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Branch Specification adds a signifiant delay in startup time #123

jtrv opened this issue Aug 23, 2022 · 1 comment

Branch Specification adds a signifiant delay in startup time #123

jtrv opened this issue Aug 23, 2022 · 1 comment
design flaw bad design choice


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jtrv commented Aug 23, 2022

Kakoune was taking ~1.0s to open a blank buffer so I used this script to profile my config and see what was causing the delay.

kak -debug 'profile|shell' -e 'b *debug*'

and I found this:

shell execution took 456969 us (spawn: 88, wait: 456844)
hook 'GlobalSetOption(plug_plugins=... caksoylar/kakoune-focus )' took 0 us
command set-option took 11 us
hook 'GlobalSetOption(focus_separator={Whitespace}────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────)' took 0 us
command declare-option took 9 us
hook 'GlobalSetOption(focus_context_lines=1)' took 0 us
command declare-option took 5 us
command declare-option took 1 us
command declare-option took 1 us
command declare-option took 1 us
command define-command took 4 us
command define-command took 1 us
command define-command took 1 us
command define-command took 1 us
command define-command took 3 us
command alias took 1 us
command alias took 0 us
sourcing '/home/sugimoto/.config/kak/plugins/plug.kak/..//kakoune-focus/focus.kak' took 95 us
command source took 102 us
command map took 4 us
command try took 10 us
sourcing '/home/sugimoto/.config/kak/plugins/plug.kak/..//.build/kakoune-focus/config' took 38 us
command source took 43 us
hook 'GlobalSetOption(plug_loaded_plugins=andreyorst/plug.kak JacobTravers/kampliment nojhan/kalolo evanrelf/number-toggle.kak JacobTravers/kak-rainbower kak-lsp/kak-lsp alexherbo2/window.kak alexherbo2/indent.kak andreyorst/smarttab.kak alexherbo2/alacritty.kak alexherbo2/auto-pairs.kak lePerdu/kakboard eburghar/kakpipe JacobTravers/kakoune-sudo-write delapouite/kakoune-auto-percent eburghar/kakship natasky/kakoune-multi-file delapouite/kakoune-buffers delapouite/kakoune-cd caksoylar/kakoune-focus )' took 0 us
command set-option took 5 us
command evaluate-commands took 186 us
command try took 457186 us
command plug took 457190 us

        # $kak_client
        # $kak_config
        # $kak_opt_plug_always_ensure
        # $kak_opt_plug_git_domain
        # $kak_opt_plug_install_dir
        # $kak_opt_plug_loaded_plugins
        # $kak_opt_plug_max_active_downloads
        # $kak_opt_plug_plugin
        # $kak_opt_plug_plugins
        # $kak_opt_plug_profile
        # $kak_opt_plug_block_ui
        # $kak_opt_plug_report_conf_errors
        # $kak_opt_plug_conf_errors
        # $kak_session

        . "${kak_opt_plug_sh_source}"
        plug "$@"

shell execution took 456969 us this is considerably longer than any other plugin I have installed, for example here is kak-lsp

shell execution took 14917 us (spawn: 124, wait: 14737)
hook 'GlobalSetOption(plug_plugins=... kak-lsp/kak-lsp )' took 0 us
command set-option took 6 us
hook 'GlobalSetOption(lsp_cmd=kak-lsp -s 2748945)' took 0 us
command declare-option took 6 us
command set-face took 2 us
command set-face took 1 us
command set-face took 0 us
command set-face took 0 us
command set-face took 0 us
command set-face took 5 us
command set-face took 0 us
command set-face took 0 us
command set-face took 0 us
command set-face took 0 us
command set-face took 0 us
command set-face took 0 us
command set-face took 0 us
command set-face took 0 us
command set-face took 0 us
command declare-option took 1 us
hook 'GlobalSetOption(lsp_completion_trigger=execute-keys '<a-h><a-k>\S.\z<ret>')' took 0 us
command declare-option took 5 us
hook 'GlobalSetOption(lsp_completion_fragment_start=execute-keys "<esc><a-h>s\$?[\w%opt{lsp_extra_word_chars}]+.\z<ret>")' took 0 us
command declare-option took 5 us
command declare-option took 1 us
command hook took 5 us
hook 'GlobalSetOption(lsp_hover_insert_mode_trigger=execute-keys '<a-f>(s\A[^)]+[)]?\z<ret>')' took 0 us
command declare-option took 5 us
hook 'GlobalSetOption(lsp_insert_spaces=true)' took 0 us
command declare-option took 4 us
command declare-option took 1 us
command declare-option took 7 us
hook 'GlobalSetOption(lsp_hover_max_lines=20)' took 0 us
command declare-option took 8 us
command declare-option took 1 us
command add-highlighter took 12 us
command try took 17 us
command declare-option took 2 us
command declare-option took 1 us
hook 'GlobalSetOption(lsp_diagnostic_line_error_sign=*)' took 0 us
command declare-option took 5 us
hook 'GlobalSetOption(lsp_diagnostic_line_hint_sign=-)' took 0 us
command declare-option took 4 us
hook 'GlobalSetOption(lsp_diagnostic_line_info_sign=i)' took 0 us
command declare-option took 13 us
hook 'GlobalSetOption(lsp_diagnostic_line_warning_sign=!)' took 0 us
command declare-option took 4 us
hook 'GlobalSetOption(lsp_code_lens_sign=>)' took 0 us
command declare-option took 4 us
hook 'GlobalSetOption(lsp_inlay_diagnostic_sign=■)' took 0 us
command declare-option took 4 us
hook 'GlobalSetOption(lsp_inlay_diagnostic_gap=     )' took 0 us
command declare-option took 4 us
hook 'GlobalSetOption(lsp_show_hover_format=
info=$lsp_info \
    diagnostics=$lsp_diagnostics \
    code_lenses=$lsp_code_lenses \
    awk 'BEGIN {
        info = ENVIRON["info"]
        diagnostics = ENVIRON["diagnostics"];
        code_lenses = ENVIRON["code_lenses"];
        max_lines = ENVIRON["kak_opt_lsp_hover_max_lines"];

        r = ""
        lines = 0
        if (diagnostics) {
            r = r "{+b@InfoDefault}Diagnostics{InfoDefault} (shortcut e):\n" diagnostics "\n"
            diagnostics_lines = split(diagnostics, _, /\n/)
            lines += 1 + diagnostics_lines
        if (code_lenses) {
            r = r "Code Lenses available (shortcut l)\n"
        if (ENVIRON["kak_opt_lsp_modeline_code_actions"]) {
            r = r "Code Actions available (shortcut a)\n"

        info_lines = split(info, info_line, /\n/)
        for (i = 1; i <= info_lines && (max_lines <= 0 || i+lines+2 <= max_lines); i++)
            print info_line[i]
        if (i < info_lines || r)
            printf "\n"
        if (i < info_lines)
            printf "{+i@InfoDefault}Hover info truncated, use lsp-hover-buffer (shortcut H) for full info\n"
        printf "%s", r
)' took 0 us
command declare-option took 11 us
hook 'GlobalSetOption(lsp_location_format=...)' took 0 us
command declare-option took 13 us
command define-command took 6 us
command declare-option took 1 us
command declare-option took 0 us
command set-register took 0 us
command evaluate-commands took 23 us

        buffer_dirname=$(dirname "${kak_buffile}")

        if [ -f "${kak_buffile}" ]; then
            newer=$(find "${buffer_dirname}"/".${buffer_basename}.kak."* -newer "${kak_buffile}" -exec ls -1t {} + 2>/dev/null | head -n 1)
            older=$(find "${buffer_dirname}"/".${buffer_basename}.kak."* \! -newer "${kak_buffile}" -exec ls -1t {} + 2>/dev/null | head -n 1)
            # New buffers that were never written to disk.
            newer=$(ls -1t "${buffer_dirname}"/".${buffer_basename}.kak."* 2>/dev/null | head -n 1)

        if [ -z "${newer}" ]; then
            if [ -n "${older}" ]; then
                printf %s\\n "
                    echo -debug Old backup file(s) found: will not restore ${older} .

        printf %s\\n "
            ## Replace the content of the buffer with the content of the backup file
            echo -debug Restoring file: ${newer}

            execute-keys -draft %{%d!cat<space>\"${newer}\"<ret>jd}

            ## If the backup file has to be removed, issue the command once
            ## the current buffer has been saved
            ## If the autorestore_purge_restored option has been unset right after the
            ## buffer was restored, do not remove the backup
            hook -group autorestore buffer BufWritePost '${kak_buffile}' %{
                nop %sh{
                    if [ \"\${kak_opt_autorestore_purge_restored}\" = true ];
                        rm -f \"${buffer_dirname}/.${buffer_basename}.kak.\"*

here is how I have kakoune-focus in my config

plug "caksoylar/kakoune-focus" branch "kak-master" config %{
  map global normal : -docstring "narrow"   ':focus-toggle <ret>'

After testing in hyperfine with the branch spec omitted it looks like the branch spec adds ~300ms startup time, and the profiling without the spec also shows a significant decrease in shell execution bringing it down to a relatively normal execution time.

shell execution took 8898 us (spawn: 66, wait: 8766)
hook 'GlobalSetOption(plug_plugins=... caksoylar/kakoune-focus )' took 0 us
command set-option took 8 us
hook 'GlobalSetOption(focus_separator={Whitespace}────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────)' took 0 us
command declare-option took 12 us
hook 'GlobalSetOption(focus_context_lines=1)' took 0 us
command declare-option took 5 us
command declare-option took 1 us
command declare-option took 1 us
command declare-option took 1 us
command define-command took 3 us
command define-command took 3 us
command define-command took 1 us
command define-command took 1 us
command define-command took 2 us
command alias took 0 us
command alias took 0 us
sourcing '/home/sugimoto/.config/kak/plugins/plug.kak/..//kakoune-focus/focus.kak' took 102 us
command source took 111 us
command map took 3 us
command try took 7 us
sourcing '/home/sugimoto/.config/kak/plugins/plug.kak/..//.build/kakoune-focus/config' took 30 us
command source took 35 us
hook 'GlobalSetOption(plug_loaded_plugins=andreyorst/plug.kak JacobTravers/kampliment gustavo-hms/luar nojhan/kalolo evanrelf/number-toggle.kak JacobTravers/kak-rainbower kak-lsp/kak-lsp alexherbo2/window.kak alexherbo2/indent.kak andreyorst/smarttab.kak alexherbo2/alacritty.kak alexherbo2/auto-pairs.kak lePerdu/kakboard eburghar/kakpipe JacobTravers/kakoune-sudo-write delapouite/kakoune-auto-percent eburghar/kakship natasky/kakoune-multi-file useredsa/dynamic-matching.kak gustavo-hms/peneira delapouite/kakoune-buffers delapouite/kakoune-cd danr/kakoune-easymotion caksoylar/kakoune-focus )' took 0 us
command set-option took 6 us
command evaluate-commands took 180 us
command try took 9102 us
command plug took 9107 us

        # $kak_client
        # $kak_config
        # $kak_opt_plug_always_ensure
        # $kak_opt_plug_git_domain
        # $kak_opt_plug_install_dir
        # $kak_opt_plug_loaded_plugins
        # $kak_opt_plug_max_active_downloads
        # $kak_opt_plug_plugin
        # $kak_opt_plug_plugins
        # $kak_opt_plug_profile
        # $kak_opt_plug_block_ui
        # $kak_opt_plug_report_conf_errors
        # $kak_opt_plug_conf_errors
        # $kak_session

        . "${kak_opt_plug_sh_source}"
        plug "$@"
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I guess this is because the code has to actually check if there's a need to change the branch, then fetch git, and it happens in a subshell, which adds up:


Lines 115 to 125 in d2bde86

if [ -n "$checkout" ]; then
cd "$path_to_plugin" || exit
# shellcheck disable=SC2030,SC2031
if [ "$checkout_type" = "branch" ]; then
[ "$(git branch --show-current)" != "$checkout" ] && git fetch >/dev/null 2>&1
git checkout "$checkout" >/dev/null 2>&1

Not sure if this can be optimized, but if you have any idea, it'd be great!

@andreyorst andreyorst added the design flaw bad design choice label Sep 8, 2022
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