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Releases: altair-graphql/altair


12 Jun 00:25
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  • Merge pull request #284 from imolorhe/staging: ce81b08
  • Fix(package): update marked to version 0.4.0: 0b4700a
  • Chore(package): update electron-prebuilt-compile to version 2.0.2: 69e1f8f
  • Added error log in GQL service. Closes #299.: 5356ff5
  • Chore(package): update @types/node to version 10.3.0: 1c1900a
  • Chore(package): update @types/jasmine to version 2.8.8: a0ef7dc
  • Merge pull request #302 from imolorhe/greenkeeper/@types/node-10.3.0: 8f9ebb7
  • Merge pull request #303 from imolorhe/greenkeeper/@types/jasmine-2.8.8: 74646a6
  • Added interface and interface implementations in doc viewer. Added all types in typeMap to search index. Closes #306.: ff37bd5
  • Added functionality to set special headers in electron main process. Closes #304.: 2dfb1f0
  • Made doc viewer into an independent column. Closes #293.: a0a9384
  • Added flex resizer component. Implemented resizer for doc viewer component.: 880b53c
  • Implemented query editor resizing. Closes #294.: e57a6bc
  • Added setting for tab size. Closes #310.: ec683f9
  • Fixed broken test.: 1463e2e


20 May 20:12
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  • Added functionality to import query from a cURL command.: 91f6e04
  • Added aria-label attribute.: 911d8b3
  • Fixed broken specs.: 0041c5b
  • Update issue templates: b17df86
  • Update 5fc5dac
  • Updated README file.: ec4f9e1
  • Chore(package): update karma-coverage-istanbul-reporter to version 2.0.0: e49f21c
  • Trimmed url value. Closes #286.: e3d4d13
  • Implemented electron touchbar functionality. Created electron app service. Added jshint config.: 462413a
  • Updated specs.: a86d1be
  • Increased query history depth to 50 for electron app.: 02c81ae


12 May 21:27
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  • Fix(package): update @ngrx/effects to version 5.2.0: d7be4de
  • Fix(package): update @ngrx/store to version 5.2.0: eeeb06a
  • Fix(package): update @ngrx/store-devtools to version 5.2.0: 24c2803
  • Chore(package): update electron-prebuilt-compile to version 1.8.4: e4f7c3b
  • Fix(package): update @ngx-translate/http-loader to version 3.0.0: be43bb5
  • Fixed bug where a new window is created when altair mac app is activated from dock. Closes #264.: 9f61f40
  • Converted altair-express-middleware to typescript.: c4c93fd
  • Added typescript as devDependency for altair-express-middleware.: b6fc62f
  • Fixed bug in altair-express-middleware package.: 9293898
  • Chore(package): update ts-node to version 6.0.0: 3d2edfb
  • Fix(package): update @angular/cdk to version 5.2.5: fd06fe4
  • Update to node 10 in .travis.yml: 9e60450
  • Chore(package): update @types/node to version 10.0.3: a480205
  • Chore(package): update @types/jasmine to version 2.8.7: ac709ed
  • Fix(package): update @angular/platform-server to version 6.0.0: 6bb12dc
  • Fix(package): update @angular/router to version 6.0.0: 36c9709
  • Added functionality to open parent type in a doc viewer search result. Closes #277.: 26940cd
  • Updated the node engine version in package.json.: 6fa43f4
  • Changed node version in travis yml to 9: a27ae40
  • Updated readme. Changed ngx-electron to use forked repo.: bff5db7
  • Updated yarn.lock file.: a01c48e
  • Fix(package): update ngx-contextmenu to version 5.0.0: 424392f
  • Replaced npm with yarn in travis.yml.: f7a91b6
  • Updated ngx-electron package.: 7886a9c
  • Added node version 10 in travis yml file.: e1d7608
  • Changed node version back to 9.: 906d1da
  • Updated spec.: ddc9133
  • Updated jasmine-core.: 8572682
  • Updated karma and jasmine dependencies.: 9675660
  • Removed toPayload from effects: b4d3d74
  • Added altair-static package.: ce1d130
  • Updated altair-static and altair-express-middleware packages.: 95f6f04
  • Updated packages.: baf8c4f
  • Updated to v1.7.1: b21a593


28 Mar 10:02
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  • Added introspection query for older GraphQL servers.: 72ccce3


26 Mar 13:52
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  • Added aria-label attribute.: cd15cc5
  • Changed aria-label to attr.aria-label.: 5fa1e02
  • Add toggle command feature: ded18cf
  • Chore(package): update @types/node to version 9.6.0: cdb6838
  • Fix(package): update graphql-query-compress to version 1.0.0: 7e0a8a9
  • Upgraded altair-express-middleware.: 1c1edc2
  • Added overflow style to subscription container. Closes #254. Used introspection query from graphql-js. Closes #256.: 0ee0b38


17 Mar 20:33
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  • Added Z-index for container to allow Download Link to be clickable: 443daa4
  • I18n - Add chinese to import/export window keys: 6d96398
  • Chore(package): update electron-prebuilt-compile to version 1.8.3: 797fca9
  • Merge pull request #246 from imolorhe/greenkeeper/electron-prebuilt-compile-1.8.3: f29c5a1
  • Fix(package): update graphql to version 0.13.2: d4dbd75
  • Merge pull request #248 from imolorhe/greenkeeper/graphql-0.13.2: e253fa3
  • Added option for users to adjust the depth limit for the add query functionality. Closes #245. Updated graphql-query-compress. Closes #247.: fa62635


12 Mar 09:55
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  • Updated z-index on doc-view component to keep the scrollbar above the results panel: a79a36c
  • Changed z-index to 7 to ensure it's on top: 55c00c2
  • Fix(package): update @angular/cdk to version 5.2.4: ef1f14f
  • Merge pull request #232 from sganz/staging: 3ef34e6
  • Merge pull request #233 from imolorhe/greenkeeper/@angular/cdk-5.2.4: 2261479
  • Added reducer logic for SET_HEADERS action. Closes #237.: cbb964b


03 Mar 22:49
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  • Changed mac unique term to dmg: 0faaab4
  • Docs(readme): add Greenkeeper badge: 00e78f0
  • Downgraded some packages to stable versions.: 5d80fe1
  • Increased top of query result textarea.: 4acc92d
  • Completed initial release of altair-express-middleware package.: 68e3715
  • Added npm badge to altair-express-middleware.: 66ee282
  • Updated README with npm package details.: fb0e2da
  • Added other altair features to docs.: 1232756
  • Added express dependency for altair-express-middleware.: 275db4b
  • Updated docs with Github star and opencollective donate buttons.: 5bcb501
  • Added donation component.: 109546a
  • Added donate button in updated page.: 4877423
  • Upgraded to v1.6.6: f7a4416

[email protected]

03 Mar 22:44
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21 Feb 19:18
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  • Upgraded to v1.6.4: 4ca30ed
  • Absolutely positioned editors to improve layout update.: 8a12b12