There are many ways to implement a distributed system. One of them is the publish/subscribe model.
Other models are:
- Client/Server;
- Requests/Reply;
- Most common model;
- Limited to 1:1 communication;
- Both participants must be online at the same time;
- Pull-based synchronous communication;
- RPC over full-duplex TCP/IP;
- Supports streaming and asynchronous communication;
- Message Queues.
- Loosely coupled between producers and consumers;
- Different rates of production and consumption - asynchronous;
- Messages typically stored in a queue;
- Producers send messages to queues or topics;
- A consumer or a group of consumers subscribe to a queue or topic, to receive messages;
- Disadvantage: requires a middleware called message broker or mediator (e.g. RabbitMQ, Kafka, ActiveMQ, etc.).
- Each client sends the name of its own response queue to the server in the request message;
- Multiple servers share a single global request queue, allowing them to balance the load.
- An intermediary called message broker or mediator keeps track of the topics and subscribers;
- Each subscriber subscribes to one or more topics;
- Java Message System (JMS);
- Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ);
- Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) - open standard;
- Apache Kafka;
- ZeroMQ - asynchronous messaging framework with low latency;
- Cloud Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS);
- Azure Queue Storage;
- Google Pub/Sub.
Google Cloud Pub/Sub is a fully-managed real-time messaging service that allows you to send and receive messages between independent applications. You can leverage Pub/Sub’s flexibility to decouple systems and components hosted on Google Cloud or elsewhere on the Internet.
The message flow in Google Pub/Sub is as follows:
- The producer chooses a topic which will be the destination of the message;
- The producer sends (publishes) the message to the topic;
- The infrastructure receives the message, assigns an unique ID in the topic and returns it to the producer, as confirmation of the message being published;
- A topic can have one or more subscriptions; each message published in a topic is replicated to all queues subscribed to that topic;
- The messages can be delivered to the subscribers in two ways:
- Pull - the subscriber pulls the messages from the topic;
- Push - the messages are pushed to the subscriber.
- The subscriber receives the message and sends an acknowledgement to the infrastructure;
- The acknowledgement needs to be sent within a deadline defined in the subscription;
- If the deadline is exceeded, the message is sent again to the subscriber; this way, the message is guaranteed to be delivered at least once.
- Each message published in topic 1, is replicated to all subscriptions of topic 1;
- Each message published in topic 2 is only read by one consumer, since there is only one subscription to topic 2;
- Fan-out pattern - the messages are replicated to all subscribers; one subscription per consumer;
- Work queue pattern - work is distributed among multiple workers; one subscription to all workers;
Topic - a named resource to which messages are sent by publishers;
- topic ID, e.g.
; - topic name, e.g.
- topic ID, e.g.
Schema - a description of the format of the data to be published to a topic; the schema is optional;
- schema ID, e.g.
; - schema name, e.g.
; - schema type, e.g.
; the schema type determines the format of the message payload; - schema definition, e.g.
{"type": "string"}
- schema ID, e.g.
Message - a combination of data and attributes that a publisher sends to a topic and is eventually delivered to subscribers;
- payload/data, e.g.
{"name": "John"}
; if empty, the message must contain non-empty attributes; - attributes, e.g.
{"age": "30"}
; the attributes are optional and contain metadata about the message; if its empty, the message must contain non-empty data; - message ID, e.g.
; the message ID is assigned by the infrastructure when the message is published; unique within the topic; it must not be populated by the publisher; - publishTime; it must not be populated by the publisher;
- orderingKey.
- payload/data, e.g.
Subscription - represents intention of receiving messages in a topic;
- subscription ID, e.g.
; - subscription name, e.g.
; - delivery type, e.g.
; the delivery type determines how the messages are delivered to the subscriber; - message retention duration; default is 7 days;
- acknowledgement deadline; default is 10 seconds;
- message queue;
- filter messages by attributes;
- order messages by ordering key - marks the messages with a key and the messages with the same key are delivered to the subscriber in the order they were published.
Exactly Once Delivery
- the message is delivered just once to the subscriber, even if the acknowledgement is not sent within the deadline, it will not be sent again;Dead Letter
- if active, the messages that are not acknowledged within the deadline are sent to a dead letter topic;
- subscription ID, e.g.
Acknowledgement - a signal sent from the subscriber to the infrastructure, to indicate that the subscriber has received and processed a message;
- If its positive, the message is removed from the subscription;
- If its negative or not sent within the deadline, the message is sent again to the subscription, according to the retry policy.
Use case | Large volume of data | Cloud Functions, App Engine, Cloud Run |
Load balancing | Multiple subscribers can pull messages from the same subscription | The push endpoint can be a load balancer |
The message is sent to the subscriber by the infrastructure, using a POST request to the push endpoint defined in the subscription.
- Decoupling between producers and consumers;
- Different rates of production and consumption - asynchronous;
- One or more consumers can subscribe to a topic;
- Reliability - the messages are not guaranteed to be delivered for the publishers;
- Potencial bottleneck - the message broker can become a bottleneck if the number of messages is too high;
- Security - the messages are not encrypted by default.
// Create a topic
TopicName topicName = TopicName.of(PROJECT_ID, TOPIC_ID);
TopicAdminClient topicAdminClient = TopicAdminClient.create();
Topic topic = topicAdminClient.createTopic(topicName);
// List topics in a project
ProjectName projectName = ProjectName.of(PROJECT_ID);
TopicAdminClient.ListTopicsPagedResponse res = topicAdminClient.listTopics(projectName);
for (Topic t : res.iterateAll()) {
// Create a subscription
SubscriptionName subscriptionName = SubscriptionName.of(PROJECT_ID, SUBSCRIPTION_ID);
SubscriptionAdminClient subscriptionAdminClient = SubscriptionAdminClient.create();
PushConfig pushConfig = PushConfig.getDefaultInstance();
subscriptionAdminClient.createSubscription(subscriptionName, topicName, pushConfig, 0); // default ack deadline is 10 seconds
// Publish a message
Publisher publisher = Publisher.newBuilder(topicName).build();
String message = "Hello World!";
ByteString data = ByteString.copyFromUtf8(message);
PubsubMessage pubsubMessage = PubsubMessage.newBuilder()
.putAttributes("key", "value")
ApiFuture<String> messageIdFuture = publisher.publish(pubsubMessage);
String messageId = messageIdFuture.get();
// Create a subscriber
ProjectSubscriptionName subscriptionName = ProjectSubscriptionName.of(PROJECT_ID, SUBSCRIPTION_ID);
ExecutorProvider executorProvider = InstantiatingExecutorProvider.newBuilder().setExecutorThreadCount(1).build();
Subscriber subscriber = Subscriber.newBuilder(subscriptionName, new MessageReceiveHandler()).setExecutorProvider(executorProvider).build();
subscriber.startAsync().awaitRunning(); // to terminate: subscriber.stopAsync().awaitTerminated();
// MessageReceiveHandler
public class MessageReceiveHandler implements MessageReceiver {
public void receiveMessage(PubsubMessage message, AckReplyConsumer consumer) {
System.out.println("Received message: " + message.getData().toStringUtf8());