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361 lines (283 loc) · 12.8 KB

Null Forecasts for the EFI NEON Community Ecology Challenge

This document illustrates the sequential steps for posing, producing and scoring a forecast for the community ecology challenge:

  1. Download NEON beetle data
  2. Clean / process data into (a) observed richness and (b) a proxy for relative abundance, (counts/trapnight), data products which teams will seek to predict future values for
  3. Generate a dummy (null) probablistic forecast at each site, using historical mean and standard deviations,
  4. Score the dummy forecast

This document also shows one approach to capturing, sharing, and ‘registering’ the products associated with each step (raw data, processed data, forecast, scores), with content-based identifiers. These identifiers can act like DOIs but can be computed directly from the data, and thus can be generated locally at no cost, no authentication, and no lock-in to a specific storage provider.


# Helper libraries for one way of managing downloads and registering products; not essential.
library(neonstore) # remotes::install_github("cboettig/neonstore")
library(contentid) # remotes::install_github("cboettig/contentid")

## Two helper functions are provided in external scripts

## neonstore can cache raw data files for future reference
Sys.setenv("NEONSTORE_HOME" = "cache/")

## Set the year of the prediction.  This will be excluded from the training data and used in the forecast
forecast_year <- 2019

Download data

This example uses neonstore to download and manage raw files locally.

## full API queries take ~ 2m.  
## full download takes ~ 5m (on Jetstream)
start_date <- NA # Update to most recent download, or NA to check all.
neonstore::neon_download(product="DP1.10022.001", start_date = start_date)
## no expanded product, using basic product

Load data


sorting <- neon_read("bet_sorting", altrep = FALSE) %>% distinct()
para <- neon_read("bet_parataxonomistID", altrep = FALSE) %>% distinct()
expert <- neon_read("bet_expertTaxonomistIDProcessed", altrep = FALSE) %>% distinct()
field <- neon_read("bet_fielddata", altrep = FALSE) %>% distinct()

# vroom altrep is faster but we have too many files here!    
# NEON sometimes provides duplicate files with different filename metadata (timestamps), so I am currently using `distinct()` to deal with that...

Publish the index of all raw data files we have used, including their md5sum, for future reference. While these files are available from NEON and the local cache, this should help us detect any changes in the raw data, if need be.

raw_file_index <- neon_index(product="DP1.10022.001", hash = "md5")
readr::write_csv(raw_file_index, "products/raw_file_index.csv")

## [1] "hash://sha256/278a890e15871fdafe09da9af1bbba2840478f025c33b3470f0c4552b2873550"

Process data

First, we resolve the taxonomy using the expert and parataxonomist classification, where available. Because these products lag behind initial identification of the sorting table, and because the sorting technicians do not pin all samples (either because they are confident in the classification already, or sample is damaged, etc), not all beetles will have expert identification. Those with taxonomist identification will have an individualID assigned. Those with expert identification will also name the expert. Then, samples identified as non-carabids (by either the technicians or the taxonomists) are excluded from the dataset.

For convenience, we also add month and year as separate columns from the collectDate, allowing for easy grouping.

beetles <- resolve_taxonomy(sorting, para, expert) %>% 
  mutate(month = lubridate::month(collectDate, label=TRUE),
         year =  lubridate::year(collectDate))

Generate derived richness product

This example focuses on taxonID as the unit of taxonomy, which corresponds to best resolved scientific name. Use morphospecies to focus on species-level (binomal names only), using morphospecies where available and where official classification was only resolved to a higher rank. The latter results in higher observed richness.

richness <- beetles %>%  
  select(taxonID, siteID, collectDate, month, year) %>%
  distinct() %>%
  count(siteID, collectDate, month, year)

## # A tibble: 2,188 x 5
##    siteID collectDate month  year     n
##    <chr>  <date>      <ord> <dbl> <int>
##  1 ABBY   2016-09-13  Sep    2016    14
##  2 ABBY   2016-09-27  Sep    2016    13
##  3 ABBY   2017-05-03  May    2017    10
##  4 ABBY   2017-05-17  May    2017    19
##  5 ABBY   2017-05-31  May    2017    19
##  6 ABBY   2017-06-14  Jun    2017    18
##  7 ABBY   2017-06-28  Jun    2017    22
##  8 ABBY   2017-07-12  Jul    2017    15
##  9 ABBY   2017-07-26  Jul    2017    14
## 10 ABBY   2017-08-09  Aug    2017    11
## # … with 2,178 more rows

Generate derived abundance product

We target a catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) metric for abundance, e.g. to avoid the problem of having contestants have to predict the number of trap nights there will be. (Quite a warranted concern for 2020! Overall variability is over 30%, while 2018 & 2019 it is 22%.) This does suggest the assumption that trapnights are exchangeable, but teams accounting for things like weather on each night could still forecast raw counts and then convert their forecast to this simpler metric.

effort <- field %>% 
  group_by(siteID, collectDate) %>% 
  summarize(trapnights = as.integer(sum(collectDate - setDate)))
  #summarize(trapnights = sum(trappingDays))  ## Has bunch of NAs this way

counts <- sorting %>% 
  mutate(month = lubridate::month(collectDate, label=TRUE),
         year =  lubridate::year(collectDate)) %>%
  group_by(collectDate, siteID, year, month) %>%
    summarize(count = sum(individualCount, na.rm = TRUE))

abund <- counts %>% 
  left_join(effort) %>% 
  mutate(abund = count / trapnights) %>% ungroup()

## # A tibble: 2,280 x 7
##    collectDate siteID  year month count trapnights  abund
##    <date>      <chr>  <dbl> <ord> <dbl>      <int>  <dbl>
##  1 2013-07-01  CPER    2013 Jul       1         14 0.0714
##  2 2013-07-02  DSNY    2013 Jul       0        560 0     
##  3 2013-07-03  CPER    2013 Jul     173        560 0.309 
##  4 2013-07-10  STER    2013 Jul      13        112 0.116 
##  5 2013-07-11  OSBS    2013 Jul       0        560 0     
##  6 2013-07-15  HARV    2013 Jul      51        238 0.214 
##  7 2013-07-16  DSNY    2013 Jul       0        448 0     
##  8 2013-07-16  HARV    2013 Jul      29        189 0.153 
##  9 2013-07-17  CPER    2013 Jul     276        560 0.493 
## 10 2013-07-17  DSNY    2013 Jul       0         60 0     
## # … with 2,270 more rows

Publish the derived data products

Our first product is the derived data for richness and abund. We write the files to disk and publish them under content-based identifier. Using or contentid::resolve(), we could then later resolve these IDs.

readr::write_csv(richness, "products/richness.csv")
readr::write_csv(abund, "products/abund.csv")

publish(c("products/richness.csv", "products/abund.csv"))
## [1] "hash://sha256/280700dbc825b9e87fe9e079172d70342e142913d8fb38bbe520e4b94bf11548"
## [2] "hash://sha256/d91535c5a520319fd1110aaf412fc15881405387a027ccfcb5198cd9b204fd29"

Compute (null model) Forecasts

Baseline forecast

For the groups with only 1 data point we cannot compute sd, let’s use the average sd of all the other data instead as our guess. Note that some months may wind up having caught beetles in the future, even though we have no catch in the data to date. These will end up as NA scores unless we include a mechanism to convert them to estimates (e.g. we should probably estimate a value of 0 for all months for which we have no catch.)

To mimic scoring our forecast, we will remove data from 2019 or later. The actual null forecast should of course omit that filter.

null_richness <- richness %>% 
    filter(year < forecast_year) %>%
  group_by(month, siteID) %>%
  summarize(mean = mean(n, na.rm = TRUE),
            sd = sd(n, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% 
  mutate(sd = replace_na(sd, mean(sd, na.rm=TRUE))) %>% 
  mutate(year = forecast_year)
## `summarise()` regrouping output by 'month' (override with `.groups` argument)
## # A tibble: 270 x 5
##    month siteID  mean    sd  year
##    <ord> <chr>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
##  1 Jan   SJER    3.5   1.29  2019
##  2 Feb   SJER    2.75  0.5   2019
##  3 Feb   STER    1.25  0.5   2019
##  4 Mar   BLAN    2     1.79  2019
##  5 Mar   CLBJ    5     3.16  2019
##  6 Mar   DELA    3     1.79  2019
##  7 Mar   DSNY    8     1.79  2019
##  8 Mar   JERC    4     1.79  2019
##  9 Mar   JORN    2     1.79  2019
## 10 Mar   ORNL    7     2.83  2019
## # … with 260 more rows
null_abund <- abund %>% 
      filter(year < forecast_year) %>%
  group_by(month, siteID) %>%
  summarize(mean = mean(abund, na.rm=TRUE),
            sd = sd(abund, na.rm=TRUE))  %>% 
  mutate(sd = replace_na(sd, mean(sd, na.rm=TRUE))) %>% 
  mutate(year = forecast_year)
## `summarise()` regrouping output by 'month' (override with `.groups` argument)

Publish the forecast products

readr::write_csv(null_richness, "products/richness_forecast.csv")
readr::write_csv(null_abund, "products/abund_forecast.csv")

publish(c("products/richness_forecast.csv", "products/abund_forecast.csv"))
## [1] "hash://sha256/93e741a4ff044319b3288d71c71d4e95a76039bc3656e252621d3ad49ccc8200"
## [2] "hash://sha256/4ff740ac7b0b63b1cc8d102f29d55acb924c3cbfeef67b80c32eefeb590b5bba"

Score the forecast

## predicted_df must have columns: mean, sd, and any grouping variables (siteID, month)
## true_df must have column: 'true' and the same grouping variables with same colname and datatype
score <- function(predicted_df,
                  scoring_fn =  function(x, mu, sigma){ -(mu - x )^2 / sigma^2  - log(sigma)}
  true_df %>% 
  left_join(predicted_df)  %>%
  mutate(score = scoring_fn(true, mean, sd))

Extract the true richnesses for 2019 and compute score:

true_richness <- richness %>%
  filter(year >= forecast_year) %>%
  select(month, siteID, true = n)

richness_score <- score(null_richness, true_richness)

Extract the observed abundance measure (counts/trapnight) for 2019 and compute score

true_abund <- abund %>%
  filter(year >= forecast_year) %>%
  select(month, siteID, true = abund)

abund_score <- score(null_abund, true_abund)

Note that removing NAs in a sum of scores is unfair, as “0” reflects a perfect score.
To avoid this, one option is to compute the mean score across sites:

richness_score %>% summarize(mean_score = mean(score, na.rm= TRUE))
## # A tibble: 1 x 1
##   mean_score
##        <dbl>
## 1      -3.44
abund_score %>% summarize(mean_score = mean(score, na.rm= TRUE))
## # A tibble: 1 x 1
##   mean_score
##        <dbl>
## 1      -11.1

Publish the scores

readr::write_csv(richness_score, "products/richness_score.csv")
readr::write_csv(abund_score, "products/abund_score.csv")

publish(c("products/richness_score.csv", "products/abund_score.csv"))
## [1] "hash://sha256/2f4fc07ab698d6e9ba1ee09c5448d840dfc565a82a4f273f7b8c4175a0b61d85"
## [2] "hash://sha256/596b4d38d8388176ed0eac47f6ed09c62f6514922ec8feda08c7bc8a36f62ca7"

Retreiving products by identifier

Note that publishing a product generates a content-based identifier (simply using the sha256 hash of the file). If the file ever changes, so will this identifier.
We can access any of the files published above using the identifier. Notably, this approach is angostic to the location where the file is stored, and works well with the same file stored in many locations. In particular, we may want to copy these files over to a permanent archive later. By registering that as just another location for the same content, we can always use the same identifier. In this way, this approach is compatible with DOI-based archival repositories, but lets us separate the step of generating and registering the files from permanently archiving them. That way, we can generate millions of copies locally (i.e. in debugging our forecast) but not worry about writing junk to permanent storage before we are ready to do so.

## Now anyone can later resolve these identifiers to download the content, e.g.  
richness_forecast_csv <- contentid::resolve("hash://sha256/92af71bd4837a6720794582b1e7b8970d0f57bf491be4a51e67c835802005960")
richness_forecast <- read_csv(richness_forecast_csv)