__ __ _____ __
____/ /___ / /_/ __(_) /__ _____
/ __ / __ \/ __/ /_/ / / _ \/ ___/
/ /_/ / /_/ / /_/ __/ / / __(__ )
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Personal scripts
My custom color scheme One drac (tentative name) at the moment only for alacritty, dwm and neovim
My shxkd config for my scripts and media control
based off Christian Chiarulli's and Luke Smith's configs respectively
Configs for oh my zsh and alacritty
Configs for picom (picom-git or jonaburg's fork)
- picom (fork mentioned above)
- my builds of dwm, dmenu, ect. (these configs are meant to interact with my builds)
- ranger (for the ranger and nvim config)
- shxkd (for hotkeys)
- nitrogen (for wallpapers)
- Nerd Fonts (For the heavy use of Nerd Fonts and JetBrains Mono and Nerd Font versions specifically)
- JetBrains Mono (The normal version of JetBrains for certain circustances)
- Noto Sans (I'm not really gonna bother linking to this one as you should find it in your repos, make sure to find a version that supports Japenese characters, something like Noto Sans CJK JP)
- maim (For screenshots in sxhkd )
- dragon (for ranger use and the aliases)
- fzf (for scripts)
- exa (for aliases)
- devour
- mpDris2 (So playerctl works with mpd)
- lua (So z.lua works)
Note: Some of these dependencies may possibly optional but that's an unsupported use case and some basic dependencies (make an issue if this is the case)
- Try out polybar again
Add resources support to dwm and possibly dmenu
Move builds and (n)vim stuff into git submodulesRedid all of my nvim config so this is done -
Add screenshots to README.mdDone! -
Fix funky floating windows in dwm (Saving this one for a rainy day and a repatch)Took way too much time but it's done!
Luke Smith For their ranger config and inspiration for dmenu and status scripts
Christian Chiarulli For their slick neovim config
rpieja For their work on the i3spotifystatus
ibhagwan For their work on the dual kawase fork of picom