This is just a test or POC using a combination of tools like: AWK, K8s and Terraform.
The code will deploy a managed K8s in AWS and create two nginx deployment: one for private connections and one for public connections.
Public Nginx's deployment will be depend on the staus of the Private nginx.
- 2 highly available nginx service in cluster on Kubernetes.
- The first
will be reachable from the public internet (public
) and the second one just be reachable inside the cluster (private
). - A new release of the ngnix will trigger the private to deploy first and public to deploy after.
- Deployment will always be Private -> Public.
- Install AWS CLI "".
- Create a terraform user from the AWS console with AccessKey auth only.
- Create new Security Credential from the account in AWS. Take Note of them.
- Use them to run "aws configure" from the AWS CLI.
- Create a first S3 bucket using AWS CLI. This will be used by terraform to preserve the remote state.
aws s3api create-bucket --bucket "my-terraform-bucket-alef" --region "eu-west-1" --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=eu-west-1
- Go in folder "terraform_infrastructure" and run "terraform apply" -> This will create an example of the kubeconfig file in the terraform's folder. You can use it to configure kubectl in another shell.
- Go in folder "terraform_k8s_config" and run "terraform apply"
In case of name conflict issues. change the "name_prefix" in the for "terraform_infrastructure".