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$ npm install --save qase-core-reporter


Create a new Qase JS reporter in minutes by leveraging this core reporter. Use Qase core reporter with test framework custom reporter hooks

import {
} from "qase-core-reporter";

const reporterOptions: QaseOptions = {
  // expected options, provided by reporter user
  apiToken: 'lknkldnfknobek'
  projectCode: 'DH'

const qaseCoreReporterOptions: QaseCoreReporterOptions = {
  // expected core options, provider by reporter developer
  frameworkName: 'vitest',
  reporterName: 'vitest-qase-reporter'

// Initialize Core reporter with expected params
const reporter = new QaseCoreReporter(reporterOptions, qaseCoreReporterOptions);

// On start hook

// On test results
reporter.addTestResult(test: TestResult, status, attachments);

// On end/complete hook
reporter.end({ spawn: false }); // spawn true will finish reporting in a child process

Reporter Options

reporter(qaseOptions, qaseCoreReporterOptions) ⇒ QaseCoreReporter

Param Type Required Description
qaseOptions object yes boolean no Whether or not to enable reporter
qaseOptions.apiToken string yes Qase api key
qaseOptions.projectCode string yes Qase project ID
qaseOptions.basePath string no Qase API base url
qaseOptions.rootSuiteTitle string no The root suite that unknown test cases will be added to
qaseOptions.runId string no Qase run ID, if you want results to be posted to a specific run
qaseOptions.logging boolean no Whether or not to output Qase logs while testing and reporting
qaseOptions.runComplete boolean no Whether or not to complete a test run when results are posted
qaseOptions.environmentId string no Qase environment ID
qaseOptions.runDescription string no Qase run custom description
qaseOptions.runName string no Qase run custom name
qaseCoreReporterOptions object yes
qaseCoreReporterOptions.frameworkName string yes Test automation framework/package name
qaseCoreReporterOptions.reporterName string yes Current qase reporter package name
qaseCoreReporterOptions.uploadAttachments boolean no Wether or not to upload attachments
qaseCoreReporterOptions.screenshotFolder string no Folder to find screenshots with Qase ID in file name
qaseCoreReporterOptions.videoFolder string no Folder to find videos with Qase ID in file name
qaseCoreReporterOptions.loadConfig boolean no Whether or not to also load reporter options from qase.config.json or .qaserc

API (public methods)

Method Description
start() Check if reporting is enabled, check project and create run if needed
addTestResult(test, status, attachments) Parse and save test results for publishing
end({spawn: true/false}) Upload attachments if needed and map to existing results, send results as BulkCreate, complete run if specified
uploadAttachments(attachments) Upload attachments based on file path and return attachment hashes for test results

Qase Reporter Environmental Variables

Qase environmental variables are first class options, which means the user can change all default/static reporter options by using these variables.

Variable Type Description
QASE_REPORT boolean Whether or not to enable reporter
QASE_API_TOKEN string Qase api key
QASE_API_BASE_URL string Qase API base url
QASE_PROJECT_CODE string Qase project ID
QASE_RUN_ID string Qase run ID, if you want results to be posted to a specific run
QASE_RUN_NAME string Qase run custom name
QASE_RUN_DESCRIPTION string Qase run custom description
QASE_RUN_COMPLETE string Whether or not to complete a test run when results are posted
QASE_ENVIRONMENT_ID string Qase environment ID
QASE_ROOT_SUITE_TITLE string The root suite that unknown test cases will be added to
QASE_UPLOAD_ATTACHMENTS string Whether or not to upload attachments
QASE_LOGGING boolean Whether or not to output Qase logs while testing and reporting