • elongating the spine before extension

Objectives and Achievements


Foot Placement

Tracking and Debriefing



  • precise quiet foot placement

Objectives and Achievements

Exercises and Habits

Searching for the Right Movement

Tracking and Debriefing



  • I think about, experiment with, and strive to discover ways to become a more efficient climber
  • I seek out and force myself onto climbs that will teach me new skills or shore up techniques at which I lack in proficiency
  • I concentrate on the feeling of my body and strive to use this information to improve my performance
  • I work boulder problems, sequences, or entire routes beyond the point of crude success with the goal of developping precise, economical movement skills

Objectives and Achievements

Exercises and Habits

  • practice climbing
  • trial and error rather than rationalizing
  • blocked pratice = repeating movements
  • try and master each route, do not be content of just sending
  • fatigued pratice to nail a movement / sequence, be most efficient
  • restricted pratice:
    • frog-leg
    • high-step
    • tennis ball
    • straight arm

## Radiate

Move from the inside out: the human starfish.

Tracking and Debriefing



  • navel radiation
  • the starfish

Objectives and Achievements



Place your body on strong and balanced foundations.

Tracking and Debriefing



  • the cascading effect of the foundation

Objectives and Achievements



Weight on the earth while maintaining the integrity of your posture.

Tracking and Debriefing



Objectives and Achievements


Mental Skills

Behavior Modification

Tracking and Debriefing



  • I'm able to create motivation to train or climb when I'm feeling tired, depressed and unproductive
  • I can give up things that I recognize are holding me back from my goals
  • once I've identified them, I am able to break bad habits of mind and technique that limit my ability and slow progress
  • when I find myself procrastinating, I can create positive energy and take some action toward a worthy goal
  • when criticism and or other outside factors trigger negative thoughts and feelings, I can quickly let go of the anger and regain a positive, self-confident state

Objectives and Achievements

  • make an inventory of limiting behaviors:
    • situation
    • thoughts / reactions / habits
    • how I want to behave

Exercises and Habits

  • imagine the pain of inaction
  • split tasks into smaller chunks:
    • with a well-defined goal
    • doable in one go (30min of pure focus)
  • match your breathing with action
  • walk, talk, act like you've got it
  • the crux is to engage, then you're done


Tracking and Debriefing



  • in preparing for and engaging on a climb, I detach myself from outcome-oriented thought and the need of success and instead dwell on the process of climbing and the experience of the movement

Objectives and Achievements

  • make an inventory of your concentration killers:
    • sensory distractions
    • focusing on the past
    • focusing on the future
    • dwelling on internal feelings, sensations of fatigue
    • entertaining non-productive self-talk
    • focusing on the mechanics

Exercises and Habits

  • taking care of distractions before engaging in an activity
  • use rituals to focus
  • keep your eyes on task relevant targets
  • clock drill
  • singular focus climbing
  • attention-shifting drill
  • breathing

## Contentment - Santosha

Tracking and Debriefing



Objectives and Achievements


Controlling your State

Tracking and Debriefing



  • I get anxious, tight, and hesitant as I climb a crux sequence, and I have a tough time preventing this
  • I get angry or frustrated when I struggle or fall on a route or encounter unexpected difficulties
  • I can regain a positive mind-set and optimie arousal at reste positions, between attempts on a climb, or during a competition
  • after a bad day of climbing or a poor road trip, I can quickly shake off the disappointment and regain a positive, productive, future-oriented frame of mind
  • I can find a way to enjoy almost any day even if I'm not climbing well or things aren't going as planned
  • if I'm feeling anxious or scared before a climb, I take a mental inventory of past successes and remind myself of my experience and preparation in order to create a more effective mental state for climbing

Objectives and Achievements

  • Do an emotional introspection / bilan:
    • list the emotional triggers (strong & mildy positive + negative)
    • relate the emotional state: duration, context etc

Exercises and Habits

  • deep breathing
  • direct muscle relaxation (consciously relax)
  • ANSWER sequence
  • change posture (stand upstraight etc)
  • turn self-talk to positive ideas and images
  • create anchors to positive states
  • take a mental inventory of positive ideas, emotions, situations, memories etc

Fear Management

Tracking and Debriefing



  • I'm proactive in managing risk in order to reduce the fear factor, control arousal, and improve my chances for a safe, successful climb
  • I become distracted due to the hardships and unknowns of the climb
  • I get nervous and afraid heading up on an on-sight, project, or competition route
  • I ponder the potential for embarassment and become anxious because of the uncertainty of the outcome
  • when lead climbing a safe route, I push myself to the complete limit and, if I fall, I fall trying
  • I make ecuses for why I might fail on a route before I even begin to climb

Objectives and Achievements

  • make an inventory of your fears, and for each one:
    • what are the triggers ?
    • look for objective reasons
    • can you reduce the risk:
      • with preparation
      • by proactiviely looking for clues
    • imagine and accept the possible outcomes
    • imagine the best reaction

Exercises and Habits

  • lead
  • no top rope
  • pass a roof
  • climb overhanging wall
  • jump at the end of the climb
  • falling xx times
  • finishing after falling
  • take practice falls
  • change the interpretation of the fear signals
  • breath
  • interpret failure and criticism as opportunities to improve
  • accept the unknown: if you wanted to stay in the routine, you shouldn't have gone out

Mind Programming

Tracking and Debriefing



  • I visualize strategy, process, and the ideal outcome in all important tasks I undertake
  • in preparing for a difficul climb, I strive to preprogram the ascent by vividly visualizing myself climbing the route, feeling the moves, before I leave the ground
  • I use self-talk and mantras to maintain focus, aid execution, and sustain effort during a hard undertaking
  • I try to stimulate the moves and muscleaction needed for a current project or upcoming climb
  • I engage in meditation, visualization, or some form of mental exercise to prepare my mind and body for future activities and goals
  • in the time leading up to an important goal, I utilize rituals and routines that past experience has proven to put me in the best frame of mind and physical state for peak performance

Objectives and Achievements

Exercises and Habits

  • mental rehearsal: visualize the route, feel the movements
  • bedtime affirmation: use strong ideas and images as you wake up / go to sleep

Burning Enthusiasm - Tapas

Tracking and Debriefing



  • when faced with a tough situation or unexpected adversity, I get inspired and accept the challenge
  • in the wake of an adverse situation, I spin the negative outcome into something positive by identifying a lesson learned or determining a way that it has made me stronger
  • when I get up in the morning,I emmediately think positive, productive thoughts that will help prepare me for the challenges of the day

Exercises and Habits

  • be a spin-doctor: keep the good
  • use optimism as a tool: assume a positive outcome, look for the motivating
  • reverse paranoid: things support me toward success (imagine if xxx didn't exist)

Purity - Shaucha

Tracking and Debriefing



Objectives and Achievements


(Self-)Awareness - Swadhyaya

Tracking and Debriefing



  • throughout the day I'm aware of my decision-making processes, the direction and quality of my thought, and the outside triggers that affect my thoughts
  • I monitor how I feel and assess the quality of my thoughts and actions
  • I ponder my true motives for the things I do, big and small
  • in making major decisions, I consider and leverage my hierarchy of personal values
  • personal values

Objectives and Achievements

Exercises and Habits

  • meditation and observing your thoughts

## Self-Concept

Tracking and Debriefing



  • I march to my own drummer and possess the confidence to step away from the crowd
  • I get down on myself and question my ability and worth when I struggle on a climb or have an off day

Exercises and Habits

Celebration of the Spiritual - Ishvarapranidhana

Tracking and Debriefing



Objectives and Achievements


## Willpower

Tracking and Debriefing



  • I can push myself to an extreme level of fatigue and pain
  • when the chips are down, I can perform up near my maximum ability and throw all I've got at a climb or goal
  • I push myself through a long scary runout between bolts or gear, when I know either:
    • that the gear will hold a big fall
    • that I'm capable of climbing that section without falling

Exercises and Habits

Organizational Skills

Training Consistency

  • rest vs active
  • overall climbing time
  • resting & belaying time
  • periods over the year
  • NOT climbing time
  • time using the application ~ motivation

Goal Setting

Tracking and Debriefing



  • I set specific goals for my daily training and each climbing outing, as opposed to making it up on the go
  • at some point each week, I review my long-term climbing and life goals, then mentally work backward to determine what short-term actions I should take to remain on course

Objectives and Achievements

Exercises and Habits

  • set long-term goals, make them challenging and meaningful
  • ... short-term ...
  • ... life ...
  • identify gaps and motivations to improve

Looking for Clues

Tracking and Debriefing



  • I solicit my partner for an assessment of how well I appear to be climbing and what aspect of my game need improvement

Objectives and Achievements

Exercises and Habits

## Training Optimization

Tracking and Debriefing



  • I direct my practice sessions -and perform specific drills- to expand the breadth and depth of my skills
  • I thoughtfully design my workouts to train up my weaknesses and ultimately to provide the greatest payoff for the time I have available to invest in training

Objectives and Achievements

Exercises and Habits

  • session types
  • climbing styles and locations

Creating a Practice Space

Tracking and Debriefing



Objectives and Achievements



Tracking and Debriefing



  • I plan my training far in advance to prepare for a specific climb, trip, or expedition; or as a way to keep things progressive and avoid overtraining
  • I study a route extensively to develop strategies for a successful ascent, imagining possible sequences, gear placement, and rest positions as well as developing what-if scenarios to aid risk management

Objectives and Achievements

Exercises and Habits


Tracking and Debriefing



  • use of rests positions

Objectives and Achievements

Exercises and Habits

# Overall Skills

  • objectifs : étirements, relaxation, renforcement, conscience, souffle
  • précisions : faiblesse, niveau, blessure, rythme, musique....
  • achievements : yoga asanas, learn names, time of pratice, regularity, meet your goals,
  • skills : alignment, breathing, consciousness
  • physical : rythm, strength of postures,

pour chaque asana :

  • localiser les muscles qui travaillent
  • les muscles qui sont étirés,
  • le type de posture : repos, équilibre, renforcement
  • la position : ouverture hanches, poitrine, alignement x et y, appuis
  • images et visualisations : étirer vers le ciel, attiré par la terre, paysage, ...

## Flow

Tracking and Debriefing



Objectives and Achievements


Climbing Level

Tracking and Debriefing

  • grades over time :
    • warm up time = low grade / max grade
    • peak time
    • confort time = conti

Interpret climbing time:

  • number of times performed a specific exercise
  • ratio out / in
  • repeat count on a project

Objectives and Achievements

  • personal projects & sends

## Redpointing