The objective of this exercise use SSL certs in nginx, using secrets.
Generate self signed certs: (check support-files/ directory)
This will create tls.*
Create (tls type) secret for nginx:
kubectl create secret tls nginx-certs --cert=tls.crt --key=tls.key
Examine the secret you just created:
kubectl describe secret nginx-certs
kubectl get secret nginx-certs -o yaml
Create configmap for nginx: (check support-files/ directory)
kubectl create configmap nginx-config --from-file=nginx-connectors.conf
Examine the configmap you just created:
kubectl describe configmap nginx-config
kubectl get configmap nginx-config -o yaml
Create a nginx deployment with SSL support using the secret and config map you created in the previous steps (above): (check support-files/ directory)
kubectl create -f nginx-ssl.yaml
You should be able to see nginx running. Expose it as a service and curl it from your computer. You can also curl it through the multitool pod from within the cluster.